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61. Honolulu Star-Bulletin Editorial Column say that the charter school method is better for instructional quality, parentalinvolvement, core curriculum, extra help for students, academic standards, http://starbulletin.com/1999/04/16/editorial/viewpoint.html | |
62. Public, Charter Schools Not Equal Under New Law Also performing below state reading or math standards were ManchesterAcademic charter school and Pennsylvania Learners Online. http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/03241/216201.stm | |
63. Charter Schools Expedite Privatization Of Education term. And, within this economic formula of objective standards, who is acquisition,straight debt and operating leases for potential charter school operators http://www.policyalternatives.ca/publications/edumon/article13.html | |
64. "Math Results Show The Charter-school Gap." Nov. 5, 2003. New York Teacher. At Riverhead charter school in Suffolk County, fewer fourthgraders met the mathtest standards than in any of the Riverhead district s traditional public http://www.nysut.org/newyorkteacher/2003-2004/031105math02.html | |
65. PEGASUS CHARTER SCHOOL (DALLAS, TX) Detailed School Profile, Performance Statist enrollment 13 12th grade enrollment 8 Statistics about PEGASUS charter SCHOOLin DALLAS of students in all grades meeting all TAKS test standards (2 SEM http://www.schools-data.com/schools/PEGASUS-CHARTER-SCHOOL-DALLAS.html | |
66. STAR CHARTER SCHOOL (AUSTIN, TX) Detailed School Profile, Performance Statistics grade enrollment 19 12th grade enrollment 4 Statistics about STAR charter SCHOOLin AUSTIN of students in all grades meeting all TAKS test standards (2 SEM http://www.schools-data.com/schools/STAR-CHARTER-SCHOOL-AUSTIN.html | |
67. Chicago Tribune | Registration combined, the state s average for meeting or exceeding standards is 60 percent.charter schools must give the tests too. Whether a charter school should be http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/specials/chi-0211160144nov16,1,4373515.story | |
68. Georgetown Charter School Testing Results, 2002 -- Sussex County Online, Delawar math, Georgetown charter school third graders ranked 68th out of 87 schools statewide,with 33 percent of Georgetown students performing below state standards. http://www.sussexcountyonline.com/news/localnews/0702/weblog071002.html | |
69. Contra Costa Times 05/07/2003 Scrutiny For Charter Schools Jerry Brown wants the authority to sponsor charter schools and where at least onecharter school in Richmond may fall short of the proposed academic standards. http://www.bayarea.com/mld/cctimes/living/education/5804243.htm |
70. NEA: Charter Schools The National Education Association supports public charter schools that havethe same standards of accountability and access as other public schools. http://www.nea.org/charter/ | |
71. NEA: NEA Home be used by the NEA s government relations staff in lobbying for changes in federalcharter school policies to promote higher standards, greater accountability http://www.nea.org/nr/nr010705b.html | |
72. Simple Public Key Infrastructure (spki) Charter charter of the working group that develops Internet standards for an public key certificate format, associated signature and other formats, and key acquisition protocols. (spki) http://www.ietf.org/html.charters/spki-charter.html | |
73. Public-Key Infrastructure (X.509) (pkix) Charter charter of the working group that develops Internet standards needed to support an X.509based PKI. (pkix) http://www.ietf.org/html.charters/pkix-charter.html | |
74. Detailed Revision/Update Of Message Standards (drums) Charter The charter of the DRUMS IETF working group. DRUMS works on clarifying, codifying, and extending existing Internet messaging standards. http://www.ietf.org/html.charters/drums-charter.html | |
75. Remove International Skating Union From The OLympic Movement Petition The International Skating Union has demonstrated in their judging of the pairs competition at the Salt Lake City Olympics that they cannot adhere to the ethical standards of Olympic charter and should be expelled from the Olympic Movement. http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/672918216 | |
76. Cabinet Office A programme to drive up standards in service delivery across the public sector in the UK. Encompassing the charter Mark award scheme, charters for public services, the People's Panel, Better Government for Older People, Quality Networks, Government Performance Information and Best Practice guidance. http://www.cabinet-office.gov.uk/servicefirst/ | |
77. The Avalon Project : Charter Of The International Military Tribunal Yale Law school. Nuremberg Trial Proceedings Vol. 1. charter of the International be identical, and shall be governed by this charter Article 10 of this charter, with a crime other http://www.yale.edu/lawweb/avalon/imt/proc/imtconst.htm | |
78. Illinois Charter Schools - Homepage gaining community support. devloping an educational program and accountability standards. financingfacilities. complying with laws that apply to charter schools. http://www.isbe.state.il.us/charter/ | |
79. Macair Jet Based in Argentina offering worldwide executive charter service. Provides information on aircraft including specifications and on board services, safety standards and location. http://www.macairjet.com.ar/ |
80. Atlantis Dive Charters Wreck Diving A Specialty charter boat and dive store in New London. Includes rebreather rental and training, charter schedule, standards and policies, and directions. http://www.atlantis.nu/ | |
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