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81. History Of Chemistry|KLUWER Academic Publishers The history and Preservation of Chemical Instrumentation John T. Stock, Mary Moleculesin Physics, chemistry and Biology Jean Maruani December 1988, ISBN 90277 http://www.wkap.nl/home/topics/F/4/2/?sort=Z |
82. StFX Non-Student Home Pages R S T U V W X Y Z. Allen P. Stouffer, history; Alexander (Sandy) MacEachern,Mathematics B Bernard Liengme, chemistry; Bernard Liengme, Information http://www.stfx.ca/people/non-stu/firstname.html | |
83. StFX Non-Student Home Pages I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z. SmithPalmer,Truis, chemistry; Stanley-Blackwell, Laurie, history; Steinitz, Heidi http://www.stfx.ca/people/non-stu/lastname.html | |
84. SDSU: A - Z Site Listing 9 9 9 9 9 A Z Site Listing Main Page Academics - April A. Brooks history DepartmentMain Faculty and Staff Main Page Academics - chemistry and Biochemistry http://www3.sdstate.edu/SDSU/AZListing.cfm | |
85. Bates College: Ladd Library Subject Guides: History Of Science Also includes This Week in the history of chemistry with links to sites aboutthe listed person or events. Reference Z 7405 .H6 I2 The history of women http://abacus.bates.edu/Library/resources/subject/histsci.shtml | |
86. Handbook Of Nuclear Chemistry Handbook of Nuclear chemistry, Volume 1 Series editors A. Vértes, S E. Teller) *Preface (A. Vértes, S. Nagy, Z. Klencsár) * history of Nuclear and http://www.chem.elte.hu/departments/magkem/nagys/kluwer.htm | |
88. Links For Chemists / Virtual Library Chemistry Section Maintained by the University of Liverpool, this free, searchable chemistry index carries in excess of 8,250 chemistry resources in over 75 chemical categories. http://www.liv.ac.uk/Chemistry/Links/links.html | |
89. Classic Chemistry Classic chemistry. compiled by Carmen Giunta. Le Moyne College. Department of chemistry. Classic Calculations More than 50 sets of quantitative exercises tied to and based upon classic papers from http://maple.lemoyne.edu/faculty/giunta | |
90. Chemistry.org: American Chemical Society - ACS HomePage ChemCenter is an informative resource for the chemistry community. http://www.chemistry.org/ | |
91. Department Of Chemistry, University Of Wales Bangor Top/Science/chemistry/Academic_Departments/Europe/United_Kingdom http://www.bangor.ac.uk/ch/home.htm | |
92. Homework Help Offers Chemistry For Kids And Chemistry Homework Help Homework Help offers chemistry for kids and chemistry homework help at DiscoverySchool.com. DiscoverySchool.com offers chemistry homework help. You can also find chemistry for kids at http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://school.discovery.com/homeworkhelp/worldb |
93. IGBP - International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme Programme is focused on acquiring basic scientific knowledge about the interactive processes of biology and chemistry of the earth as they relate to Global Change. http://www.igbp.kva.se/ |
94. Rader's CHEM4KIDS.COM Learn about chemistry including matter, atoms, and reactions. Includes online quizzes. http://www.chem4kids.com/ | |
95. MIT Biology Hypertextbook - Home Contains sections on chemistry review, large molecules. cellular biology, enzyme biochemistry, glycolysis and the Krebs cycle and photosynthesis. Includes practice quizzes and tests. Mendelian Genetics Central Dogma Prokaryotic Genetics and Gene Expression Recombinant DNA Immunology http://web.mit.edu/esgbio/www/ | |
96. U Alberta University Chemistry II Course notes on Electrochemistry by James Plambeck http://www.chem.ualberta.ca/courses/plambeck/p102/p0207x.htm |
97. Buy Atmospheric Pollution History, Science, And Regulation By Mark Atmospheric Pollution history, Science, and Regulation by Mark Z. Jacobson in Paperback. ISBN 0521010446. This book provides a comprehensive introduction to the history and science of major air http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://na.link.decdna.net/n/3532/4200/www.walma |
98. Advanced Placement Digital Library In Biology, Phy An NSF funded Rice University Digital Library project that hosts free reviewed online resources, linked to the content outline, for AP and PreAP teachers and students of Biology, Physics and chemistry. http://apdl.rice.edu | |
99. Inventors For the student or professional famous inventors and inventions - history timelines - patents trademarks and copyrights - manufacturing resources - interviews with successful inventors - A to Z http://inventors.about.com/ | |
100. FORWARDING ... Contents, some abstracts and sections online. http://www.mathe2.uni-bayreuth.de/match/Welcome.html | |
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