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81. Chemical And Other Safety Information Oxford University's chemistry safety information, which includes MSDS data. http://physchem.ox.ac.uk/MSDS/ | |
82. Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center (CDIAC) Globalchange data and information analysis for the US Department of Energy (DOE). Compiles and maintains extensive international data sets on atmospheric chemistry, particularly atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide, methane other radiatively active gases. http://cdiac.esd.ornl.gov/ | |
83. Brechbuehler AG, Scientific Analytical Solutions................................ Brechb¼hler AG is a leading system integrator in the analytical chemistry field, providing services including chromatography, sample preparation, data handling and support. http://www.brechbuehler.ch |
84. International Critical Tables Of Numerical Data, Physics International Critical Tables of Numerical data, Physics, chemistry and Technology (1st Electronic Edition) Title with Productivity Tools Interactive Tables http://www.knovel.com/knovel2/Toc.jsp?BookID=735 |
85. Cellular Nutrition / Intracellular Chemistry & Acu-Cell Analysis Includes scientific data related to intracelluar chemistry such as nutrition disorders, diets and MLM, and mineral ratios. http://www.acu-cell.com | |
86. Chemical And Other Safety Information matters related to fires and safety) Swedish National Testing and Research Institute (data on fire resistance and protection) Go to Oxford chemistry home page http://ptcl.chem.ox.ac.uk/MSDS/ | |
87. Chemistry 1B / Lecture C / Nonbonding Forces Summary Many lectures on chemistry, including bonding concepts and data. http://eee.uci.edu/97w/40090/nonbond.html | |
88. JOELib: Home Java based computational chemistry package which supports file conversion, SMARTS substructure search, QSAR descriptor calculation and process/filter methods for molecular data sets. http://www-ra.informatik.uni-tuebingen.de/software/joelib/index.html | |
89. Ecce: Extensible Computational Chemistry Environment Graphical user interface for Linux/Solaris/IRIX with visualization tools and a data management framework for setting up, submitting, and analyzing computational chemistry calculations. http://ecce.emsl.pnl.gov/ | |
90. Periodic Table Of Elements By EnvironmentalChemistry.com Very comprehensive data, writeups, extensive listing of nuclides data on elements includes scores of properties, element names in a dozen languages and almost all known nuclides. Environmental chemistry articles round out site. http://EnvironmentalChemistry.com/yogi/periodic/ | |
91. PMEL Atmospheric Chemistry Atmospheric chemistry and global change research at the Pacific Marine Environment Laboratory of NOAA. Details of research programmes and data server are given. http://saga.pmel.noaa.gov/ | |
92. Chemistry Database Searching @ Liverpool Via The WWW chemistry Literature Searching (BIDS ISI, ISIS, Camb Struc data, Beilstein, journals). http://www.liv.ac.uk/Chemistry/Library/DatabaseSearching.html | |
93. Science Experiments For Data Loggers And Oscilloscopes. A library of physics, chemistry and biology experiments. Examples include measuring the speed of sound, pH of drinks, magnetic induction and the discharge of batteries. http://www.picotech.com/experiments/ | |
94. High School Chemistry Resources On The Web data. Jesuit HS, NO) Brockport High School chemistry Reference Tables Keefer Main Tables of Chemical data Plambeck Reference Tables for chemistry NYS Education http://www.chemistrycoach.com/high.htm | |
95. Molecules From Chemistry At Okanagan University College Threedimensional images and structures (in Protein data Bank format) of molecules, sorted by name, empirical formula, and organic functional group. Listing by empirical formula also includes information on a compound's industrial and pharmaceutical uses. http://people.ouc.bc.ca/woodcock/molecule/molecule.html | |
96. NCHC Chemistry Website Wudl Group UCLA chemistry =- data Converter http://saturn.nchc.gov.tw:9091/ | |
97. Pappu Sastry Environmental Engineering Provides environment, pollution control, turnkey jobs, online consultancy, information and data bases, waste minimization, recycle, reuse, p2 technology, green process chemistry, solid waste and hazardous waste control. http://www.geocities.com/pappu1951/index1.htm |
98. Electronic Data Collection For Academic Science Laboratories Information on networked data collection systems, associated measurement tools, technical specifications, tutorials and sample experiments, for university and secondary school chemistry laboratories, from manufacturer in Cincinnati, OH. http://www.measurenet-tech.com/ | |
99. IUPAC Nomenclature Home Page Other recommendations, bibliographic data etc. mirror sites in USA, Germany, Japan, Korea, South Africa, UK), Pure and Applied chemistry; contents (mirror sites http://www.chem.qmw.ac.uk/iupac/ | |
100. Physical Chemistry R&D Consulting And Services Services provided in analytical chemistry, specializing in mass spectrometry. Services also include alternate energy system design, tutoring, forensics, training, data analysis, and computer programming http://www.dsbscience.com | |
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