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1. General Chemistry Online: FAQ: History Of Chemistry: Why Is Atomic Number Called General chemistry Online! frostburg.edu Last Revised 02/28/04.URL http//antoine.frostburg.edu/chem/senese/101/history/faq/whyis-atomic-number-Z.shtml. http://antoine.frostburg.edu/chem/senese/101/history/faq/why-is-atomic-number-Z. | |
3. General Chemistry Online: FAQ: History Of Chemistry: Why Is Atomic Number Called General chemistry Online! edu Last Revised 02/28/04.URL http//antoine.frostburg.edu/chem/senese/101/history/faq/printwhy-is-atomic-number-Z.shtml. http://antoine.frostburg.edu/chem/senese/101/history/faq/print-why-is-atomic-num | |
4. Chemistry - Links For Chemists - Topics - Biographies ACS Division of the history of chemistry US; Gesellschaft Naturwissenschaftler A Z // Scientists A - Z DE; Periodic Table of UCL chemistry Lecturers 1826 http://www.liv.ac.uk/Chemistry/Links/refhistory.html | |
5. Chemistry - Links For Chemists - Site History subject. It was decided to open a new section called history of chemistrywe are sure it will snowball now has a little room to grow! http://www.liv.ac.uk/Chemistry/Links/history.html | |
6. General Chemistry Online: FAQ: History Of Chemistry A searchable database of frequently asked questions from the history of chemistry section of General chemistry Online. history of chemistry. Miscellaneous. Home FAQ. history of chemistry Frequently asked questions Why is atomic number called "Z"? Why is mass number called "A http://antoine.frostburg.edu/chem/senese/101/history/faq.shtml | |
7. History -- Nuclear Chemistry http://chemed.chem.purdue.edu/genchem/topicreview/bp/ch23/history.html | |
8. History Of Chemistry http://www.sdsc.edu/Education/Elemnet/rlink/history/z.html |
9. History Of Chemistry Index Links to biographies of many honored chemists and some physicists, biographical collections, classic papers in chemistry, and history of science sites. http://w3.nai.net/~bobsalsa/history_of_chemistry.htm |
10. Chemistry A-Z Index - Alphabetical Site Map chemistry AZ Index - Aphabetical Site Map New Here? chemistry A-Z. chemistry 101. chemistry FAQs. Science Fair Ideas Convert/Calculate. Databases. history. Homework Help. How Things Work http://chemistry.about.com/blazlist1.htm?terms=map ag |
11. Chemistry Experiments - A To Z Home's Cool Homeschooling Simple, easy, chemistry experiments for kids you can do at home, from your Homeschooling Guide. quirky anecdotes about everyday chemistry with engaging tales from the history of science. Apologia Advanced chemistry. AN A TO Z AFFILIATE. Challenging but understandable, your http://www.gomilpitas.com/homeschooling/explore/chemistry.htm | |
12. Chemistry | Z. Smith Reynolds Library, Wake Forest University | Reference Carbon compounds Carbon structure chemistry, Analytic chemistry Early works to1800 chemistry history chemistry, Inorganic, chemistry, Organic chemistry http://www.wfu.edu/Library/referenc/guides/chemistry.htm | |
13. HISTORY OF SCIENCE/SCIENCE STUDIES REFERENCE SOURCES A bibliography of reference sources for history of science and science studies Volume 2, DL. Volume 3, M-Z. Edited by Bridget Travers and Fran Locher Freiman A guide to archives and manuscript collections in the history of chemistry and chemical technology http://gort.ucsd.edu/ds/initial.html | |
14. Chemistry Classes - A To Z Home's Cool Homeschooling DVDs for Young Chemists AN A TO Z AFFILIATE Rent a DVD to help visually explainatomic structure, matter, compounds and mixtures A history of chemistry. http://homeschooling.gomilpitas.com/explore/chemistryclass.htm | |
15. Chemistry Experiments - A To Z Home's Cool Homeschooling everyday chemistry with engaging tales from the history of science. for Young ChemistsAN A TO Z AFFILIATE Rent Apologia Advanced chemistry AN A TO Z AFFILIATE http://homeschooling.gomilpitas.com/explore/chemistry.htm | |
16. Biography-center - Letter Z history.mcs.stand.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Zhukovsky Ziegler, Karl www.nobel.se/chemistry/laureates/1963/ziegler www.kfki.hu/~arthp/bio/z/zoffany/biograph http://www.biography-center.com/z.html | |
17. ChemLin - Virtual Chemistry Library history of Science TBT * Technical chemistry * - Techniques (and methods) -Textile chemistry * - Theoretical chemistry - Thesis, doctoral Y. Z. - Zeolites. http://www.chemlin.de/index_en.htm | |
18. Huckel (or Hückel), Erich - Concerning Early Ideas In The History Of Quantum Ch Translate this page Z. 26, 93 (25). (Habilitationsschrift). http//www.quantum-chemistry-history.com Copyright© May 9, 2002 by U. Anders, Ph.D. e-mail Udo Anders udo39@t-online http://www.quantum-chemistry-history.com/Huec_Dat/Hueck1.htm | |
19. Andre Julg - Interview Concerning : Early Ideas In The History Of Quantum Chemis Jab (9). One obtained in this way a reduction factor lambda_ab=J_ab(Z )/J_ab(Z),depending on the http//www.quantumchemistry-history.com Copyright © Oct. http://www.quantum-chemistry-history.com/Julg_ae.htm | |
20. Chemistry History Search for, in this topic site Sites A to Z. chemistry history. A LookInside the Atom Growth of the atomic theory. http://dwb.unl.edu/Teacher/NSF/C10/C10Links/chemistry.about.com/msub13.htm | |
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