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1. Medicinal Chemistry Informatics Chemistry; Synthetic Organic Chemistry; Research Databases. General. Research InterestOrganizations; Misc. Information; Chemical Informatics; Online Magazines http://wings.buffalo.edu/academic/department/pharmacy/mch/public_html/informatic | |
2. Hackberry.chem.niu.edu/ Combinatorial Chemical Information The Chemical Information (CINF) Division is planning a series of sessions on Combinatorialchemistry informatics at the fall ACS meeting in New Orleans (August http://hackberry.chem.niu.edu/ |
3. Informatics specialists in the health/science field can also specialize in dental informatics,nursing informatics, medical informatics, and biology/chemistry informatics. http://www3.ccps.virginia.edu/career_prospects/briefs/Print/E-J/Informatics.html | |
4. Science Infomatics 2nd Discipline - Information Technology - Rensselaer CHEM 4xxx chemistry informatics (Chemistry Track). Ecology Elective (EcologyTrack). Ecology Elective (one of) - BIOL-4700 Freshwater Ecology. http://www.rpi.edu/dept/IT/undergrad/science_informatics.html | |
5. Scientific Computing World: Feature Articles The product line includes naming chemical structures, prediction ofphysical properties, and analytical chemistry informatics. In http://www.scientific-computing.com/scwsepoct02inpersonrobertdewitte.html | |
6. Mess1255 Cambridge, CB2 1EZ, United Kingdom, +44(0)1223-336425, fax +44-(0)1223-336033, e-mailallen*(at)*ccdc.cam.ac.uk Standards for chemistry informatics J. Rumble http://www.ccl.net/cca/info/conferencelist/mess1255.shtml | |
7. IllumiRate Directory Computers Internet Software Home Offers an integrated solution for combinatorial chemistry informatics, includinginstrument control and product data generation and storage. 0 opinions. 18. http://www.illumirate.com/Illumirate/cat_items.cfm?cat_id=434368 |
8. MDL Information Systems Company Information News Press MDL® Select integrates biology and chemistry informatics. New discovery informaticsoffering streamlines workflow management for small to midsized biopharmas. http://www.mdli.com/company/news/press_releases/2004/pr_select_12feb04.jsp |
9. DAAD - Wandel Durch Austausch - Change By Exchange - Cambio Por Intercambio ChemistryComputer-Centre (CCC) facility, comprising appointed experts in thefields of molecular modelling and chemistry informatics, special computer http://www.daad.de/deutschland/en/2.2.9.html?module=Fachbereich&do=show&id=20003 |
10. LabAutomation2004 Technical Program Glance 800 1000 am. HT Chemistry Analytical. HTS Informatics. Microfluidics IntegratedDesign. 800 - 1000 am. HT chemistry informatics. HTS Automated Design. http://labautomation.org/LA/LA04/glance.htm | |
11. Analytical Informatics Resource for course in the use of machine learning, automated data analysis and data mining, run by the chemistry Department of Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana. http://miner.chem.purdue.edu/ | |
12. Mathub - The Focal Point For Computational Materials Science On The Web By Micha Features current and background information about molecular modeling and informatics for chemistry and materials science. http://www.mathub.com/ | |
13. MDL Information Systems :: Home Discovery informatics company for life sciences and chemistry. Makers of Assay Explorer software to track and datamine imaging based experiments. http://www.mdli.com | |
14. DHI Water & Environment Independent, international organisation affiliated with the Danish Academy of Technical Sciences, offering research and consultation in ecology, environmental chemistry, water resources, environmental informatics, and hydraulic structures, with particular emphasis on environmental monitoring. http://www.dhi.dk/ | |
15. Serenex Solidifies Management Team With Addition Of Director Of For Immediate Release. Contact George Young. Serenex, Inc. to Director of Computational chemistry and. informatics. In his role, Dr http://www.serenex.com/library/docs/VealDirector.pdf |
16. University Of Kuopio, Department Of Clinical Chemistry Home Page Biochemistry; University of Turku, Department of Clinical chemistry;University of Turku, Medical informatics Research Centre; CSC http://www.uku.fi/laitokset/klkem/klkemeng.html | |
17. Kent Mass Spectrometry Service - Home Page Offer molecular weight confirmation and isotope mass service by EI, CI or FAB for synthetic organic chemistry. Includes informatics upgrades, prices and details for sample submission, and contacts in Dartford, England. http://www.kentmassspec.com/ | |
18. Chemical Informatics single company!) yearly. Combinatorial chemistry techniques grew out of several and physical chemistry, engineering and robotics, computational chemistry, informatics, and screening http://www.indiana.edu/~cheminfo/informatics/cinform_whatis.html | |
19. ISMC 2004: Main These developments are continuously broadening the borderlands between chemistry,informatics and biology and provide new opportunities for drug design on a http://www.ismc2004.dk/ | |
20. CHI's Molecular Medicine Marketplace EarlyPhase Discovery chemistry in the Pharmaceutical chemistry, and Section Head, Computational chemistry informatics, AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals LP. chemistry's role http://www.chimolecularmed.com/track3.asp | |
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