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1. FECS Homepage European Chemical Societies and Professional institutions (FECS) is McEwan, RoyalSociety of chemistry, Burlington House 44 (0) 20 78883, Email mcewane@rsc.org. http://www.chemsoc.org/networks/enc/fecs.htm | |
2. SETAC HOMEPAGE SETAC is an independent, nonprofit professional society that provides a forum for individuals and institutions engaged in Study of environmental issues, management and conservation of natural resources, environmental education, and environmental research and development. http://www.setac.org/ | |
3. Online Chemistry Journals 2001) http//www.e-polymers.org/ Electroanalysis ( 1998-) http//www3 synergy.com/member/institutions/ issuelist.asp?journal=jnc. Journal of organic chemistry ( 1936-) http//pubs http://www.lib.duke.edu/chem/ejournal.htm | |
4. 1st FECS European Chemistry Congress Chemical Societies and Professional institutions, President Professor Gábor RoyalSociety of chemistry; Gesellschaft Deutscher Email mcewane@rsc.org, www.fecs http://www.chemsoc.org/networks/enc/fecs/congress.htm | |
5. Chemistry for chemistry and chemists in the U.K. Basically, a wellordered links page featuring academic institutions, chemical .edu/afs/athena/org/t/techreview/www/ articles http://www.lcc.ukf.net/links/links16.htm | |
6. Prfgrant.html Only faculty at US institutions may apply for Type G grants. http://www.chemistry.org/portal/a/c/s/1/acsdisplay.html?DOC=prf\prfgrant.html |
7. Prospective Undergraduate Student Information UNC home. The following are NC Community College System elective courses approved for transfer. to any of the 16 institutions of the University of North Carolina. chemistry. Course Abbrev CHM. 130. Gen, org, Biochemistry. 3. Prerequisites NoneCorequisites None This course http://www.ga.unc.edu/student_info/caa/electives/chemist.htm | |
8. High School Web Sites Secondary Education institutions And Their chemistry Department Web Pages.(All links to external sites will open in a separate browser window). http://www.thecatalyst.org/hschools.html |
9. Search Results For "chemistry" Directory lists chemistry resources, including academic institutions, publications, study guides, and commercial and afs/athena.mit.edu/org/c/chemistry/www/ chemhome.html http://www.geocities.com/alyaa97/chemistry.html | |
10. Postdoctoral Program In Environmental Chemistry institutions are expected to pay any fringe benefits above the and Henry Dreyfus PostdoctoralProgram in Environmental chemistry. or email at admin@dreyfus.org http://www.dreyfus.org/ep.shtml | |
11. Faculty Start-up Grants For Undergraduate Institutions reviewed by distinguished faculty in the field of chemistry. 1760 or email at admin@dreyfus.org. FacultyStartup Grant Program for Undergraduate institutions. http://www.dreyfus.org/su.shtml | |
12. International Union Of Pure And Applied Chemistry institutions and laboratories, or scientific societies, support IUPAC financially and provide input to the Bureau on subjects of concern to industry. The Committee on chemistry Intern. org. http://www.iupac.org/links/ca.html | |
13. Boycott Israeli Academic And Research Institutions: Open Letter Anantharamiah, Srinidhi, Economics Professor, Various institutions Brevard County,Florida. Brown, Stewart A., Emeritus Professor of chemistry, Trent University http://www.academicboycott.org/ | |
14. Curricular Resources In Chemistry Wide Web Virtual Library chemistry This metalist has links to academic and profit/notfor profit institutions; gopher, ftp, and chemistry newsgroups, and http://www.cln.org/subjects/chemistry_cur.html | |
15. Journal List This is a master journal list of all the journals covered for the ISI Essential Science Indicators Web product. Space Science HighImpact institutions, 1993-2003. Hot Paper in chemistry chemistry. BULL SOC CHIM FR 2-CH MOL org. chemistry. BULL SOC CHIM FRANCE http://www.in-cites.com/journal-list | |
16. ISEP Institutions indicates institutions offering summer programs. Divisions Biology, Business Administration,chemistry, Economics, Health Sciences, History, Law, Linguistics http://www.isep.org/nus/germany/ | |
17. BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (B.S.) DEGREE IN CHEMISTRY Chem 401 (Inorganic chemistry)3chemistry Elective4Chem 433 or 451 (org Analysis or Mod Phys Chem 6 units of American History and institutions, etc. if CSUN work is http://www.csun.edu/~hfchm006/chmbscss.pdf |
18. ISEP Institutions not less, as in most Mexican institutions. chemical engineering, pharmacy, food chemistry);Education; Engineering http//www.edumexico.org/ Course Information. http://www.isep.org/nus/mexico/ | |
19. Western Association Of Schools ACCREDITED institutions. Fax (415) 8343300; www.act-sf.org Independent, professional Accred.chemistry, Engineering (aeronautics, chemical, engineering science http://www.wascweb.org/senior/directories.htm | |
20. Monday - June 07, 2004 - Science Calendar events sponsored by the JHMI and other Hopkinsaffiliated institutions and is Development517 PCTB Sponsored by Biophysics and Biophysical chemistry, 410-614 http://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/scical/sci_calendar.cfm | |
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