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41. Michlig Agri-Center, Striving To Server Today's Farmer Fullservice agriculture center offering fertilizer and chemicals, custom application, scouting and soil sampling, grain services, milling, trucking and petroleum products. News, information and contacts provided for locations in Manlius, Walnut and Cambridge. http://www.michligag.com/ | |
42. ThermoGen Specializes in the development of stable enzymes and synthetic procedures for the pharmaceutical, agriculture chemicals and food, petroleum refining and environmental industries at Woodridge, Illinois. http://www.thermogen.com/ | |
43. Welcome To Our Site Diversified group of manufacturing companies, active in textiles, chemicals, agriculture and coal trading. Openend spun yarns for knitting and weaving, from cotton, polyester and blends. Also, greige fabrics. English and Chinese. http://www.taixianggroup.com/ |
44. Shenzhen OCT Production Materials Co. Ltd. Manufacturer of agriculture chemicals includes insecticides, herbicides and fungicides. http://www.octagrochemical.com/ |
45. Hamilton Spray Pumps Specialises in agriculture, horticulture, turf and garden spraying equipment. Sells cleaning chemicals and steam cleaners. http://www.spraypumps.co.nz | |
46. EU Government & Public Affairs Consultants - Agriculture Food Biotechnology Phar An EU Government Political Relations and Public Affairs Consultant Agency specialises in agriculture, Food, Biotechnology, Pharmaceuticals, chemicals. http://www.kmb-associates.com | |
47. Crompton Corporation - Specialty Chemicals, Polymer Products, Processing Equipme Adhesives Sealants agriculture Appliances, Furniture Carpets Automotive Chemical Intermediates Construction Fiberglass Composites Food Additives Footwear http://www.cromptoncorp.com/ | |
48. Koch Industries, Inc., A Privately-held Company Based In Wichita, KS. Businesses in petroleum, chemicals, gas liquids, agriculture, mineral services, chemical technology, and capital services. http://www.kochind.com/ | |
49. FMC Technologies Produces machinery and chemicals for energy, food processing and air transportation industries, agriculture and government. Showcases company divisions, products and services, management team, and careers. http://www.fmctechnologies.com/ |
50. Home Italian multinational company operating in the fine chemicals field and specialized in the production of chemical intermediates and agriculture plant protection products, which it both synthesizes and formulates. http://www.sipcam-oxon.com |
51. DuPont Agriculture & Nutrition - Fact Sheet - Hoover's Online 2003, Business Reports). Agricultural chemicals Financial Analysis Profiles (BizMiner, Dec 23, 2003, Business Reports). All Other http://www.hoovers.com/dupont-agriculture-&-nutrition/--ID__105170--/free-co-fac | |
52. Home > Agriculture > Farming Methods, Techniques And Equipment > Agricultural Ch Agricultural chemicals. ARS pesticide properties database. Management of agricultural and veterinary chemicals a national strategy. http://agrifor.ac.uk/hb/5efef677763fbd715e2d140e5cafc38f.html | |
53. Rural Living Canada - Agriculture Seed Companies Chemicals Environment. Woodstoves Forestry Fishery Renewable Energy Water Resources. TOP agriculture Seed Companies chemicals, ebooks4business.ca http://rurallivingcanada.4t.com/Pag00022.htm | |
54. Food Contaminants; Agriculture, Chemicals, Pesticides, Metals, Isotopes In their study, Alternative agriculture, they show that farmers can reduce their reliance on chemicals while maintaining crop yields, and profitability. http://www.nutramed.com/foodquality/foodcontaminants.htm | |
55. Agriculture And Agri-chemicals agriculture and Agrichemicals. agriculture and Agri-chemicals Our water sources are being polluted with toxins and chemicals due to agricultural run-off. http://www.anarac.com/agriculture_and_agrichemicals.htm | |
56. Youth In Agriculture - Chemicals even more stringent. Do You Know that chemicals and pesticides used in agriculture can be hazardous? Pesticides can be dangerous http://www.osha.gov/SLTC/youth/agriculture/chemicals.html | |
57. Agricultural Chemicals Regulation Law wishing to manufacture, process or import agricultural chemicals shall register the said agricultural chemicals to the Minister of agriculture, Forestry and http://www.jetro.go.jp/se/export_to_japan/files/oto/o-03.html | |
58. SUMITOMO CHEMICAL PLANT PROTECTION chemicals. Because of its high efficacy and low toxicity, Sumithion has been recommended by the Food and agriculture Organization (FAO) for http://www.sumitomo-chem.co.jp/english/division/agri.html | |
59. Chemicals - Managing Agricultural And Veterinary Chemical Use-an Overview Management of agricultural and veterinary chemicals  a national strategy has been prepared by the agriculture and Resource Management Council of Australia http://www.dpi.qld.gov.au/health/7600.html | |
60. DuPont Heritage: Agricultural Chemicals DuPont researcher George Levitt discovered sulfonylureas, potent chemicals that interfered Crop Protection, part of the companyÂs agriculture and Nutrition http://heritage.dupont.com/floater/fl_agchem/floater.shtml | |
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