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1. National Response Center Intro Page US interagency center is the sole federal point of contact for reporting oil and chemical spills http://www.nrc.uscg.mil/ |
2. Emergency Planning For Chemical Spills Versión español, Click Here for Terrorism. Chemical Cross Reference in Spanish,EPCRA for FireFighters Emergency Phone List. What is the Tier Two Report? http://www.chemicalspill.org/ | |
3. Pressconnects.com | Endicott Spill | SPECIAL REPORT Endicott chemical spills. Archived Coverage http://www.pressconnects.com/special/endicottspill/ | |
4. Home Page Report Oil and chemical spills by Calling the National ResponseCenter 1800-424-8802 or 202-267-2675. NRT Website Updates. http://www.nrt.org/ | |
5. UW EH&S Chemical Spills chemical spills. Spill Basics Major Spills - Minor Spills - Spill Kits - Mercury Spills. Education and Prevention. The best way to deal with a chemical spill is to be educated. The Seattle Fire http://www.ehs.washington.edu/Services/spills_chemical.htm | |
6. West Virginia Poison Center 1-800-222-1222 Provides emergency treatment advice on accidental exposures to medications and household substances, plant ingestions, snake, spider and other insect bites and stings, chemical spills, occupational exposures, and drug overdoses. http://www.hsc.wvu.edu/charleston/wvpc | |
7. Emergency Planning For Chemical Spills Basic OnLine Disaster Emergnecy Response CAA - Clean Air Act CAMEO - Computer AidedManagement of Emergency Operations CAS - Chemical Abstract Service CEPP http://www.chemicalspill.org/glossary1.html | |
8. Chemical Spills chemical spills. PowerPoint Presentation. Provided by ParkeDavis Pharmaceutical Research. Kathryn Benedict MS CSP. Senior Safety Specialist. Occupational Health and Safety. Parke-Davis Pharmaceutical Research. Ann Arbor, MI 48105 Vermont SIRI Safety Library Page. chemical spills. Objectives. Regulations http://esf.uvm.edu/sirippt/chemical | |
9. WeatherRadios.com NOAA Weather Radio broadcasts alerts for national emergencies, tornados, thunderstorms, flash floods, mud slides, hurricanes, chemical spills, fires, and other natural and manmade disasters. http://www.weatherradios.com | |
10. Peninsulas Emergency Preparedness Committee - Chemical Spills In Western Washing Helping family and neighborhoods prepare for earthquakes, volcanoes, fires and floods, in Gig Harbor, Key Peninsula, and Pierce County. Has water storage barrels for sale. Food Water Contamination. chemical spills. Radiation Hazards PCNET Academy. chemical spills. PEP-C. PO Box 1217 http://www.pep-c.org/chemicalspills | |
11. LIFE - Discontinued Services Page Business insurance......by Technological chemical spills. Complete Record Details BusinessInsurance from Poulton Associates http://life.csu.edu.au/hazards/1ChemicalSpills.html | |
12. Chemical Spill preplanning to respond safely to chemical spills. The cleanup of a chemical spill should only of safety and emergency personnel. All other chemical spills are considered major http://www.hhmi.org/science/labsafe/erg/chemspil.html | |
13. Chemical Spills Download the CAN Demo. The CAN demo is available for both Windows and Macintosh.To download the demo, click below on the appropriate link. http://www.can-intl.com/download.htm | |
14. Chemical Spills chemical spills. PowerPoint Presentation. Click here to Download PowerPoint File( 109 k ). Vermont SIRI Safety Library Page chemical spills. Objectives. http://siri.uvm.edu/ppt/chemical/ | |
15. ELCOSH : Chemical Spills Training Guide chemical spills Training Guide (Taken from the Tailgate Meetings thatWork A Guide to Effective Construction Safety Training series), http://www.cdc.gov/elcosh/docs/d0200/d000255/d000255.html | |
16. North Central Florida Local Emergency Planning Committee Offering information and services to protect local communities from chemical spills and accidents. http://www.ncflepc.org/ | |
17. NASD: Cleaning Up Chemical Spills Cleaning up chemical spills, Farm Safety Association Instructor The followingscript can be used to deliver a 15 minute training session to employees. http://www.cdc.gov/nasd/docs/d001601-d001700/d001626/d001626.html | |
18. Chemical Spills chemical spills. Spills that produce toxic fumes (examples ammoniahydroxide, hydrochloric acid). 1. Leave immediately. 2. Lock the http://cast.csufresno.edu/graduatelab/safety/chemical_spills.htm | |
19. 50 Ways - 34. Prevent And Clean Up Chemical Spills 34. Prevent and Clean Up chemical spills. An agrichemical spill posesa major risk to both groundwater and surface water supplies. http://www.thisland.uiuc.edu/50ways/50ways_34.html | |
20. Welcome To CIVACON Couplings used in transport tankers, rail cars, containers, ships and processing plants to guard against petroleum or chemical spills, tank overfill and dangerous vapor emissions. http://www.civacon.com/ | |
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