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21. Chemistry Search for, in this topic site Sites A to Z. chemistry history Journeythrough chemistry s history with its pioneers. http://dwb.unl.edu/Teacher/NSF/C10/C10Links/chemistry.about.com/mlibrary.htm | |
22. Classification A - Z (NIWI) Classification A Z. chemistry; Civil engineering; Classic studies; Cognitive development architectures,networks; Construction engineering; Contemporary history; http://www.niwi.knaw.nl/en/oi/nod/disciplinesalf/toon | |
23. Kemija (Chemistry) je kemijski besednjak starih izrazov (z navskriÂnimi referencami in kemije; znanstvenebiografije; znanstveniki / biographies; chemistry; history of chemistry http://www.zrc-sazu.si/oko/Kemija.htm | |
24. 1Up Science > Links Directory > Chemistry: History Detergent chemistry history A history of synthetic detergents and of the syntheticdetergent industry. Early Ideas in the history of Quantum chemistry. http://www.1upscience.com/links/chemistry-history.html |
25. Selected Classic Papers From The History Of Chemistry Extensive collection of interesting and important papers. http://maple.lemoyne.edu/~giunta/papers.html | |
27. African-American History: Selected Reference Sources Z 5942 C689 no.951. general headings include african american history african americansinging for example chemistry Women Biochemistry Women Scientists http://www.lib.lsu.edu/hum/mlk/srs212.html | |
28. RSC Online Shop: chemistry in history. Click on the product title for further details and onlineordering. ALL A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z. http://www.rsc.org/CFSLD/DisplayList.cfm?List=Chemistry in History&VIEW=Z |
29. Undergraduate Prospectus 2004:Course A To Z Course A to Z. AH BA/CombA, Archaeology and history (Combined Studies). AHOA BA/CombA,Archaeology and history of Art (Combined Studies). F100 BSc/Chem, chemistry. http://www.le.ac.uk/admissions/ugprospectus05/course/a-z | |
30. Undergraduate Prospectus 2004:Course A To Z Course A to Z. AHOA BA/CombA, Archaeology and history of Art (Combined Studies). F400BSc/Arch, Archaeology BSc. CFRD BSc/BC4, Biological chemistry / Sandwich BSc. http://www.le.ac.uk/admissions/ugprospectus04/course/a-z | |
31. MSN Encarta - Chemistry that became known as alchemy (see chemistry, history of). are the foundation of allchemistry (see Atom threedimensional Cartesian (x, y, z) coordinate system. http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_762504460/Chemistry.html | |
32. A - Z Index - Postgraduate Prospectus 2004/2005 - University Of Aberdeen H I L M N O P R S T U W Z. Appointments Service Catholic Studies Cell Biology CelticCement chemistry (chemistry) Central East European Art (history of Art http://www.abdn.ac.uk/prospectus/pgrad/2004/atoz.shtml | |
33. The Vaults Of Erowid Index of drugs, with physical effects, images, history, chemistry and law information for each. Articles and sections for wide variety of drug related material, including law, experiences, community, drug testing, spirituality, health, and artistic endeavors. http://www.erowid.org/ |
34. All Departments From A To Z - University Of Freiburg All Departments from A to Z. Departments. history de Department. Inorganicund Analytic chemistry de - Institute. Land Use Planning de - Institute. http://www.uni-freiburg.de/en/fakultaeten/institute_a-z.php | |
35. Debye ln g ± = (A z + z - I ½ )/(1 + BI a number of books, some of which were translatedinto English, including Quantum Theory and chemistry (1928), Polar http://chem.ch.huji.ac.il/~eugeniik/history/debye.html | |
37. UG Prospectus - A To Z Course List - The University Of Sheffield A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U Z. Full Course List. Archaeology BA/Arch.Archaeology and Medieval history - BA/ArchMed. Biological chemistry - MChem/Bio. http://www.shef.ac.uk/p/prospectus/azcrslist.php | |
38. Whole Foods Market of toxicological studies, see the additional information in chemistry/Pharmacy commonlyadulterated in the market throughout its commercial history. Z. Phytother http://www.herbalgram.org/wholefoodsmarket/herbalgram/articleview.asp?a=702 |
39. Comments For General Chemistry Online: FAQ: History Of Chemistry: Why Is Atomic Comments. on General chemistry Online FAQ history of chemistryWhy is atomic number called Z ? Why is mass number called A ? http://www.greenspun.com/com/generalchemistryonline/history/faq/why-is-atomic-nu | |
40. DESCRIPTION AND USE OF PUBLICATION HISTORY IN FRBR-BASED CATALOGING: SERIAL RECO 852; ;b PUBLICATION history RECORD $z This record exists for informational purposesonly 863 40 $8 1.1 $a 126 $i 1976-2002 $z Title Computers chemistry. http://content.nsdl.org/dih1/PubPatt/PubHist_FRBR.html | |
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