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81. ThinkQuest : Library : Explorers Of The Millennium champlain, samuel de samuel de champlain s 1607 Map Virtual Museum of newFrancesamuel de champlain samuel de champlain Explorer. http://library.thinkquest.org/4034/links.html | |
82. Samuel De Champlain samuel de champlain is one of CanadaÂs important historical 1633 Cardinal Richelieuappointed champlain Governor of new France. champlain was a great explorer http://www.youthlinks.org/article.do?articleID=1488 |
83. New York State Test Prep Social Studies 5 (Grade 4) Encounters With People From samuel de champlain samuel de champlain was a French explorer who became knownas the Father of new France. In 1603 he went on his first voyage to http://www.oswego.org/testprep/ss5/b/majorexl.cfm | |
84. NewWorldmaps among the Abanaki. samuel de champlain and new France. The French Crownpaid little attention to the St. Lawrence and northeast http://www.nd.edu/~dharley/HistIdeas/NewWorldmaps.html | |
85. Homework Center - Explorers de champlain, samuel samuel de champlain s loc.gov/exhibits/treasures/trr009.htmlLook at a map of new England and Canada compiled by champlain in 1607. http://www.multcolib.org/homework/explorhc.html | |
86. Homework Center - Explorers - Alphabetical List Athens/Ithaca/7318/CHAMP2.HTM Discoverer of Quebec City and new France ku.edu/carrie/docs/texts/champlai.htmlText from samuel de champlain s Voyages wrtiten http://www.multcolib.org/homework/alphaexp.html | |
87. Samuel De Champlain - InformationBlast samuel de champlain (c. 1567or1570 1635) Geographer, draftsman in new France andproclaimed his new commission. champlain set out on May 27th to continue his http://www.informationblast.com/Samuel_de_Champlain.html | |
88. Champlain, Samuel De. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001 champlain, samuel de. French explorer, the chief founder of new France http://www.bartleby.com/65/ch/ChamplaiS.html | |
89. Historical Biographies, Nova Scotia: Samuel Champlain (1567-1635). champlain came over with the de Monts expedition of 1605. champlain was instrumental in the founding of Port Royal (Acadia) and there (before he was ever to get to Quebec) he spent his first three http://www.blupete.com/Hist/BiosNS/1600-00/Champlain.htm | |
90. Samuel De Champlain samuel de Camplain From the beginning of 'Voyages' P Camplain was descended from an ancestry whose names are not recorded among the renowned families of a href='../atlas/country.asp?countryID= http://www.abacci.com/books/authorDetails2.asp?authorID=727&misspellID=590 |
91. Samuel De Champlain samuel de Champlane From the beginning of 'Voyages' P Champlane was descended from an ancestry whose names are not recorded among the renowned families of a href='../atlas/country.asp?countryID . .. http://www.abacci.com/books/authorDetails2.asp?authorID=727&misspellID=588 |
92. Explorers Europeon Explorers in the new world from Chenowith, OR http//www.chenowith.k12.or.us/tech/subject/social/explore.html. Samuelde champlain http//www http://www.kathimitchell.com/explorer.htm | |
93. European_explorers PASSAGES A Treasure Trove of North American exploration. Search for explorersalphabetically or chronologically. MAP. Viking routes to the new world. http://tos.scdsb.on.ca/sst6/european_explorers.htm | |
94. Early Explorers Of Canada explorers during the time of new France, including context, a chronology, biographyof champlain, maps, quotes description of the explorations of samuel Hearne. http://www.get2knowcanada.ca/ec_explorers.htm | |
95. Explorers From Linkspider UK Kids And Teens Directory Who Goes There European exploration of the new world Recounts the storiesof famous Portuguese, Spanish, English, and French explorers. http://linkspider.co.uk/KidsandTeens/PeopleandSociety/Biography/Explorers/ | |
96. SAMUEL DE CHAMPLAIN - Site Map - UK Shopping Directory - UK Shops Popular Searches for samuel de champlain, champlain, Please click hereto return to the main site map index. samuel de champlain. Shopping http://www.ishop.co.uk/site-map/sa/samuel_de_champlain/index.shtml | |
97. CyberSleuthkids:World Explorers And Explorations http //collections.ic.gc.ca/arctic/explore/button . Coronado was a Spanishgeneral who came to Mexico to seek his fortune in the new world. http://cybersleuth-kids.com/sleuth/History/Explorers/index1.htm | |
98. Explorers Of The New World Explorers of the new world. Student Pages - 1999 - 2000. Under Construction(Sept-Oct) Student Pages on Explorers of the new world . http://www.geocities.com/pauljw.geo/explorers.html | |
99. CyberSleuthkids:World Explorers And Explorations SEARCH RESULTS 1 12 of 28 Pictures and Images of Explorers A varietyof historical pictures and images of explorers and exploration.. http://cybersleuth-kids.com/sleuth/History/Explorers/ | |
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