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61. ::[ National Academy Of Sciences Of Armenia ]:: M. Sisakyan ( biochemistry ); Aleksandr Z. Tamamshev ( cattle art theory ); ArsenH. Terteryan ( history of literature ); Sargis H. Vardanyan ( chemistry ); Levon A http://www.sci.am/view.php?lang=1&Class=0&SubKey=1&docID=6&memb=full&memb=dec&st |
62. HJG: Periodicals Directory: Topical Index: History Of Science Hyle. An International Journal for the Philosophy of chemistry. Serie A Paperson the history of the Academy of Sciences. Práce z dejin Akademie ved. http://www.history-journals.de/journals/hjg-subject-sci.html | |
63. Office Of Graduate Studies - Graduate Programs S T U V W X Y Z. Agricultural and Environmental chemistry; Agricultural and ResourceEconomics; Applied Science (Engineering); Art; Art history; Atmospheric Science; http://gradstudies.ucdavis.edu/programs/progdir.htm | |
64. Stipes Chemistry List The long history of the success of this book is a direct result of Sackheim s pedagogical Workbookfor General chemistry by Bassam Z. Shakhashiri and Rodney http://www.stipes.com/chemistry.html | |
65. The Third Millennium Online Online textbook, lab activities, detailed information on selected topics, history sections including timelines and brief biographies. http://www.3rd1000.com/3rd1000.htm | |
66. Bassam Shakhashiri's Biographical Sketch nature  that is the way Bassam Z. Shakhashiri describes discovery that has arousedyoung minds throughout history. in the teaching of chemistry in lecture http://scifun.chem.wisc.edu/BZS_bio/biosketch.html | |
67. Department History - Food Chemistry | Food Science And Human Nutrition Department history Food chemistry. Kummerow s lipid chemistry group moved tothe first floor of the Animal Sciences Laboratory (Z.John Ordal s http://www.fshn.uiuc.edu/dept/history/food_chemistry.html | |
68. This Week In The History Of Chemistry Keep up with important chemistryrelated historical events. http://maple.lemoyne.edu/~giunta/week.html | |
69. SCH3A Chemistry: The Transition Years: 1600-1800 y Mg(OH) 2 . zH 2 O + (2x+2y) HCl 2x+2y+z) H 2 O standards office or by theirnational society of chemists because they NEXTPREVIOUShistory MAIN MENU http://www.ucdsb.on.ca/tiss/stretton/chem1/history3.htm | |
70. A-to-Z Electronic Journals List Ato-Z Electronic Journals List. Press / New York Subject Economic history and Conditions, 2001to present ) ISSN 1616-5187 Publisher Wiley Subject chemistry, http://atoz.ebsco.com/home.asp?id=1111&sid=82437010&cmbScope=MA |
71. Laurentian's A-to-Z E-journals -- Les Revues électroniques De La Laurentienne, électroniques de la Laurentienne, de A à Z. 28 Journals) Botany (74 Journals) chemistry(213 Journals 444 Journals) Microbiology (59 Journals) Natural history. http://atoz.ebsco.com/Subjects.asp?id=483&sid=86355057 |
72. College Term Papers - A Thru Z Political Science Government, theory, military, intelligence, history, and so muchmore Science Anatomy, biology, chemistry, physics, and other sciences http://www.atozpapers.com/ | |
73. Electronic Journals - A To Z 123ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZView All. full info A Journal of American history(online) full info A full info Journal of analytical chemistry (online). http://www.imperial.ac.uk/library/ejournals/j1.html | |
74. A To Z Site Map Careers information for staff and students. Centre for Cultural history and CriticalTheory, Centre for Cultural history and Critical Theory. CEDM, chemistry, http://www.derby.ac.uk/home/sitemap/A-Z.html | |
75. Learning And Teaching Scotland - Browse A To Z Q; R; S; T; U; V; W; X; Y; Z; Other. chemistry chemistry chemistry Advanced Higherchemistry - resources chess rights chile chinese culture chinese history chinese new http://www.ltscotland.org.uk/search/atoz.asp?letter=C |
76. Bill Keel's Research Pages - Chemistry At High Redshifts chemistry of highredshift galaxies. The history of this material can, to some extent,be picked up as but undetectable H-beta, in a Lyman-break galaxy at z=3.0. http://www.astr.ua.edu/keel/research/zhiz.html | |
77. PSIgate - Browse Results Top level category Science history/Policy Higher level Famous Find Entire databaseSearch only within Z. the 1963 Nobel Prize for chemistry, for pioneering http://www.psigate.ac.uk/roads/cgi-bin/psibrowse.pl?limit=0&toplevel=policy&subj |
78. Society History reader will probably feel that the history of the the 111 International Congress ofApplied chemistry which was School in Belgrade, Dr. Milorad Z. Jovicic High http://www.shd.org.yu/HtDocs/SHD/SHD-history.htm | |
79. LSC Memoranda Of Understanding Aug 15, 2001 A B Z, Aug 15, 2001. Southeastern Louisiana University Departmentof chemistry and Physics (DCP/SLU), history. Dec 01, 1999 MOU, http://www.ligo.caltech.edu/LIGO_web/mou/mou.html | |
80. Faculty Of Chemistry And Biology | Structure | Syktyvkar State University A. Tulaeva Lubov I. Belaeva Ludmila V. Koroleva Svetlana Z. Chaschihina. chemistryof Soil; NonOrganic chemistry; Analytical chemistry; history and Methods of http://syktsu.ru/english/chemistry.shtml | |
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