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1. Quia - Chemistry - All Activities By Title Games and quizzes for learning chemistry Common Acids and Bases names and formulas. To teach students the formulas for some common acids and bases http://www.quia.com/dir/chem/index_by_title.html | |
2. Lesson Plans a collection of lesson plans and activities to teach the subject of air quality in the For sparkling activities from the Electronic National chemistry Week Editions of WonderScience http://www.csun.edu/~vceed009/lesson.html | |
3. Resources For Teaching Chemistry Handson chemistry - Hands-On chemistry activities With Real-Life Applications contains over 300 intriguing is designed to teach the basics of chemistry and the periodic table http://www.csun.edu/~vceed002/chemistry | |
4. Surfing The Net With Kids: Chemistry -- The Best Chemistry Sites For Kids, Teens The best chemistry sites for kids, teens and families. Rated and reviewed by United Feature Syndicate columnist, Barbara J. Feldman. The Sciences Explorer. Quia! chemistry activities. Understanding our Planet through chemistry teach your students the quick and easy way to create online games http://www.surfnetkids.com/chemistry.htm | |
5. Chemistry Web Sites For Science Teachers of science through home science activities, demonstration shows Provides a largevariety of chemistry, environmental and teachnology - The Art and Science of http://www.teach-nology.com/teachers/subject_matter/science/chemistry/ | |
6. Instructional Materials In Chemistry TOYS to teach chemistry This site is a collection of demonstrationsand lab activities contributed by chemistry teachers. The acronym http://www.cln.org/subjects/chemistry_inst.html | |
7. Teach.chem: The Illinois Chemistry Teachers Support Network that you would like to share or improve during teach.chem. You will have a chanceto collaboratively plan and practice new chemistry lessons and activities. http://www.che.ilstu.edu/teach.chem/ | |
8. Jacklyn Bonneau's Physics, Chemistry, Engineering Science Activities Page Mass Academy chemistry, Physics, Engineering and Their activities. Hi, I am Jacklyn Bonneau, a At Mass Academy, I teach chemistry, Integrated chemistry and Physics (ICP), Research http://www.wpi.edu/~bonneau | |
9. Teach.chem: The Illinois Chemistry Teachers Support Network teach.chem Schedule. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. AM. Introductions. PM.activities for teaching chemistry. Concerns about teaching chemistry. http://www.che.ilstu.edu/teach.chem/lessons.htm | |
10. The Chemistry Of Food Dyes, Teach, Teaching, Resources, Lessons, Books, Kits, Le Links the colorful dyes familiar to all secondary school students with the topicsin their chemistry courses; Includes handson activities, teacher background http://www.tsbkm.com/prod_detail/15 | |
11. History Of Chemistry Activities The History of chemistry. Mole Day activity A series of activities to involvestudents in celebrating Mole Day and help teach the concept. http://www.woodrow.org/teachers/chemistry/institutes/1992/activities/ | |
12. Resources For Middle School Science--1.55-- Fun With Chemistry: A Guidebook Of K volume of Fun with chemistry includes 53 chemistry activities and demonstrations. The activities in the first Using the Learning Cycle to teach Physical Science A Handson Approach http://www.nap.edu/readingroom/books/rtmss/1.55.html | |
13. Chemistry Experiments - A To Z Home's Cool Homeschooling Simple, easy, chemistry experiments for kids you can do at home, from your Homeschooling Guide. These fun and simple experiments can teach the fundamental concepts of Electrochemistry without asking much of HandsOn chemistry activities with Real Life Applications, Volume 2 http://www.gomilpitas.com/homeschooling/explore/chemistry.htm | |
14. News Archive Find out how those coveted golden statuettes, the Oscars, can be used to teach mathand chemistry. Related Riverdeep activities Calculating Products, Finding http://www.riverdeep.net/current/archive/chemistry.jhtml | |
15. Chemistry Teaching Resources - Curriculum Material children will find interesting, skillbuilding activities that aid in general chemistry,electrochemistry, and physical chemistry from Tanner teach-nology.com http://www.anachem.umu.se/cgi-bin/pointer.exe?Curriculum |
16. Chemistry Teaching Resources - Courses And Tutorials Texts On The Web a particularly difficult one to teach using the lab enhanced with Shockwave provideshandson activities. Polymer chemistry Hypertext An educational resource http://www.anachem.umu.se/cgi-bin/pointer.exe?Courses |
17. Chemistry Experiments - A To Z Home's Cool Homeschooling Countertop chemistry chemistry activities that use chemicals you can find at thegrocery Experiments These fun and simple experiments can teach the fundamental http://homeschooling.gomilpitas.com/explore/chemistry.htm | |
18. Philosophy And Overview We hope these activities will give you new and exciting ways to teach some of thekey concepts presented in typical chemistry and Environmental Science courses http://www.so.wustl.edu/science_outreach/curriculum/ozone/overview.html | |
19. Resources For K-8 Teachers And Students chemistry through Inquiry is an online course for elementary and middle school teacherswill be introduced to science activities that teach both physical http://www.chemistry.org/portal/a/c/s/1/acsdisplay.html?DOC=education\wande\inde |
20. ACS 2003 Annual Report: Accomplishments In 2003 National chemistry Week activities at the Eastman Employee Center in the NortheastTennessee Section. Pike High School students team up to teach children about http://www.chemistry.org/portal/a/c/s/1/acsdisplay.html?DOC=acsinfo\2003ar\accom |
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