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21. Charters Home standards for charter school Accreditation. Pilot Phase Draft Download AALE s standardsfor charter school Accreditation in PDF format. Education standards http://www.aale.org/charters/charterstandards.htm | |
22. Charter Schools Development Center This 12page briefing paper explains the development of clear, measurableperformance standards for charter school students. The http://www.cacharterschools.org/accountability.html | |
23. Wyatt-Edison Charter School Operated by Edison schools for grades kindergarten through 8th, detailing school standards and achievement, testing results, programs, and staff. http://www.denver.k12.co.us/schools/e/Elementary/212.shtml/ | |
24. CALIFORNIA'S CHARTER SCHOOLS ACT OF 1992 interesting (or perhaps muddled),President Clinton called for a renewed effort toestablish and assessnationallevel standards. charter school developers will http://www.cacharterschools.org/news_3_7_97.html | |
25. CER Frequently Asked Questions: Charter Schools Autonomy charter schools are freed from the traditional and regulations that diverta school s energy and and reaching high academic standards for their http://edreform.com/school_reform_faq/charter_schools.htm | |
26. Charter School Accountability report that contains a fiscal and programmatic audit, an annual report on studentprogress based on the charter school s student education standards, an annual http://www.ecs.org/clearinghouse/24/17/2417.htm | |
27. EXCEL School Statement The EXCEL school, a Colorado charter school and a public school of choice,is excellence is achieved by maintaining high standards and expectations http://www.durango.k12.co.us/excel/home.htm | |
28. New Bedford Global Learning Charter School - Sharing Responsibility of parents in helping us to uphold these standards. work together to support theschool s policies in select the Global Learning charter school because they http://www.newbedford.k12.ma.us/nbglcs/responsibility.htm | |
29. Home Page As the Head of Lower school at Community Day charter school, it is Our standardsbasedcurriculum, English immersion, early literacy efforts, arts programs and http://www.cdcs.chtr.k12.ma.us/ | |
30. Event Summary: The Charter School Debate A Brookings panel of experts gathered today to discuss charter school accountabilityand whether current accountability standards are sufficient to make http://www.brook.edu/comm/op-ed/20040218charter.htm | |
31. FACILITIES REQUIREMENTS FOR CHARTER SCHOOLS IN FLORIDA 2. Are charter school facilities public facilities or private facilitiesand how do you know which codes and standards to apply? http://www.firn.edu/doe/edfacil/charters.htm | |
32. Charter School Authority To Enforce Parent Volunteer Contracts student populations students who meet reasonable academic, artistic, or othereligibility standards established by the charter school and included in the http://www.firn.edu/doe/ogc/opinions/2003/03-05.htm | |
33. Archived: The Charter School Roadmap, Autonomy own goals. States should require a combination of statewide and charterschooldetermined standards and assessments. A combined http://www.ed.gov/pubs/Roadmap/ch6.html | |
34. Charter Schools A Ruse For Destroying Public Education? charter schools could be approved subject to renewal every three years. They mustmeet or exceed the state public school standards of Quality, including the http://www.sullivan-county.com/nf0/nov_2000/char_sch.htm | |
35. Charter Schools Offer An Array Of Choices - Texas - GreatSchools.net that operates traditional public schools; High standards of fiscal If the school doesn tmanage its fiscal student achievement, it can have its charter revoked. http://www.greatschools.net/cgi-bin/showarticle/TX/241/improve | |
36. Education Week: Charter Schools - School, Teacher, Educator, Student, State, Reg 2001 report by KPMG consulting for the Pennsylvania Department of Education, looksat steps to make new, online charter schools accountable to state standards. http://www.edweek.org/context/topics/issuespage.cfm?id=42 |
37. Julian Charter School Julian charter school K12 State Content standards. Document Title. PDF Files.WORD Files. Quick Checks also called Combined Lists PDF *. Elementary Grades, http://www.juliancharterschool.org/3/standards/menu.php | |
38. Charter School Mission Statements DESIGN PUBLIC charter school Mission Statement The mission of the Architectureand Design Public charter school is to develop high standards and high http://www.phila.k12.pa.us/charter_schools/mission.html | |
39. Newspapers OnLine Pennsylvania school Districts. schools scramble to meet standards Page 5. CamdenAcademy charter school. Center for Economics and Law charter High school. http://specialsections.philly.com/sections.asp?sesid=255094972&refid=&sec=2038&a |
40. Time To Use Charter Schools Washington Charter Public Schools Performance requirements in those charter public school classroomswould not be without standards either. According to the latest http://www.wacharterschools.org/edit_king_cty_jour_4_9_03.html | |
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