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21. Charter Friends National Network several national chartersupporting organizations to join forces to produce a new brochure that contains useful and up-to-date information on charter schools. http://www.charterfriends.org/ | |
22. EDISON SCHOOLS Manages elementary and secondary public schools under contracts with school districts and charter schools. (Nasdaq EDSN). http://www.edisonschools.com/ |
23. NEA: Charter Schools U.S. Department of Education "charter schools are public schools that come into existence flexibility afforded by the charter, the schools are held accountable for achieving http://www.nea.org/issues/charter | |
24. Archived - State Of Charter Schools 2000: Fourth-Year Report The State of charter schools 2000. FourthYear Report. Executive Summary. About This Report States and charter schools The Expanding Charter School Movement; http://www.ed.gov/pubs/charter4thyear/ | |
25. Texas Schools - TX Elementary, Middle And High School Information Your objective source of elementary, middle and high school information for public, private and charter schools. Access Choosing Schools, Track School Performance and the Parent Resource Center to learn about school performance and help your child succeed. http://www.greatschools.net/modperl/go/TX | |
26. Archived - Table Of Contents Archived Study of charter schools First Year Report May 1997 The four-year study includes 1. An annual survey of all charter schools every year for four http://www.ed.gov/pubs/charter/ | |
27. The Charter School Resource Center CSRC acts as an information center, advocate and support organization for charter schools in Pennsylvania http://www.pacharterschools.org/ |
28. Charter Schools Development Center institute tool kits and other publications sample documents news resources for chartergranting agencies resources for charter schools school data http://www.cacharterschools.org/ | |
29. American Quality Schools AQS is a notfor-profit educational management company that operates the city's charter schools. Includes curriculums, online registration form, employment, newsletters, and contacts. http://www.aqs.org/ |
30. Charter Schools Development Center FOR charter schools. This guide may be used as a helpful tool when developing a business plan for the charter school. A Basic Business Plan for charter schools. http://www.csus.edu/ier/charter/bizpl.html | |
31. ERICDigests.Org - Providing Full-text Access To ERIC Digests Provides fulltext access to ERIC Digests in many education areas including learning theories, teaching, special education, charter schools, and home schooling. http://www.ericdigests.org/ | |
32. TEA - Charter Schools Division charter schools are subject to fewer state laws than other public schools with the idea of ensuring fiscal and academic accountability without undue regulation http://www.tea.state.tx.us/charter/ | |
33. Disclaimer The Following Information Is Self Reported And Is Not Select a category. All charter schools. Charter Name. Sponsor Name. School Site Name. City. County. Zip Code. Disclaimer The following http://www.ade.state.az.us/charterschools/search/ | |
34. Wired News: Online Schools Under Scrutiny Some charter schools are being run in a slipshod manner. http://www.wired.com/news/business/0,1367,52207,00.html | |
35. Massachusetts Charter Schools - Massachusetts Department Of Education Family Community Alternative Education Massachusetts charter schools. CHARTER SCHOOL NEWS 2/24/2004, Board of Education Approves Four New charter schools. http://www.doe.mass.edu/charter/ | |
36. NWREL'S Charter Schools Project charter schools are public schools of choice that have increased freedom and autonomy in exchange for increased accountability. http://www.nwrel.org/charter/ | |
37. Charter School Web Sites The resources listed offer a variety of services and information regarding charter schools throughout the nation. NW Laboratory Home. Charter School Web Sites. http://www.nwrel.org/charter/national.html | |
38. Friends Of Choice In Urban Schools FOCUS promotes public charter schools in Washington, DC. Includes a directory of charter schools, guidance on starting a charter school, background information and current news. http://www.focus-dccharter.org/ | |
39. Colorado Charter Schools Index Page Information on application, funding, startup, implementation, and best practices for Colorado charter schools. Colorado charter schools. http://www.cde.state.co.us/index_charter.htm | |
40. 404 - Sorry, File Not Found! Critical Issue Dynamic DebateÂDetermining the Evolving Impact development in an historic as well as legislative context, posits three themes that permeate the ongoing debate surrounding charter schools, and delineates http://www.edexcellence.net/topics/charters.html |
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