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Chemistry Online Tutorials: more detail | ||||
81. On-Line Learning True science teaches, above all, to doubt and to be ignorant Miguel de Unamuno.chemistry Division Homepage. This page has been viewed times since 12/03/98. http://www.shu.ac.uk/schools/sci/chem/tutorials/ | |
82. NCSU NMR TUTORIALS NMR usage tutorial, how to prepare a sample, how to do simplex experiments. http://www.ncsu.edu/chemistry/nmr/HTML_FILES/Tutorials.html | |
83. Free Online Courses And Tutorials For Everyone! Thousands of links to free online courses, tutorials, tests, and tips. Learn about computers, language, business, construction, sports, gardening, medicine and much more. http://www.docnmail.com/ | |
84. Electronic Data Collection For Academic Science Laboratories Information on networked data collection systems, associated measurement tools, technical specifications, tutorials and sample experiments, for university and secondary school chemistry laboratories, from manufacturer in Cincinnati, OH. http://www.measurenet-tech.com/ | |
85. Interactive Tutorials Interactive tutorials. Study Questions Quizzes and tutorials. Organic chemistry Educational Resources chemistry Department Home chemistry Undergrad Home http://lrc-srvr.mps.ohio-state.edu/under/chemed/chemed.htm | |
86. Chemistry Education - Teaching Chemistry - Academic Info Organic chemistry online Tutorial This tutorial consists of a series of shortreviews, followed by problems and exercises on that topic By Paul R. Young http://www.academicinfo.net/chemed.html | |
87. Welcome To City Collegiate Providing free education in the field of chemistry, physics, information technology. Lists available tutorials and courses covering Internet related and conventional subjects. http://www.citycollegiate.com |
88. Bryn Mawr College Organic Chemistry Lab Web Page Site of Maryellen NerzStormes Ph.D., Senior Laboratory Lecturer at Bryn Mawr College. Contains tutorials and study aids for students studying organic chemistry. http://www.brynmawr.edu/Acads/Chem/mnerzsto/ | |
89. Jordan Automations A collection of high voltage electronics, chemistry, and other miscelanious science experiments and tutorials. http://www.jordanautomations.com | |
90. Sci Techiques Mass Spec Archives of forum, with categories for groups, troubleshooting, tutorials, professional, societies, listservers, journals, companies, supplies and services, maintained at Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta. http://www.chemistry.gatech.edu/stms/ | |
91. Chemistry Department At Okanagan University College Offers a major degree, an Environmental chemistry degree, as well as general degrees with other departments. Faculty, programs, periodic table database, tutorials and papers, courses and facilities. http://www.ouc.bc.ca/chem/ | |
92. Math Skills For Chemistry Tutorials Links to resources on algebra, significant figures, ratios and proportions, and metric system. http://w3.nai.net/~bobsalsa/math_skills_for_chemistry_tutori.htm |
93. Introduction To SciFinder Scholar Interactive Training interactive tutorials provide handson practice using SciFinder Scholar to locateinformation to answer questions commonly encountered in. General chemistry http://www.cas.org/SCIFINDER/SCHOLAR/interact/ | |
94. Organic Chemistry OnLine There are four links from the Organic chemistry online homepage. Those linking tothe chemistry content are to an online tutorial and to the Organic Home Page. http://dbweb.liv.ac.uk/ltsnpsc/webrevs/5orgonli.htm | |
95. Chemistry Software To Help Chemistry Students Windows multimedia program that includes the topics covered in an introductory chemistry class, with tutorials, practice problems and reviews for high school, college, or homeschool students. Ordering information, reviews and screen shots available. http://riessoftware.com | |
96. Computational Chemistry And Organic Synthesis A tutorial intended for experimental organic chemists, with emphasis on computational methods for locating and characterizing transition states. http://www.cmbi.kun.nl/tutorials/cheminf/mopac/comp.html | |
98. Chemteam tutorials for high school chemistry, including a short tutorial on bonding concepts. http://dbhs.wvusd.k12.ca.us/ChemTeamIndex.html |
99. Home Computer based learning for students of biology, biochemistry and chemistry and related subjects. http://www.pythia.co.uk | |
100. Learn Chemistry - Organic, Physical & AP Help, Article, Chemistry Tutorials, Qui tutorials, tests, problems, and tools for learning basic and organic chemistry. http://www.learnchem.net | |
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