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81. Nat'l Academies Press, Arsenic In Drinking Water (1999), Front Matter Open Book; from the Commission on Life Sciences (US). Includes sections on chemistry, health effects, biomarkers, and variation in human sensitivity. http://books.nap.edu/books/0309063337/html/R1.html | |
82. All About The Water Supply In Perth, Australia Articles concerning where the mains water supply comes from as well as information on dams and water chemistry. http://viacorp.com/perth_water.html/ | |
83. 95.05.02: Dewey And Chemistry: The Water Cycle Revisited YaleNew Haven Teachers Institute, Home. Dewey and chemistry The water CycleRevisited. by Stephen Beasley-Murray. Contents of Curriculum Unit 95.05.02 http://www.yale.edu/ynhti/curriculum/units/1995/5/95.05.02.x.html | |
84. Ian West's Aquaria And Pufferfish Site Contains profiles on saltwater and freshwater species, general information, suitable tank mates and frequently asked questions. Includes articles on water chemistry, plants and culturing snails as live food and a brackish water FAQ. http://www.pufferfish.co.uk/ | |
85. Pond Water Chemistry Pond water chemistry. by Norm Meck Koi Club of San Diego © 1996. http://www.vcnet.com/koi_net/H2Oquality.html | |
86. Betta Finny Fun Information on water chemistry, care, and advice about the various foods available for feeding these fish. Also includes the stock shop of a breeder in New Hampshire. http://bettafinnyfun.com/ |
87. Computational Chemistry - CHARMM Water Tutorial (Page 3) The CHARMM waterBox Tutorial. Streaming/Working with Files. First, we llwant water - Oxygen Atom RESI H2O 0.0 ! water Model ATOM OH2 http://persweb.wabash.edu/facstaff/fellers/tutorial/water_tutorial/page_3.html | |
88. Wastewater Engineering Or Wastewater Treatment Engineering Wastewater engineers providing affordable, turnkey waste water treatment systems. Manufacture of equipment and chemistry to treat industrial wastewater streams. Haul away, ultrafiltration, evaporation, wastewater disposal. http://www.wastewatereng.com/ | |
89. Chlorine Chemistry Council Water Relief Network - C3.orgCCC Chlorine chemistry Council ® water Relief Network ®. No. 3, 19992000,HIGHLIGHTS. Letter from the Executive Director; Our Role in http://c3.org/partnerships/wrn/year3/ | |
90. Detergent Chemistry: Properties Of Water Several of the important properties of water can be summarised as follows PhysicalProperties of water Compared with Those of Other Compounds. Table One. http://www.chemistry.co.nz/propwat.htm | |
91. African Rift Lake Chemistry Archive of newsgroup messages pertaining to cichlids and water chemistry. http://www.thekrib.com/Plants/CO2/rift.html | |
92. Detergent Chemistry: Surfactants Surface Active Agents. The information on the properties of water previously,provides background for a discussion of the properties of surfactants. http://www.chemistry.co.nz/surfactants.htm | |
93. Home Page Of Jasminko Karanjac Software combines a relational data base and a Ground water Information System (GWIS). Applications include mapping, well logs, aquifer test analysis, and plotting of water chemistry data. http://www.geocities.com/karanjac | |
94. Water chemistry II water and organic molecules. chemistry II water and OrganicMolecules is a chapter of the OnLine Biology Book, provided http://bioresearch.ac.uk/browse/mesh/C0043047L0043047.html | |
95. Dial Cordy And Associates Inc. Employee owned corporation offering environmental consulting services involving natural sciences (including ecology, biology, geology, and chemistry) and regulatory affairs, particularly for planning and water resources applications. Southeastern United States locations. http://www.dialcordy.com/ | |
96. K-9 To K-12 CHEMISTRY GCSE Water - Carbon - Nitrogen Cycle water, Carbon and Nitrogen Cycles. water Cycle. Carbon Cycle. NitrogenCycle. The Atmosphere. The Earth. Contents The Periodic Table Index. http://www.gcsechemistry.com/xw.htm | |
97. Breeding Rosy Barbs And Swordtails Articles contain basic information on water chemistry, setups and fry care. http://maximwebsite.tripod.com/old.html | |
98. CASTion: A Leader In Zero Discharge Industrial Waste & Chemistry Recovery System Recovers industrial wastewater and chemistry from hazardous waste and process effluents. Zerodischarge system reclaims chemicals and water to reduce RCRA hazardous treatment permits. http://www.castion.com/ | |
99. Water Science Forum members involved in the management of water and to safeguard the public interestin all matters concerning the practice of chemistry in waterrelated industries http://www.rsc.org/lap/rsccom/dab/scaf015.htm | |
100. Diagnostic Guide To Identifying Disease Among Goldfish Common and not so common ailments are included, plus problems caused by incorrect water chemistry. http://www.goldfishinfo.com/identify.htm | |
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