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61. About Charter Schools From The Center For Education Reform The Center for Education Reform tracks charter school grassroots efforts, legislation and laws, research, and how charter schools are improving academic standards and educational choices for students and parents. http://www.edreform.com/charter_schools/ | |
62. What Are The Issues? charter schools. Background. charter schools are schools that operate under a contract, or charter, with local school boards or other governing agencies. http://www.pta.org/ptawashington/issues/charter.asp | |
63. Charter Schools: Are They Needed? Looking At Both Sides Of The Debate Looks at the charter school issue by examining both pro and con arguments from the educational literature. http://www.libraryreference.org/charter.html | |
64. Reason Magazine -- April 1998 Arizona had 1/3 of the nations charter schools. This insightful study by a business and economics writer looks at competitive effects on all schools. http://www.reason.com/9804/fe.glassman.html | |
65. Charter Schools charter schools are authorized by Del. C., Title 14, Chapter 5 which was enacted in 1995. * * * * *. Regulation 275 on charter schools. http://www.doe.state.de.us/CharterSchools/charter_schools.htm | |
66. Utah Charter Schools Utah charter schools Utah State Office of Education, US Dept. of Education releases new Guidance on charter schools Program (PDF). http://www.usoe.k12.ut.us/charterschools/ | |
67. Directory - Utah Charter Schools Utah State Office of Education. Utah charter schools 2003 2004. Information Last Updated May 4, 2004. Charter School. Address, Contact. http://www.usoe.k12.ut.us/charterschools/directory.htm | |
68. NCSC - National Charter School Clearinghouse Assisting in the development and maintenance of successful charter schools through disseminating research and funding information and providing direct technical assistance. Discussion board, current topics, news, newsletter, and upcoming events. http://www.ncsc.info/ | |
69. Cfl.state.mn.us/charter/ The Connecticut charter schools Network CT charter schoolsConnecticut charter schools are public schools operating with a contract, or charter, from the Connecticut State Board of Education. http://cfl.state.mn.us/charter/ |
70. Challenge And Opportunity The Impact Of Charter Schools On School Districts June 2001 report which is part of a fouryear study of the charter school movement in ten states. http://www.ed.gov/pubs/chartimpact/ |
71. Charter Schools charter schools. Defining charter schools is difficult given both the variety of the charter school statutes and the types of schools that have been created. http://www.ncsl.org/programs/educ/c1schls.htm | |
72. ODE - Charter Schools 2004; Intent to Apply; Oregon Public charter schools 2003-04 Current Schools in Operation. Oregon Public Charter School Handbook http://www.ode.state.or.us/cifs/charterschools/ | |
73. BRIGHTER CHOICE CHARTER SCHOOLS . . . For A Brighter Future. The Brighter Choice charter schools may be just what your child needs. Click here to see Gains in Student Performance at Brighter Choice charter schools. http://www.brighterchoice.org/ | |
74. Center For Education Reform Advocacy, statistics, resources and guidance on education reform issues and action at the school, district, state and national levels, from School Choice, charter schools, and educational entrepreneurialism to high academic standards, teacher professionalism and local control. http://edreform.com/ | |
75. Untitled Document Welcome to the. charter schools Office. at Central Michigan University. Our site has moved. You will be redirected there automatically http://pip.ehhs.cmich.edu/chart/ | |
76. PRI Education Studies Resources from the Pacific Research Institute in support of parental choice in education, high academic standards and accountability, charter schools, teacher quality, and school finance reform. http://www.pacificresearch.org/centers/csr/ | |
77. The Center For Charter Schools In Frederick County Promotes the establishment of charter schools in the county to expand the opportunities available in public education. News and information about the first charter school in Maryland. http://www.geocities.com/centerforcharterschools/ | |
78. Charter Schools In Wisconsin Homepage charter schools in Wisconsin. charter schools Accountability. Wisconsin established charter schools to foster an environment of creativity. They http://www.dpi.state.wi.us/dpi/dfm/sms/csindex.html | |
79. SLVUSD CHARTER SCHOOL 325 Marion Avenue, Ben Lomond, CA 95005 (831) 3361827 (831) 336-9657 (fax) Eric Schoffstall, Director of charter schools Gail Heagerty, Administrative http://www.slv.k12.ca.us/CHARTER/ | |
80. ECS Issue Site: Charter Schools charter schools are semiautonomous public schools, founded by educators, parents, community groups or private organizations that operate under a written http://www.ecs.org/html/issue.asp?issueID=20 |
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