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61. Mobile Raman Targets Chemical Spills - February, 2001 Send News to photonics@laurin.com or submit online here. Sponsoredby Technical Harold. Mobile Raman Targets chemical spills UPTON http://www.photonics.com/spectra/tech/XQ/ASP/techid.1015/QX/read.htm | |
62. Integrated Safety Management At Berkeley Lab chemical spills. Proper response to chemical spills depends on the nature andamount of the material spilled. You may be able to clean it up yourself. http://www.lbl.gov/ehs/pub811/hazards/spills.html | |
63. Chemical Spills HANDLING chemical spills. MANAGEMENT. Emergency Home Page. Bomb threat. ChemicalSpills. Earthquake. Fire Hazards. The First Few Mins. Flood. Natural Hazards. http://www.psb.adelaide.edu.au/emerg-plan/chemspill-1.html |
64. Events And Activities chemical spills the checklist; VP Cheney Hears Industry Position on PostalReform; Postal Reform Advancing Gary. Checklist chemical spills. http://www.pinc.org/pages/article.asp?vrecord=625 |
65. Flinn Scientific Preventing chemical spills. Introduction No matter what precautions aretaken, accidental chemical spills will occur in a science laboratory. http://www.flinnsci.com/Sections/Safety/chemicalSafety/chemicalSpills.asp | |
66. Chemical Spills 4, 20 & 21 And Fuels Spills 13, 28 & 29 Groundwater Plumes Updat chemical spills 4, 20 21 and Fuels Spills 13, 28 29 Groundwater PlumesUpdate. Fact Sheet 200107 August 2001. A fact sheet providing http://www.mmr.org/IRP/genprog/factshts/swou0801.htm | |
67. Chemical Spills On Personnel chemical spills ON PERSONNEL. For spills covering small amounts of skin,immediately flush with flowing water for no less than 15 minutes. http://www.ncsu.edu/ehs/www99/right/handsMan/factsheet/spilpers.html | |
68. Defra, UK - Environmental Protection - Water - Marine And Coastal Reducing the risk from oil and chemical spills; dispersants. Seriousoil spills damage birds and other wildlife. Spraying of dispersants http://www.defra.gov.uk/environment/marine/oilspill/default.htm | |
69. Wanganui District Council - Civil Defence: Chemical Spills Hazardous chemical spills. The threat of a hazardous chemical spill is constant.A number of our industrial sites use and produce hazardous chemicals. http://www.wanganui.govt.nz/civilDef/chemicals.html | |
70. EH&S: Harvard Cambridge/Allston Campus Emergency Response Guide chemical spills/GAS LEAKS Emergency Response Guide (Cambridge/AllstonCampus) Environmental Health Safety http://www.uos.harvard.edu/ehs/cerg_chemspills.shtml | |
71. SJC Office Of Health And Safety SECTION X chemical spills. General Information. Anticipate spillsby having the appropriate safety equipment on hand. If a spill http://www.sanjuancollege.edu/hr/safety/ChemHygiene/ChemHygiene11.htm | |
72. Absorbents (for Oil & Chemical Spills) - Business Directory AME Info Index A Absorbents (for Oil chemical spills). Facsimile +971(6)5344210. fulldetails. Index A Absorbents (for Oil chemical spills). Business Directory. http://www.ameinfo.com/db/A/Absorbents__for_Oil___Chemical_Spills_/ | |
73. EMERGENCY PROCEDURES 4. After the emergency, all chemical spills and fires, no matter how small, shouldbe reported to Environmental Health and Safety at 21284. chemical spills. http://userv1.police.ohio-state.edu/EmergencyProcedures/index.php?level=9 |
74. Chemical Spills CAUTION chemical spills larger than one gallon should be cleanedup by the Spill Response Team only. You may be asked to assist. http://www.hpl.umces.edu/safety/ChemSpill/SpillIntro.htm | |
75. Public Safety And Parking Services chemical spills. chemical spills which may pose a threat should behandled by Attempt to confine Minor chemical spills. Defined as a http://www.stthomas.edu/psps/emergency_procedures/chemical_spills.htm | |
76. Lab Safety Supply - EZ Facts Safety Info - Document #148, Neutralizing Chemical Neutralizing chemical spills. Document Number 148 Why does it make sense toneutralize an acidic or a caustic material as part of a spill cleanup? http://www.labsafety.com/refinfo/ezfacts/ezf148.htm | |
77. Chemical Spills chemical spills. 7. Report large or hazardous chemical spills to Office ofEnvironmental Health and the departmental Chemical Hygiene Officer. http://xenon.che.ilstu.edu/ChemSafety/chemspill.htm | |
78. Chemical Spills And Emergency Management At Sea|KLUWER Academic Publishers Books » chemical spills and Emergency Management at Sea. ChemicalSpills and Emergency Management at Sea. Add to cart. edited by P http://www.wkap.nl/prod/b/0-7923-0052-1 | |
79. University Of Louisville :: Emergency Preparedness :: Procedures :: Chemical Spi This graphic reflects the alert status for the City of Louisville. Explanation.chemical spills No Immediate Danger. Return to Emergency Procedures. http://php.louisville.edu/ur/preparedness/procedures/spills_no_danger.php | |
80. University Of Louisville :: Emergency Preparedness :: Procedures :: Chemical Spi of Louisville. Explanation. chemical spills Immediately Dangerous toLife or Health. Return to Emergency Procedures. If the individuals http://php.louisville.edu/ur/preparedness/procedures/spills_danger.php | |
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