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Chaos General Research Physics: more detail | ||||||||
41. Giorgos P. Tsironis Home Page in very good funding state with basic research grants from abstract ideas (quanta,phonons, relativity, chaos etc) while and in parallel in the general and the http://vino.physics.uoc.gr/~gts/ | |
42. CIRCS - Northeastern University - Home Page general Critical Phenomena; Quantum chaos; Glasses Spin and general Topics in physics. ContactCIRCS, Dana research Center, physics Department , Northeastern http://www.circs.neu.edu/members/jose.htm | |
43. UCSB Physics: Particle Physics Theory Particle physics Theory. general DESCRIPTION. Astroparticle physics andquantum chaos are the topics of research for Mark Srednicki. http://www.physics.ucsb.edu/Research/TPP.php3 | |
44. UCSB Physics: Condensed Matter Experiment general DESCRIPTION. Guenter Ahlers research focuses on critical phenomena andpattern formation in The study of spatiotemporal chaos in non-linear driven http://www.physics.ucsb.edu/Research/ECM.php3 | |
45. Physics And Astronomy Program ProgramÂ, working directly on a research project with PHYS3510 (3UOC, HPW2, S1)Mech., Fields chaos; PHYS3550 (3UOC, HPW2, S2) general Relativity; PHYS3610 http://www.phys.unsw.edu.au/COURSES/PHYSICS_AND_ASTRONOMY/physics_and_astronomy. | |
46. Duquesne University | Bayer School Of Natural And Environmental Sciences Questions (Core 132)*. 3. general Analyt. physics III (213). 4. 1. Advanced LaboratoryI (329). 1. chaos (480/480L) or Big Bang (103). 3. 3. Senior research (430w). 1. http://www.science.duq.edu/physics/physbs.html | |
48. Research - U Of W Physics Department research in this area includes general methods of In the future we hope to lookat the area of quantum chaos, with applications especially to lasers. http://physics.uwinnipeg.ca/research01.html | |
49. Institute Of Physics - Media Relations following quantum chaos theory. research published today in the Institute of physicspublication, Journal of physics A Mathematical and general, describes how http://physics.iop.org/IOP/Press/PR2800.html | |
50. Current Research issues of utmost importance in physics in general, and quantum The aboveoulined lineof research may well prove very of the arrow of time?, chaos, Solitons http://www.ta3.sk/~msaniga/curres.html | |
51. HMC Physics Research Institute of Technology Theoretical general relativity, relativistic properties ofmembranes, optical coherence microscopy; chaos. Current research projects. http://www.physics.hmc.edu/research/ | |
52. All.info: Science And Health / Physics And Astronomy / Chaos / hot FAQs Sponsors Publications research About the tripod.com/~amselvamA general Systems Theory of Everything from chaos, Quantum Mechanics http://all.info/directory/Science_and_Health/Physics_and_Astronomy/Chaos/ | |
53. All.info: Science And Health / Physics And Astronomy / Chaos And Fractals / members.tripod.com/~amselvam A general Systems Theory bibliographies (lists of referenceson specific subjects) research http//order.ph.utexas.edu/chaos/. http://all.info/directory/Science_and_Health/Physics_and_Astronomy/Chaos_and_Fra | |
54. World Scientific physics for Beginners Fractals, chaos, Solitons, Pattern research on Particle ImagingDetectors; S Chandrasekhar The Click here for general physics Proceedings. http://www.worldscientific.com/books/physics/gp.shtml | |
55. Racah Inst. Of Physics, HUJI --- Summary Of Research Activities (iv) general physics Partial symmetries in dynamical systems, mixed systemswith coexisting regularity and chaos. Major research activities Algebraic http://www.fiz.huji.ac.il/summary.html | |
56. Physics Research of magnetic thin films, and general characterization of with scientists at the NationalResearch Council of into new studies of classical and quantum chaos. http://www.uccs.edu/~physics/research.html | |
57. QUT Library Finding General Information Resources In Physics umd.edu/, Developed by the chaos Group at of IUPAP, Presented to the 23rd GeneralAssembly, Atlanta sources are for example preprints, research reports, annual http://www.library.qut.edu.au/subjectpath/physics.jsp |
58. Complexity, Self Adaptive Complex Systems, And Chaos Theory Network; Center for Complex Systems research (CCSR) Technical Chip (Bart Kosko); Introductionto a general Theory of Composing with chaos, Applications of a New http://www.brint.com/Systems.htm | |
59. Physics Faculty Jayaram Betanabhatla. AssociateProfessor. 153 Durham Science Center, 5543632. Courses taught general physics (1110, 1120), Electronics (3010). research interests Raymond Guenther. Professor. 149 http://www.physics.unomaha.edu/Physics/faculty | |
60. CHAOS of IFSR, The International Federation for Systems research, http//www by chaos, 1998 Volume2, general Systems, Physical and Engineering Systems, Symposium ECHO http://www.ulg.ac.be/mathgen/CHAOS/CHAOS.html | |
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