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121. Analytical Informatics Resource for course in the use of machine learning, automated data analysis and data mining, run by the chemistry Department of Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana. http://miner.chem.purdue.edu/ | |
122. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS School of chemistry. Material Safety data Sheets. MSDS are documents describing the known hazards associated with a material, indicating http://www.chm.bris.ac.uk/safety/msds.htm | |
123. Black & White Products Technical data sheets for each of Ilford's black and white film, paper, and chemistry products, in Adobe PDF format. http://www.ilford.com/html/us_english/bw.html | |
124. EarthSoft, Inc. - EQuIS: Environmental Quality Information Systems Environmental Software Specialists. data management systems for chemistry, geology, hydrogeology. http://www.earthsoft.com/ | |
125. Heuson-software HP49G+ Softwarepacks for mathematics, physics, chemistry addressed to scientists engineers teachers and students. The great advantage of the software all data and programs can edited freely. http://www.heuson-software.de/ | |
126. Didactics Of Chemistry - University Of Regensburg data Logger data Logger data Analysis Rate Laws Equation Experiments Lecture Demos Experiments Demos, University of Regensburg Institute for Organic chemistry. http://www.uni-regensburg.de/Fakultaeten/nat_Fak_IV/Organische_Chemie/Didaktik/K | |
127. Kathoefer ETS Manufacture ultrasonic measurement systems for petrol, chemistry and industrial plants . Product data and specifications available for download in zip format . http://www.kathoefer-ets.com/ |
128. Forensic Science The Forensic specialty concentrates on QA and bioinformatics in forensic analysis of DNA data from biological materials by Department of chemistry, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL. http://reach.ucf.edu/~forensic/ |
129. The Electronic Chemistry Library NIST chemistry WebBook The NIST chemistry WebBook contains thermochemical data for over 6500 organic and small inorganic compounds, reaction thermochemistry http://www.lib.utexas.edu/chem/internet.html | |
130. AquaChem, Geochemistry, Geochemistry Software, Groundwater And Geochemistry Groundwater chemistry and water geochemistry software for aqueous geochemical data analysis. Product overview, pricing, and online ordering. A downloadable demo version is available. http://www.ssgintl.com/ | |
131. Discovery Net A multidiscplinary UK project serving application scientists from various fields including biology, combinatorial chemistry, renewable energy and geology the world's first eScience platform for scientific discovery from the data generated by a wide variety of high throughput devices. http://www.discovery-on-the.net/ | |
132. OUTFO - Element 080 - Mercury (Hg) Provides a concise data table about the chemical properties of mercury. http://www.outfo.org/science/chemistry/elements/080/ | |
133. Chemistry At Iowa State University MATERIAL SAFETY data SHEETS. The material safety data sheets for most chemicals used in your chemistry laboratory course can be found here. http://avogadro.chem.iastate.edu/MSDS/ | |
134. REDIRECT TO NEW SCIENCE LIBRARIES WEB PAGES Noncirculating collection that serves the faculty and students in the chemistry Department and includes chemistry journals, spectral data and handbooks of chemical and physical properties of inorganic and organic compounds. http://www.library.yale.edu/scilib/chem/chemlib.html | |
135. DATA\Michelle's Stuff\Necuse\1998\Electronic\N98-ChemistryS chemistry. This section lists opportunities that were available in 1999 to students studying chemistry and related fields. Most of http://www.yale.edu/necuse/N99-ChemistryS.htm | |
136. Stanford University Physics Library Home Offering interlibrary services and document delivery, including online, collections include videos, UG theses, and Sci Fi. databases and resources include Socrates, CRC Handbook of chemistry Physics, electronic journals for Physics and Astronomy, SLAC-SPIRES, preprints and working papers, INSPEC at LANL-Article Index, 1969-present, technical reports, SciSearch at LANL-Article Citation Index, 1945-present, dissertations and theses, ADS Astrophysics data System, Melvyl U.C.'s Library Catalog, ArXiv.org E-Print Archive and more. http://www-sul.stanford.edu/depts/physics/ | |
137. Mass Spectrometry Data At Widener mass data, scientific instrument services. Please send comments or suggestions to svanbram@science.widener.edu. Scott Van Bramer Department of chemistry Widener http://science.widener.edu/svb/massspec/masspec.html | |
138. Chemistry : Periodic Table : Boron : Compound Data [boron (III) Oxide] chemistry WebElements Periodic Table Professional Edition Boron compound data boron (III) oxide. http://www.webelements.com/webelements/compounds/text/B/B2O3-1303862.html | |
139. ACSOE Welcome Page objectives of the ACSOE programme are defined in the Atmospheric chemistry Studies in plaintext documents on file naming and formatting, trajectory data etc. http://www.badc.rl.ac.uk/data/acsoe/ | |
140. Swain Library: Handbooks And Data 9237. chemistry Chemical Engineering Handbooks data. See also EJournals Encyclopedias Dictionaries databases Toolbox Tutorials. http://www-sul.stanford.edu/depts/swain/colres/lab/databanks.html | |
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