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21. Cheerleading, Cheerleaders. British Cheerleading Association - The Official Gove cheerleading, Cheerleaders. British cheerleading Association The OfficialNational Organisation for cheerleading in Britain. Serving http://www.cheerleading.org.uk/ | |
22. Mosquitos-Cheerleading Die Squads der M¤dchen aus Salzgitter werden vorgestellt, News und Events sowie Bildergalerien angeboten. http://www.mosquitos-cheerleading.de |
23. History Of Cheerleading In Britain cheerleading IN BRITAIN. The HISTORY IN BRITAIN. HISTORY OF cheerleadingIN BRITAIN Reprinted from CHEER LEADER volume 2 issue 3. cheerleading http://www.cheerleading.org.uk/handbook/history.htm | |
24. CHEERLEADING MUSIC SERVICE Order your toolkit, create a routine CD, buy a specialty CD, or read about the creator of the competition music for Bring it On. http://cheerleadingmusic.com | |
25. LSUsports.net The next LSU cheerleading Squad will be selected in April of 2004 For the 2004 cheerleading brochure, click here to download this file in PDF. http://www.lsusports.net/cheerleading.cfm?linkref=0005CDBC-684D-1B60-A84D809F187 |
26. Lightning City Gymnastics And Cheerleading Offers gymnastics and cheerleading classes and teams for girls and boys. Located in Tampa. http://expage.com/page/lightningcity | |
27. Byers Gymnastics Center: Sacramento, Elk Grove, Roseville, And San Diego, CA Gymnastics programs for preschoolers through adult, cheerleading clinics, and dance. Locations in Sacramento, Roseville and San Diego. http://www.byersgym.com/ | |
28. ~Cheerleading Quotes~ ~cheerleading Quotes~. * If football is so the crowd? * If cheerleadinggot any easier, it would be called football. * There are http://www.expage.com/pippiquote2 | |
29. Theme.gif San Antonio, TX Home of S.A.D.T. Classes include Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Hip Hop, Modern, H.S. Precision, Leaps Turns, Advanced Dance Team, cheerleading, Tumbling, Private Lessons. http://www.sanantoniodance.com | |
30. PCA - Power Cheerleading Home Page Power cheerleading Athletics. Camps, Clinics, Training, Cheer Gear,Uniforms, Music Design. Wonderland 20004 Info CHAT ( Rant http://www.execulink.com/~pwrchr/ | |
31. Corpus Christi Athletic Club/Dolphin Gymnastics And Cheerleading Preschool, recreational and team gymnastics, cheerleading and tumbling classes. Instructor biographies, class times. Located in Corpus Christi. http://www.ccathleticclub.com/programs/gymnastics.htm |
32. Mesquite Pee Wee Football Association 76 teams (each with a drill team and cheerleading squad) for children ages 412. Information, contact numbers and related links. http://members.aol.com/kathijud/myhomepage/football.html | |
33. Ontario Cheerleading Federation Ian Pudge 2005 ONTARIO S The OCF is pleased to announced that the 2005 Ontariocheerleading Championships has been booked at the Hershey Centre once again on http://www.ocf.on.ca/ | |
34. Welcome To ABSOLUTE'S HOME Page! Recreational and competitive gymnastics programs for boys and girls. Gymnastics, cheerleading, summer programs, birthday parties, competitive teams. Located in Tyngsborough. http://www.absolutegymnastics.com/ | |
35. Harvard Cheerleading Click to enter Harvard cheerleading. http://hcs.harvard.edu/~cheer/ |
36. Military Community Youth Football And Cheerleading Home of the Dolphins in Groton with news, upcoming events, and photographs. http://www.eteamz.com/mcyfldolphins/ | |
37. Ocoee (FL) Bulldogs - Pop Warner Football Information regarding the Ocoee Bulldogs Pop Warner football and cheerleading league. http://www.ocoeebulldogs.org | |
38. Physics Of Cheerleading Physics of cheerleading. Rah Rah Sis Boom Bah! Despite popular more. cheerleadinghas become a sophisticated, more athletic sport. This http://www.kent.k12.wa.us/staff/trobinso/physicspages/PhysOf99/Cheer-Blatter/Jam | |
39. MCCA - Michigan Cheerleading Coaches Association MCCA includes membership information and additional resources such as scholarship opportunities, competition guidelines and results, links, and history. http://www.cheermcca.org/cheermcca.htm | |
40. AACCA - Cheerleading Safety And Education Since 1987 - Welcome To AACCA Online Welcome to AACCA Online. Welcome to the website for the AmericanAssociation of cheerleading Coaches and Advisors. We are adding http://www.aacca.org/ | |
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