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Chemistry Biographies A - K: more detail | |||||||
41. LSU Libraries--Chemistry Library-- Chemical Biography: Guide To Selected Resourc Series of volumes dealing with the history of chemistry and biographies of significant SearchONLINE CATALOG using (k= chemists) and search by topic. http://www.lib.lsu.edu/sci/chem/guides/srs113.html | |
42. Kenichi Fukui Winner Of The 1981 Nobel Prize In Chemistry About Fukui Kenichi (submitted by Thomas); Kenichi Fukui (chemistry, biographies)(submitted by Davis); About Fukui, Kenichi (submitted by Jackson). http://almaz.com/nobel/chemistry/1981a.html | |
44. MCS Staff Member Biographies a degree in Education, specializing in chemistry, Computer Science Industrial Arts9/10, CCC K6 Hobbies Golfing, Baseball Biography Mr. Currie is presently in http://www.saskschools.ca/~mayfair/bios.html | |
45. AUTO-ID CENTER'S EPC SYMPOSIUMÂ -Â Speaker Biographies 1970 Master of Science Degree (chemistry) from Kyoto University, Japan. 1968Bachelor of Science Degree (chemistry) from Kyoto University, Japan. http://show.epcsymposium.com/epcsymposium/V40/conference/speaker_bio.cvn?id=32&p |
46. Chemistry Biography Project biographies of Scientists Who Contributed to the World of chemistry Note no onesource has information on all scientists of note; but all of the following http://library.brynmawrschool.org/chemistry_biography_project.htm | |
47. Chemistry Faculty And Staff Biographies (Short) Professor Kerry K. Karukstis, BS Duke University, Ph.D. Duke University.National Institutes Berkeley. Physical chemistry. Spectroscopic http://www.chem.hmc.edu/www_common/chemistry/faculty/chemfacbioshort.html | |
48. 130nm Logic Technology Featuring 60nm Transistors, Low-K Dielectrics, And Cu Int Technology Featuring 60nm Transistors, LowK Dielectrics, and Cu Interconnects (continued)AUTHORS biographies from Caltech in 1996 in Physical chemistry. http://www.intel.com/technology/itj/2002/volume06issue02/art01_130nmlogic/p09_au | |
49. K-5 Resources covering subjects including math, physics, astronomy, chemistry, and biography siteis geared toward grades K4. It Women in Science Click on biographies for an http://www.linscott.santacruz.k12.ca.us/library/linlibk5.html | |
50. History Of Astronomy Links @ GCA7Sky - Biographies Woodrow Wilson Leadership Program in chemistry; The Chemical History of the Candle. Hasbiographies of some noted astronomers in Denmark, including Hertzsprung K. http://members.aol.com/chopstcks/gca7sky/history/biographies.htm | |
51. Wheat Foods Council 149 k Dr. Len Marquart Part II Grain chemistry and Intakes and Whole Grains Awarenessand Consumption 87 k Speaker biographies 95 k Program Sponsors http://www.wheatfoods.org/professional_resources/grains_for_health/ | |
52. Honoree Biographies, 25 May 2003, Senator Daniel K. Inouye Honoree biographies Roll Call of Honor, Sunday, 25 May Senator Daniel K. Inouye wasborn in Honolulu, Hawaii on parts for crystal radio sets and chemistry sets http://www.thepaf.org/RCOHIR/Oral Histories/Daniel_Inouye.htm | |
53. UCLA Digital Libraries Workshop - Participant Biographies Aspects of Digital Libraries Workshop Contributed Participant biographies. Tora K.Bikson has been a Senior years teaching high school chemistry and physical http://is.gseis.ucla.edu/research/dl/bio.html | |
54. K Tellmeabout.co.uk chemistry Periodic Table potassium key information This WebElements periodictable page contains key information for biographies Index K The IMDb http://www.tellmeabout.co.uk/directory/k/readme.htm | |
55. Westmont College - Library Resources Stanford Solar Center. Teaching material Kcollege on solar phenomina. 4000 yearsof Women in Science. Brief biographies of women in science. chemistry. http://library.westmont.edu/linksout/science.html | |
56. FDA/CFSAN Library Of Chemistry Information History of chemistry (biographies by subject index) Woodrow College Park, Maryland;Chem4Kids; chemistry and History Around Your House EPA; MathMol K12 Activity http://vm.cfsan.fda.gov/~dms/chemist.html | |
57. NSW HSC ONLINE - Chemistry Science. SYLLABUS Biology Stage 6; chemistry Stage 6 Science Stage 6; HSIE K6;Physics KEYWORDS biographies; scientists. PUBLISHER WPGH, Boston, USA. REVIEW http://hsc.csu.edu.au/chemistry/resources/2259/CSUChemistryf.html | |
58. Internet Resources: Chemistry hypermedia textbooks; public domain software, a library of K12 molecular WWW VLchemistry biographies http//www.liv.ac.uk/chemistry/Links/refbiog.html http://www.towson.edu/csme/mctp/Technology/Chemistry.html | |
59. Biographies biographies. Jacqueline K. Barton. California Institute of Technology, Pasadena,California, USA. Jacqueline Barton is professor of chemistry at the California http://www.rockefeller.edu/pubinfo/Pasteur/Pasteur_bios.html | |
60. Ready Reference: Biographies categories of literature, physics, chemistry, peace, economics KEYWORDS calendar,biographies, historical events. TITLE World Biographical Index K. G. Saur http://www.itcompany.com/inforetriever/biog.htm | |
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