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1. General Chemistry Online: Tutorials, Drills, And Quizzes Sign up for a free monthly newsletter describing updates, new features, and changeson this site. Details. General Chemistry Online! Quiz and Tutorial Index. http://antoine.frostburg.edu/chem/senese/101/tutorials/index.shtml | |
2. General Chemistry Online: Tutorials, Drills, And Quizzes Interactive tutorials and quizzes for students of introductory chemistry. Details. General Chemistry Online! Quiz and Tutorial Index Last Revised 02/28/04.URL http//antoine.frostburg.edu/chem/senese/ 101/tutorials/index.shtml http://antoine.frostburg.edu/chem/senese/101/tutorials | |
3. The Yale Center For Media Initiatives Title Organic and General chemistry online tutorials Authors Professors ChristineDiMeglio and Narasimhan Ganapathi, Yale Department of Chemistry Format http://cmi.yale.edu/html/case_chemistry.html | |
4. Tutorials-2 chemical equations 2 (Aufbau1) interactive tutorial on balancing (GCSE chemistry)what is a York) stoichiometry notes (Erik) stoichiometry online (GSU) Lucid http://www.chemistrycoach.com/tutorials-2.htm |
5. General Chemistry Online: Home Rich resource for students and teachers of introductory chemistry. Includes interactive course guides and tutorials, an exam survival guide, reference tables, selfgrading quizzes and exams, a searchable glossary, a question and answer board, answers to over 300 frequently asked questions, and a chemical trivia quiz. http://antoine.frostburg.edu/chem/senese/101/index.shtml | |
6. General Chemistry Online Home tutorials Index of selfguided tutorials, quizzes, and drills on specific ChemistryExam Survival Guide Skills checklists and online self-grading http://antoine.frostburg.edu/chem/senese/101/ |
7. Tutorials For Chemistry 700 online tutorials organized into 40 subject matter categories. Suitable for high school or first year college chemistry. http://www.chemistrycoach.com/tutorial.htm | |
8. MCH Multimedia - Developers Of Interactive Educational Software Award winning tutorials in chemistry, organic chemistry, physical chemistry and physics. Downloadable demos, online tutorials and CDROMs available. http://www.mchmultimedia.com | |
9. Free-Ed.Net Course Content Free online courses, tutorials, and activities in Inorganic chemistry. http://www.free-ed.net/catalog/crsemain.asp?nC=8&nD=4&nO=3 |
10. Chemistry Teaching Resources - Courses And Tutorials Texts On The Web General chemistry online! A webenabled course in general chemistry which includes examsurvival guide, interactive programmed learning tutorials, and virtual http://www.anachem.umu.se/cgi-bin/pointer.exe?Courses |
11. Chemistry Library At The University Of Illinois At Urbana-Champaign online resources include links to journals, databases, and other Web tools, overviews of the collections, statistics, and tutorials and other help materials for searching chemical literature. http://door.library.uiuc.edu/chx/ |
12. CMBI - World Wide Web Tutorials These online tutorials are available for anyone to browse, but we know from yearsof experience teaching computational biology and chemistry courses at the http://www.cmbi.kun.nl/edu/webtutorials/ | |
13. Learn Chemistry Tutorials - Tutorials Index news about us contact us tutorials index organic chemistry practice tests online quizzes reference tools site copyright (c) 2002 to boeschcomputing http://www.learnchem.net/tutorials/ | |
14. Free Online Chemistry Courses And Tutorials Thomson Learning. Rader s chemistry 4 Kids by Chem4Kids.com. CHEM4KIDS chemistryResearch destination. chemistry Tutorial by University of Arizona. http://www.docnmail.com/learnmore/chemistry.htm | |
15. Free Online Medical Chemistry Courses And Tutorials Career Training Degrees in Nursing Medical.Please click here to visit our sponsor. http://www.docnmail.com/learnmore/medical/chemistry.htm | |
16. Online Surface Science Tutorials And Lecture Courses Complete online Lecture Courses. Spectroscopies for Surface Characterisation JJ Weimer,chemistry/Chemical try the index of available tutorials below, this is http://www.uksaf.org/tutorials.html | |
17. Science Education Resources Tutor Think Quest chemistry Tutorial chemistry tutorials - Wilton High SchoolElemental Data Index Equation Balancer for chemistry General chemistry online. http://www.khake.com/page86.html |
18. Cornell University Physical Sciences Library Reference and instruction resources include tutorials on database use, information literacy for scientists, and tools in the physics and chemistry; library information, and links to online journals and the catalog. http://www.library.cornell.edu/psl/ | |
19. Tutorials Examine all of the Haloalkanes section in Teaching with Chime ; Go to the Universityof Illinois, Chicago, Organic chemistry online tutorial, and pick http://www.chem.ucalgary.ca/courses/357/teaching/tutorial.html | |
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