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41. New Page 1 Ocean Disposal Database. View chemistry data for a Project. http://ered1.wes.army.mil/ODD/chemistry.asp?DATA_SET=2655 |
42. Foliar Chemistry Database :: INTRODUCTION Future funding may allow us to develop and administer additional foliar chemistry data from other researchers involved in the NERC. ADD YOUR DATA! http://www.folchem.sr.unh.edu/ | |
43. Chemistry Webercises Directory com/ NIST site http//webbook.nist.gov/chemistry/ Galactic - http//spectra.galactic.com/SpectraOnline/Default_ie.htm Organic chemistry data Base - http//www http://www.wiley.com/college/webercises/ | |
44. Home Page Of Jasminko Karanjac Software combines a relational data base and a Ground Water Information System (GWIS). Applications include mapping, well logs, aquifer test analysis, and plotting of water chemistry data. http://www.geocities.com/karanjac | |
45. Accelrys -- DS Accord Chemistry Cartridge By defining a new chemistry data type, the DS Accord Chemistry Cartridge seamlessly integrates the Accord Chemistry engine into Oracle databases. http://www.accelrys.com/aei/chem_cart.html | |
46. Data Management For Combinatorial Chemistry One company stated that they use their chemistry software to store assay data. 25. Is Your Combinatorial chemistry data Used Effectively? 5 Yes 7 No 26. http://www.netsci.org/Science/Combichem/feature13.html | |
47. Validata Chemical Services - (770) 232-0130 Provides analytical chemistry data validation services. http://datavalidator.com/ |
48. Data Mine Field Program Selection Explore Airborne Atmospheric chemistry data Sets. Select a field program and airborne platform combination from the options listed below http://tmbk2.eas.gatech.edu/gteplot2.html |
49. Chemistry Physics. Chemistry. Physiology or Medicine. Public Library of Science. Radiation chemistry data Center. Royal Society of Chemistry, Book Series. http://library.caltech.edu/collections/chemistry.htm | |
50. Hematological Values For SPLA2 Microinjected Mice Blood Chemistry and Hematology Data for sPLA2 Microinjected Mice and C57BL/6NTac Control Mice. 14 weeks. 14 weeks. Blood chemistry data. C57BL/6NTacTg(sPLA2)703. http://www.taconic.com/healthr/hematology/spla2heme.htm | |
51. Hematological Values For K6ODC Microinjected Mice Blood Chemistry and Hematology Data for K6/ODC Microinjected Mice and C57BL/6NTac Control Mice. 13 weeks. 13 weeks. Blood chemistry data. C57BL/6NTacTgN(K6ODC) 55. http://www.taconic.com/healthr/hematology/K6odcheme.htm | |
52. Terra Launches A New Era For Atmospheric Chemistry of NASA s Terra satellite on 18 December was the beginning of the end for atmospheric chemiststhe end of a long, long wait for muchneeded chemistry data. http://safari.gecp.virginia.edu/pdfs/UCAR.html | |
53. Electronic Resources / Internet Resources By Discipline - Select A Resource Selected Internet Resources science technology chemistry data sources. Chemical Physical Property Information Resources Host Duke http://libinfo.uark.edu/eresources/chemweblisting.asp?Category=Science & Technol |
54. Toward A Common Data And Command Representation For Quantum Chemistry - Apr 04 Representation of Computational Quantum chemistry data in a Structured Format and Incorporation into a Scientific Workflow. Accessing http://www.nesc.ac.uk/esi/events/394/ | |
55. Toward A Common Data And Command Representation For Quantum Chemistry: Event Mat Toward a common data and command representation for quantum chemistry. Kate Baldridge Representation of Quantum chemistry data, PDF. Malcolm Atkinson, PPT. http://www.nesc.ac.uk/action/esi/contribution.cfm?Title=394 |
56. Canopy Chemistry Study Additional foliar chemistry data is also available on a searchable online database at http//www.folchem.sr.unh.edu. Methods Sample preparation. http://harvardforest.fas.harvard.edu/data/p06/hf062/hf062.html | |
57. Press-release: Advanced Chemistry Development Enables Analytical Data Delivery V ACD/Web Librarian helps chemists gain unified access to structures and analytical chemistry data collected throughout the enterprise. http://www.acdlabs.com/clients/weblib_anal.html | |
58. Hemmer, Gasteiger: Data Mining In Chemistry Data Mining in Chemistry. in a most effective way. The Problem Data Scale in Chemistry. With the progressive specialization in sciences http://www.terena.nl/conferences/archive/tnc2000/proceedings/10B/10b5.html | |
59. Data Tables: Index data for General, Inorganic, Organic, and Physical chemistry. Copyright 1989 by. C.D. Schaeffer, Jr. ( Elizabethtown College) C.A. Strausser, M.W. Thomsen, and C.H. Yoder ( Franklin Marshall College) 1. 14. Standard Formation data for Aqueous Ions http://wulfenite.fandm.edu/Data /Data.html | |
60. NIST Chemistry WebBook Documentation top. Frequently asked questions; Version history; A Guide to the NIST chemistry WebBook A guide to this site and the data available from it. http://webbook.nist.gov/chemistry/ | |
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