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161. Index News, class list, and enrollment information for K8 charter school in southwest Modesto. Hart Ransom Unified schools. http://www.pc-intouch.com/~hrcharter | |
162. Santa Barbara School Districts: Santa Barbara Charter School A parent/staff cooperative with a childcentered approach to grades K through 8 education. Offers calendar of events, class schedule, details on teaching philosophy, and information on special after school programs. http://www.sbceo.k12.ca.us/~sbsdweb/schools/elementary/sb-charter.html | |
163. HILTON HEAD REAL ESTATE, Hilton Head Vacation, Hilton Head Resort, Hilton Head I Provides property listings for greater Hilton Head and Bluffton areas; includes a community newsletter, schools, and mortgage information. http://www.hiltonheadhomesource.com/ | |
164. Untitled Photos, calendar, resources and contact. http://www.firn.edu/schools/wakulla/wast/ | |
165. Chicago Public Schools The city's school district with over 435,000 students in more than 600 schools. Site offers information on services, report cards, school links, administration, testing and details on alternative, charter, magnet and special programs. http://www.cps.k12.il.us/ | |
166. Page Not Found Mission statement, foundational elements, daily schedule, mentor's project, and related links. http://www.northstar.k12.ak.us/schools/chn/index.html | |
167. Robinvale Secondary College A State Government school. Includes curriculum information, district and general information, Principal's message, feeder schools and the school's charter and priorities. http://www.robinsc.vic.edu.au/ |
168. Sailing Holidays, Yacht Charter, RYA Sailing Courses And RYA Sailing Schools. We RYA and ASA sailing schools offering the complete range of sailing courses. Lists newsletter, yacht charter, cruises and training information. http://www.marsbrookboating.com | |
169. Howard Street Charter School Grades 68. http://www.salkeiz.k12.or.us/schools/howardst.htm | |
170. Leon County School Sites Mission statement, policies and procedures, and contact information. http://www.leon.k12.fl.us/schools.asp?ID=45 |
171. King County International Airport -- Boeing Field Also known as Boeing Field, King County airport is a center for Boeing operations and also serves air cargo companies, recreational fliers, charter services, flight schools and emergency services. http://www.metrokc.gov/airport/ | |
172. BEST Program Boston University A collaboration between the schools of Management and Education researching and developing educational programs to prepare public and charter school principals. http://people.bu.edu/gleader |
173. National Charter School Alliance National charter School Alliance quot;The Alliance is a new national nonprofit organization established to continue and expand on the work of the charter Friends National Network (CFNN). Its http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.charterfriends.org/&y=0240A50B5F |
174. EdSmart: Educational Consultants To K-12 Schools, Charters, And Districts Consulting services to schools, districts and charters in legislative compliance, funding, personnel development, staffing, and best practices. http://www.educationsupermart.com/ |
175. Countryside Charter School Welcome to Countryside charter School s website. We are a tuitionfree, K - 12 public school academy serving 540 students and their http://www.remc11.k12.mi.us/~ctryside/ | |
176. MAPSA: Home Formed by a grassroots coalition of charter school leaders and supporters to represent their interests http://www.charterschools.org/ | |
177. Choice 2000 Charter School Welcome to Choice 2000 OnLine School, the first public 7th-12th grade school to be both fully online and WASC accredited. Please http://www.choice2000.org/ | |
178. Alianza Charter School, A Two-way Bilingual Immersion K-6 Public Charter School Alianza School is a twoway bilingual immersion charter elementary school in Watsonville, California, USA Alianza es una escuela http://www.alianza.pvusd.net/ | |
179. Home Page  The Enterprise Charter School Welcome to The Enterprise charter School. Now Accepting Applications for the 20042005 School Year! Enterprise charter School has 406 registered students. http://enterprisecharter.org/ | |
180. Ridgeview Classical Schools Home Page Ridgeview Classical schools A Classical Education for Modern Times - We offer the Hirsch Core Knowledge Curriculum for K-8 http://www.ridgeviewclassical.com/ |
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