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101. Chester E. Finn Jr. On Charter Schools On National Review Online Clines views charter schools as an education failure so enormousthat it s forcing Texas to lower statewide academic standards. http://www.nationalreview.com/comment/comment-finn060503.asp | |
102. Re: Charter Schools Continued 5. Students who meet reasonable academic, artistic, or other eligibility standardsestablished by the charter school and included in the charter school http://www.coedu.usf.edu/~dorn/_disc5/0000003c.htm | |
103. Are Charter Schools Improving Student Perform... Â [Michigan Education Report] Fourthgrade charter school students were meeting state math standardsat more than 56-times the rate of students at other public schools. http://www.educationreport.org/pubs/mer/article.asp?ID=4857 |
104. STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION VOTES ON RULES FOR CHARTER SCHOOLS, GRADUATION STANDARD McClintick, 3321591 or amcclintick@osbe.state.id.us. STATE BOARD OFEDUCATION VOTES ON RULES FOR charter SCHOOLS, GRADUATION standards. http://www.idahoboardofed.org/press_releases/11_05_03.asp | |
105. Teachers Union Challenges Funding For Charter Schools Every school s contract is negotiated independently and attendance and communityservicestandards, Ms. Young Most of the charter schools take Ohio proficiency http://www.enquirer.com/editions/2001/04/06/loc_teachers_union.html | |
106. CULTURAL HERITAGE CHARTERS AND STANDARDS A review of the principal UNESCO and ICOMOS charters and standards for the preservation of cultural heritage by J.K. Gillon. http://gillonj.tripod.com/culturalheritagechartersandstandards/ | |
107. Arizona Department Of Education Arizona Department of Education This World Wide Web (WWW) site contains information about public schools in Arizona. The What's New section presents current information about school finance reform http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.ade.state.az.us/&y=02DEFD7AFE631 |
108. GADOE.org - Georgia Department Of Education Information on school system for the state of Georgia. http://www.doe.k12.ga.us/ | |
109. Charters Home definite, teachable, and hard. Paul Shorey. AALE standards for CharterSchool Accreditation. Curriculum AALE standards emphasize http://www.aale.org/charters/ | |
110. In Mazatlan - Star Fleet Sportfishing Offering a variety of charters with experienced crews and 14 boats from 34 to 43 feet, all meeting U.S. Coast Guard standards. http://www.starfleet.com.mx/ | |
111. 6/10/98 - News: Charter Schools Struggle With Accountability By and large, charter schools are required to meet the same academic standardsand use the same tests as other public schools in their states, according to http://www.edweek.org/ew/vol-17/39chart.h17 | |
112. The Salt Lake Tribune -- Charter Schools All Meet Goals Tribune Utah charter schools scored a perfect 12 for 12 under new federal performancestandards that recently dinged a third of the state s public schools. http://www.sltrib.com/2003/Dec/12292003/utah/124176.asp | |
113. GADOE.org - Georgia Department Of Education http://www.doe.k12.ga.us/index.asp | |
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