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61. A B C E F G H L P R S T V champlain, samuel de champlain was the French explorer who in 1608 founded Quebec,the first permanent French settlement in the new world. Page Ref 2. http://wps.ablongman.com/wps/media/objects/28/29258/ch1_glossary.html | |
62. New World Explorers a timeline! BE CAREFUL some of the explorers are not new world explorers. 1492- 1905. samuel de champlain (1) (2) (3). The Age http://www.davison.k12.mi.us/dms/library/cybrary/new_world_explorers/new_world_e | |
63. Exploring Our World samuel de champlain (1567?1635) was a French champlain also discovered the lakelater named for him and administering the French colonies in the new world. http://www.pwcs.edu/i-tech/teacherWQ/Exploring/Exploring _Our_World.htm | |
64. History 16th Century samuel de champlain, Voyages, 1607 this Renaissance Wedding Information; NativeAmerican Conquest - Native American conquest in the new world during the http://www.xs4all.nl/~xenophon/history/links16thc.html | |
65. Explorers Of The New World Quiz His second expedition to the new world was comprised of 17 ships and approximately1,500 men; he discovered Jacques Cartier samuel de champlain Robert de La http://www.funtrivia.com/playquiz.cfm?qid=103154&origin= |
66. Backflip Publisher: Zimmy | Folder: New World Explorers CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA samuel de champlain (added 2002/09/10) new Worldexplorers http//www.newadvent.org/cathen/03567a.htm. Christoper http://www.backflip.com/members/zimmy/11557125 | |
67. Samuel De Champlain Discovered And Rediscovered Many samuel went to war in Brittany when he was a young man. He first saw the new Worldunder the Spanish flag champlain was the first to suggest digging a canal to http://www.studyworld.com/newsite/ReportEssay/Biography/FamousPeople\Samuel_de_C | |
68. European Exploration And Settlement In The New World 1602. Bartholomew Gosnold. England. Explored new England coast. 160315. Samuelde champlain. France. Quebec , Great Lakes and Lake champlain. 1607. http://www.u-s-history.com/pages/h1031.html | |
69. ReferenceResources:FamousExplorers Sebastian Cabot, Pedro Alvarez Cabrera, Jacques Cartier, samuel de champlain, WilliamClark civilizations and their desire to explore the world around them. http://www.kidinfo.com/American_History/Explorers.html | |
70. Explorers Located at the University of Kansas Biography of samuel de champlain samuel dechamplain 1607 Map of new England Library of Congress exhibit. http://www.windwardny.org/Disciplines/explorer.htm | |
71. Samuel De Champlain's First Voyage - 1603 - The Path To Settlement company to oversee the colonization and fur trade of new France rather Chaste wasappointed ViceAdmiral of France who sent samuel de champlain, probably on http://www3.sympatico.ca/goweezer/canada/z16champ1.htm | |
72. Samuel Champlain, Citadel Of Brouage And The News World champlain, samuel de Groilers Encyclopedia, 1992. Explorers of theNew world Future Vision Multimedia, 1995. Map of the News world . http://www.huitres-de-marennes.com/champlain_english1.html | |
73. Samuel De Champlain champlain, samuel de, French navigator, born in Brouage, Saintonge, on champlainthe same year ascended the Ottawa for included in the state of new York, he http://www.virtualology.com/virtualmuseumofhistory/hallofexplorers/SAMUELDECHAMP | |
74. Samuel De Champlain - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia samuel de champlain (c. 1567 or 1570 1635) was a French back in new France andproclaimed his new commission. champlain set out on May 27th to continue his http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samuel_de_Champlain |
75. Explorers Of North America Ocean from the shores of the new world was Vasco A fifth grader s project on the explorerJohn Cabot. samuel champlain http//www.blupete.com/Hist/BiosNS/1600 http://www.socsd.k12.ny.us/explorers.html | |
76. MSN Encarta - Search Results - Champlain Samuel De article. 12. Explorers French explorers champlain, samuel deSaint John (city, new Brunswick)*. ArticleÂEncarta Encyclopedia. http://encarta.msn.com/Champlain_Samuel_de.html | |
77. Discoverers Web: Primary Sources (about Coronado s expedition); samuel de champlain Voyages (extract); samuel dechamplain The Foundation of Quebec; William Dampier A new Voyage Round http://www.win.tue.nl/cs/fm/engels/discovery/primary.html | |
78. Explorers European Explorers in the new world Cabot Student developed web page with linksto many Cabral European Voyages of exploration Cabral (Brazil champlain http://www.oelwein.k12.ia.us/ps/ss00/Explorers.html | |
79. Champlain, Samuel De sämüel du shäNplaN Pronunciation Key. champlain, samuel de ,1567Â1635, French explorer, the chief founder of new France. http://www.infoplease.com/cgi-bin/id/A0811298.hmtl | |
80. Division 5 Samuel De Champlain Stephanie s Project. Link to. samuel de champlain. Museum of new France. Biographyof champlain. Gander Academy Links. Back to Division Five s Explorer s Page http://wps.sd54.bc.ca/projects/explorer/champlain.html | |
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