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181. Home Page Humble, TX Ballet, Tap, Jazz/Pom, Funk, Hip/Hop, Tumbling, cheerleading Privates, Drill Team, Parade and Competition Teams. http://atascocitadancecenter.freeservers.com | |
182. Westwood Gymnastics Academy Home Page Intro Gymnastics, tumbling, and allstar cheerleading for children and young adults 18 months to 18 years old. Located in Katy. http://www.westwoodgymnastics.com/ | |
183. Texas Youth Football Assoication San Antonio based association featuring cheerleading and football teams for children ages 715 years old. Includes contacts, information, schedules and by-laws. http://www.tyfa-football.com | |
184. Tops USA Gymnastics Recreational and girls competitive team programs and cheerleading. News, calendar, albums, handouts, classes, teams, cheerleading. Located in Woburn. http://www.eteamz.com/sites/topsusa | |
185. Lakeland Eagles Youth Football Youth football and cheerleading for children ages 5 14. Site contains pictures, an overview of the team, game schedules, cheerleaders, and a newsletter. http://www.lakelandeagles.org/ |
186. American Cheerleader American Cheerleader lt;b gt;Full Text lt;/b gt; This periodical offers practical articles for cheerleaders and cheerleader coaches on topics such as cheers, excercising, fundraising, and http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.americancheerleader.com/&y=02A7D |
187. Bush Steps In For GOP Unity Los Angeles Times latimes.com, http://www.latimes.com/news/politics/2004/la-na-bush21may21,0,18401.story?coll=l |
188. Redirection Example Sans Comments UCA is now part of the Varsity.com network! Click here to getinformation on camp dates, clinics, competitions and more! http://www.uca.com/ | |
189. Cheerleading Spirit Programs. http://www.longbeachstate.com/local/cheer.html | |
190. Champion Cheer - Cathy Buckey America s Premiere Cheer, Dance Tumbling Staff. Founded and Directed by CathyBuckey. Former NC State Head Coach,. 3Time National Collegiate Champion,. http://www.championcheer.com/ | |
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