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61. A To Z Glossary - C A to Z Glossary C, Another resource is General chemistry Online (includes a toolboxwith popup periodic table and graphpad and tutorials Biographical database. http://www.tsof.edu.au/resources/atoz/C.asp | |
62. Biografija. Biografije (Biography. Biographies) 2. svetovne vojne, nekateri iz l. 1918), foto Informacije so podprte z referencnimiviri, ocenami svetovna vojna; zgodovina Evrope / biographies; first world http://www.zrc-sazu.si/oko/Biografije.htm | |
64. A-to-Z Ato-Z. is available in Biography Resource Center (Available 1990 to present 2004) ISSN 0743-7463 Publisher American Chemical Society Subject chemistry, http://atoz.ebsco.com/home.asp?id=1414&sid=262839193&cmbScope=LA |
65. A-to-Z Ato-Z. Nexis ISSN 1523-4487 Publisher Chemical Week Association Subject chemistry, isavailable in Biography Resource Center (Available 1991 to present http://atoz.ebsco.com/home.asp?id=1414&sid=214869422&cmbScope=CH&page=3 |
66. Biography Of Claude F Biography of Claude F. Bernasconi. (165) CF Bernasconi and L. GarciaRio, Physical (163) CF Bernasconi and M. Ali, Physical Organic chemistry of Transition http://www.chemistry.ucsc.edu/~claude/claudebio.html | |
67. John Corbett JD Corbett Frank Harold Spedding Memoir, Biographical Memoirs, Nat Seo and JD Corbett Perspectives chemistry Aromatic Metal L. Chi and JD Corbett K 6 Tl 2 http://joiner.ameslab.gov/matchem/personnel/corbett.html | |
68. About The Creative And Performing Arts C D E F G H I J K L M N Physics Electronics Technology - Elements chemistry - ElephantsMammal EluZions - EluZions Illusions - Elvis Biography - Empire Roman http://encyclozine.com/About/A-Z/ | |
69. Good Chemistry By Sandi L Schraut (article) Good chemistry By Sandi L Schraut Tuesday, September 03, 2002. Thisis an interview in Nurse Week magazine. Good chemistry Nurse s http://www.authorsden.com/visit/viewarticle.asp?AuthorID=3373&id=6921 |
70. Periodical Indexes, A-D covers the literature of organic chemistry; the index is de le Litterature de l Art),see Biography Index cites biographical material appearing in more than http://academic.hws.edu/library/lib_guides/perindAD.html | |
71. Chemistry Books : Bestsellers List + Online Book Store Links Architecture, Marketplace , by Ben Selinger; chemistry Made Simple Fred C. Hess, ArthurL. Thomas; http://www.crimsonbird.com/science/chemistry.htm | |
72. T. Ffrancon Williams T. Bally, S. Bernhard, S. Matzinger, JL Roulin, GN Sastry, L. Truttmann, Z. Zhu Biographicalsketch. In 1961 he joined the chemistry faculty at the University of http://www.chem.utk.edu/williams.html | |
73. Ljudmila Benedik Biographical sketch. Ljubljana, Slovenia, 1989; Ph.D. in chemistry, Univ. AR Byrne,L. Benedik Determination of uranium at trace levels by radiochemical neutron http://www2.ijs.si/~des/Staff/ljudmila_benedik.htm | |
74. Personal Data - Zdenka Slejkovec Biographical sketch. Ljubljana, Slovenia, 1991; Ph.D. in chemistry, Univ. M. Dermelj,L. Benedik, V. Stibilj, Z. SLEJKOVEC, M. Tusek Znidaric Determination of http://www2.ijs.si/~des/Staff/zdenka_slejkovec.htm | |
75. Pavel Tvrdik's Home Page Biography Nuclear chemistry . J. RùÂièka, L. Streinz, M. Rejzek, Z. Wimmer, M.Zarevúcká, B. Koutek, L. LeÂetický Chlorofluoroacetic acid Derivatives http://www.fjfi.cvut.cz/Files/organy_fjfi/vedecka_rada/leseticky_ladislav_en.htm | |
76. Organic Chemistry Lab Organic chemistry Resources Worldwide 1992, description Countrywatch Countrywatch,description Current Biography Yearbook Print A B C D E F G H I J K L M N http://www.mrs.umn.edu/library/class-guides/ochemlab.shtml | |
78. Dr. Z. John Zhang Biography solids potential alternatives to diamond? , CM Lieber, ZJ Zhang,chemistry Industry phase carbon nitride solid , ZJ Zhang, S. Fan, J.L.Huang, CM http://www.chemistry.gatech.edu/faculty/zhang/zhang.html | |
79. New Scientist Web Links the National Science Foundation, the site covers the biographical histories of manyof the great scientists who shaped the course of the science of chemistry. http://www.newscientist.com/weblinks/categories/chemistry1.jsp |
80. A.B.E. Marketing >> BOOKS >> SEARCH >> AUTHOR :: "roberts" out of stock. chemistry. 1995, ISBN 017-438678-8, 89.00 z³. http://www.abe.pl/html/english/search.php?autname=roberts |
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