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21. The French Come To The New World Mont Real later became Montreal. Cartier named the area new France and claimed itin the name of the King of France Back to Chart. samuel de champlain In 1608 http://www.mce.k12tn.net/explorers/frenchexplorers.htm | |
22. Champlain studyworld. champlain One of the Great Explorers. samuel de champlaindiscovered and rediscovered many locations in the new world. http://www.studyworld.com/champlain.htm | |
24. Explorers Of The World in the new world or Europe. Explorer Choices. Explorers of new worlds Vasco deBalboa; John Cabot ; Jacques Cartier ; Roald Amundsen ; samuel de champlain; http://www.hpedsb.on.ca/smood/explore/about.htm | |
25. Samuel De Champlain --Â Britannica Student Encyclopedia , champlain, samuel de French explorer, acknowledged founder of the city ofQuebec (1608), and consolidator of the French colonies in the new world. http://www.britannica.com/ebi/article?eu=295395&query=samuel kirkland&ct=ebi |
26. Explorers - A To Z at Virtual Museum of newFrance, (6) champlain, samuel de at Castello Banfi, (3) Columbusand the new world, 1493 at 1451-1506) at The Great Explorers, (8) 1492 http://www.42explore.com/explorers2.htm | |
27. Explorers NavigatorExplorer); Ãtienne Brûlé (Interpreter and Explorer); samuel de champlain(Geographer and Vikings in the new world http//members.aol.com/bakken1 http://www.edselect.com/explorers.htm | |
28. SAMUEL DE CHAMPLAIN des sauvages, ou voyage de samuel champlain de Brouagefait In 1613 champlain againcrossed the Atlantic and over all his countrys interests in the new world. http://24.1911encyclopedia.org/C/CH/CHAMPLAIN_SAMUEL_DE.htm | |
29. Champlain French explorer samuel de champlain was born in Heirs champlain made his first tripto North America with an expedition to colonize the new world. http://www.plpsd.mb.ca/amhs/history/champ.html | |
30. Gunston Middle School Library: Explorers Of The New World samuel de champlain s 1607 Map http Columbus and the new world, 1493 http//www.carmensandiego.com/products/time/columbusc10/ebmain_c10.htmlFrom the Carmen http://www.arlington.k12.va.us/schools/gunston/library/students/links/explorers/ | |
31. The French And English In The New World The French and English, like the Spanish before them, unknowingly introduced smallpoxand other new diseases into the areas samuel de champlain (sham PLAYN http://www2.worldbook.com/features/explorers/html/age_french.html | |
32. Volume A: American Literature To 1820 A good source for background on the European exploration of new France www.blupete.com/Hist/BiosNS/160000/champlain.htmA biography of samuel de champlain. http://www.wwnorton.com/naal/vol_A/explorations/champlain.htm | |
33. Samuel De Champlain By Evan. samuel de champlain was born in Brouage France 1570. From all the rumorsgoing around champlain became curious of the new world (North and http://www.wtisbury.mv.k12.ma.us/projects/explorer_web/evanh.html | |
34. Explorers Webquest samuel de champlain. Three Ships For Columbus by Eve Spencer; Search for Columbus La Isabela, Foothold In The new world , National Geographic, January http://www.burke.k12.nc.us/instructionaltech/webquests/explorers/ | |
35. Explorers Explorers of the new world. Contents. John Cabot. Jacques Cartier. Christopher Columbus.samuel de champlain. Henry Hudson. Verrazano. General Information. John Cabot. http://www.nisk.k12.ny.us/birchwood/links/grade4links/explorers.html | |
36. Bibliography 1998. Columbus. Explorers of the new world. 1995. Coulter, Tony.Jacques Cartier, samuel de champlain, and Explorers of Canada. http://www.d23.org/sullivan/travis/Explorer Book/bibliography.htm | |
37. European Explorers Modern History Sourcebook Letters about John Cabot s voyage Letters about JohnCabot s voyage to the new world. samuel de champlain - Virtual museum site http://www.kn.sbc.com/wired/fil/pages/listexplorermr12.html | |
38. Explorer Study Jacques Cartier, samuel de champlain, and the Explorers of Canada. Asimov,Isaac. Christopher Columbus Navigator to the new world. http://curry.edschool.virginia.edu/go/tempo/VCCB/TextSets2/Textsets10.html | |
39. WebQuest the famous explorers of the new world. You can choose to hop on board the famousvoyages of Christopher Columbus, Juan Ponce de Leon, samuel de champlain or http://curry.edschool.virginia.edu/go/edis771/fall99webquests/student/srebeccaan | |
40. Explorers Cartier ; Roald Amundsen ; samuel de champlain; Christopher Columbus John Ross, JohnFranklin, samuel Hearne, William 1 . Explorers of the new world this can http://www.ocdsb.edu.on.ca/CENTweb/explorers.htm | |
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