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101. Indiana Charter Schools Indiana Charter School Web Sites. List of Indiana charter schools and Contact Information. Indiana Charter School Questions and Answers. http://ideanet.doe.state.in.us/charterschools/welcome.html | |
102. Charter Schools charter schools And Race A Lost Opportunity for Integrated Education. charter schools are one of the most important educational innovations of this generation. http://www.civilrightsproject.harvard.edu/research/deseg/CharterSchools.php | |
103. Home Page Specializing in new and used textbooks for homeschools, charter schools, and public schools. http://www.textbookheaven.com | |
104. WCSA - Welcome WCSA is a leader in fostering community choices in public education through charter schools. Find a Charter School. WISCONSIN charter schools ASSOCIATION. http://www.wicharterschools.org/ | |
105. NY GOVERNOR PATAKI PUBLIC charter schools IN NEW YORK STATE Creating new public schools with greater accountability, greater flexibility and less bureaucracy to help children http://www.state.ny.us/governor/brieftoc.htm | |
106. Education Working Paper 1 | Apples To Apples: An Evaluation Of Charter Schools S Despite the fact that charter schools serve over 684000 children nationwide, they remain a poorly studied form of education reform. http://www.manhattan-institute.org/html/ewp_01.htm | |
107. Untitled Document Public school district serving grades K8, with emphasis on charter schools and home schooling. http://www.hickman.k12.ca.us/ | |
108. Arizona Charter Schools Association with questions or comments about this web site. Copyright © 2003 Arizona charter schools Association Last modified May 07, 2004. http://www.azcharters.org/ | |
109. Boston.com / News / Local / Mass. / Urban Charter Schools Score A Win Urban charter schools score a win. More than half 54 percent of charter schools were below average on math and English MCAS exams in 2003. http://www.boston.com/news/local/massachusetts/articles/2004/05/10/urban_charter | |
110. Welcome To The Charter School Resource Center Of Texas Website The Charter School Resource Center of Texas website provides a directory and description of all operational charter schools in Texas, a weekly newsletter and http://www.charterstexas.org/ | |
111. Charter Schools Of Indianapolis: Welcome Welcome. In May, 2001, Indiana became the 37th state to pass charter schools legislation. The new law gives the mayor of Indianapolis http://www6.indygov.org/mayor/charter/ | |
112. Charter Schools Unit Home Page PUBLIC SCHOOL CHOICE PROGRAMS. The Public School Choice Programs Website has moved to http//www.emsc.nysed.gov/psc/. Please update your Favorites and Bookmarks! http://www.emsc.nysed.gov/rscs/charter/charterschools.html | |
113. CNN.com - Trouble For First N.Y. Charter Schools - Jan. 13, 2004 CNN http://cnn.com/2004/EDUCATION/01/13/charter.schools.ap/index.html | |
114. EPAA Vol. 7 No. 1 Cobb & Glass: Ethnic Segregation In Arizona Charter Schools Ethnic Segregation in Arizona charter schools. In 199697, Arizona had nearly one in four of all charter schools in the United States. http://epaa.asu.edu/epaa/v7n1/ | |
115. EPAA Vol 3 No. 13 Charter Schools 1995 copies are not sold. charter schools 1995 A Survey and Analysis of the Laws and Practices of the States. Including StateBy-State http://epaa.asu.edu/epaa/v3n13/ | |
116. CNN.com - Report: Can't Yet Tell Effectiveness Of Vouchers, Charter Schools - De CNN http://cnn.com/2001/fyi/teachers.ednews/12/06/school.vouchers.ap/index.html | |
117. Massachusetts Charter School Association::Home The Massachusetts Charter School Association s mission is to serve, support, and advocate for Massachusetts charter schools as they strive to achieve the http://www.masscharterschools.org/ | |
118. School District Of Philadelphia - Charter Schools As defined by Pennsylvania s Charter School Law (Act 22 of 1997), charter schools are public schools that operate independently from the School District of http://www.phila.k12.pa.us/charter_schools/ | |
119. CNN.com - Study: Charter Schools Score Below Public - September 5, 2002 CNN http://cnn.com/2002/fyi/teachers.ednews/09/03/charter.schools.ap/index.html | |
120. Charter Schools In 1991, several states passed legislation that permitted the creation of public schools known as charter schools. These schools were often started by parents http://www.esc20.net/charterschools/ | |
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