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61. Hobbs Public Libary - Homework Help multimedia presentations; MathMol Hypermedia Textbook online chemistry book; NationalGeographic homework help - history, geography, and maps; Geoexplorer http://hobbspublib.leaco.net/homework.htm | |
62. Plz Help Me With My Chemistry Homework! - Science Forums And Debate mute22. Lepton. Join Date May 2004. Posts 1. plz help me with my chemistry homework!2689.1 I can t seem to find the answers to these questions in my Chem book. http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/showthread.php?goto=newpost&threadid=3873 |
64. Timberland Regional Library - TeenZone - Homework And Term Projects Message boards are open for such postings as chemistry Horror Stories and IntriguingMath Lands and People Online Click on homework help and you ll find this http://www.timberland.lib.wa.us/teens-homework.asp | |
65. Science Help Online By Gregory L. Curran explanations. homework helpers chemistry is a review book written byGreg Curran, the author of Science help Online for chemistry. http://www.fordhamprep.org/gcurran/sho/sho/ | |
66. Homework Help Interactive Math, chemistry and Physics Textbook Helping Your Child Learn site forelementary school students Science homework Helper  Great information on http://homeworkhelp.125mb.com/homework-help-science.htm | |
67. Homework Help For K-12 Students homework help Teens/Mature Teens - Provides links related to art, drama,chemistry, math, math, biology, physics, science, space, library, literature http://www.edinformatics.com/kids_teens/kt_homework.htm | |
68. Neuse Regional Library - Homework Help resources GO THERE! chemistry Tutor, Web pages to help you getthrough your chemistry homework GO THERE! General chemistry http://www.neuselibrary.org/Homework Helpers/KidsScience.htm | |
69. Parent Resources www.yourhomework.com/ Mr. Wizard  homework help A kid safe site for help withhomework in the areas of art, drama, chemistry, math, mathematics, biology http://www.pgcps.pg.k12.md.us/~region4/parent_resources.htm | |
70. Science Up. Science homework help. Click here to Paranormal; Nature Internationalweekly journal of science. chemistry Resources. WWW Links http://www.pgcps.pg.k12.md.us/~blade/bhs.science.html | |
71. Math Help,Tutoring, Homework, Learning, School is a place where I will try to help you understand so that you can do your homeworkwell yourself answer many calculus questions nor advanced chemistry questions http://www.garlikov.com/Study-Help.html | |
72. Kids And Teens, School Time, Science, Homework Help: Chemistry A Level chemistry Contains a teachers notes and quizes on each topic of theA Level chemistry course, as well as help forums and a live chat facility. http://www.combose.com/Kids_and_Teens/School_Time/Science/Homework_Help/Chemistr | |
73. IPL Teenspace youth librarian to answer actual homework questions kids learning resource centerto help high school Math, Earth Science, Biology, chemistry, Reference Library http://www.ipl.org/div/teen/browse/gh0000/ | |
74. Mr. Guch's Cavalcade O' Chemistry - Help For Students, Resources For Teachers chemistry, lesson plans, worksheets, labs, handouts, free, chemistry help, chemistrytutorial, homework help, help, tutorial, high school lesson, high school http://www.chemfiesta.com/ | |
75. SchoolNet Namibia - Homework Help Provided by Ordnance Survey, it features homework help, resources, games and activities Physicsand chemistry Science Lesson Resources for Physics and chemistry http://www.schoolnet.na/resources/kidslinks.html | |
76. Homework Help: Science: Earth Science chemistry. The Atoms Family Contains activities that help explain energy concepts,the power of the sun, energy conservation, energy transformation, electricity http://www.oplin.lib.oh.us/products/oks/Homework/science/earthsci.htm | |
77. Homework Help IPL General homework help This page maintained by the Internet Public Librarycontains links to pages dealing with general knowledge as well as chemistry, http://www.rochesterpubliclibrary.org/apps/readersvcs/teen/homework.cfm | |
78. Aboite Branch Library: Homework Help chemistry web sources make this a useful site for chemistry students. Teachers BJPinchbeck s homework Helper Collection of Lesson Plans Check out this lesson http://www.acpl.lib.in.us/aboite/homework.html | |
79. ThinkQuest : Library : Chemistry Tutor graduated and moved on to greener pastures leaving the upkeep of the site to theirchemistry teacher. In the beginning this site gave online homework help. http://library.thinkquest.org/2923/info.html | |
80. Homework Help In our homework help section you will find informative sites that will surely helpyou find chemistry (Dewey 540 Natural Sciences and Mathematics http://www.teenspoint.org/homework_help.asp | |
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