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41. Dr Ross Walker - Homepage Of Image Processing Research. Contains image processing and pattern recognition research relating to cervical cancer, texture analysis, algi cyanobacteria taxa classification. Download my publications. http://Dr_Ross_F_Walker.tripod.com/ | |
42. ACS :: Can Cervical Cancer Be Found Early? Detailed Guide cervical cancer. Can cervical cancer Be Found Early? cervical cancer can usually be found early by having regular cervical cytology (Pap) tests. http://www.cancer.org/docroot/CRI/content/CRI_2_4_3X_Can_cervical_cancer_be_foun |
43. Health Screening Registry: Health Screening & Cancer Prevention Disease prevention site aimed at preventing advanced malignancies(breast cancer, colorectal cancer and cervical cancer), complications of hypertension and hypercholesterolemia (heart disease, kidney disease and stroke) and immunizable infectious disease (pneumococcal pneumonia, influenza and tetanus). http://www.healthscreeningregistry.com | |
44. Frottis Anormal Symptome Signe Information Examen Prevention Cancer Col Uterus V Pr©sente une programme europ©en d'information et d'©ducation pour les professionnels de sant©, le public et les d©cideurs en terme de sant© sur les nouvelles technologies et strat©gies qui peuvent ªtre mises en place pour am©liorer le d©pistage du cancer du col ut©rin. http://www.eccce-cervical-cancer.org/contents/Home/index.asp?lang=fr |
45. Cervical Cancer - Screening cervical cancer Screening. Electronic Archive Guide to Clinical Preventive Services, 2nd Edition Screening for cervical cancer, 1996. Top of Page. http://www.ahrq.gov/clinic/uspstf/uspscerv.htm | |
46. The Witness Project Of Harlem Details about the faithbased breast and cervical cancer educational program that reaches out to African-American women. http://www.witnessprojectharlem.org | |
47. Breast And Cervical Cancer Research Highlights: Program Brief Describes current research and recent findings from AHRQ projects on breast and cervical cancer. Program Brief. Breast and cervical cancer Research Highlights. http://www.ahrq.gov/research/breastca.htm | |
48. Ladies First Information on the state's first comprehensive breast and cervical cancer screening system, which removes the financial barriers which have prevented many women from being screened, by offering free lifesaving cancer screening to women ages 4064 with limited income. http://www.healthyvermonters.info/hs/epi/cdepi/cancer/ladiesfirst/ladiesfirst.sh |
49. EMedicine - Cervical Cancer : Article By Agustin A Garcia, MD cervical cancer cervical cancer is the second most common malignancy in women worldwide, and it remains a leading cause of cancer-related death for women in http://www.emedicine.com/med/topic324.htm | |
50. Ferdie's Corner - A Tribute To Acela Salapantan Esquilona A son's tribute to his mother who died of cervical cancer. http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Agora/4129/fmother.html | |
51. NHS Cervical Screening Programme The programme aims to reduce the number of women who develop invasive cervical cancer (incidence) and the number of women who die from it (mortality). http://www.cancerscreening.nhs.uk/cervical/ | |
52. CDC | Breast And Cervical Cancer | Cervical Cancer And Asian And Pacific Islande Features an overview of current research on outreach and intervention strategies to prevent cervical cancer among Cambodian women. Conducted by the Cancer Prevention and Control arm of the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (CDC). http://www.cdc.gov/cancer/nbccedp/cc-strategies/cambodian.htm | |
53. Cervical Cancer - Incidence, Mortality And Risk Factors National Health Service Cervical Screening Programme cervical cancer incidence, mortality and risk factors. What is the incidence of cervical cancer? http://www.cancerscreening.nhs.uk/cervical/risks.html | |
54. Sexually Transmitted Disease Linked To Cervical Cancer CNN http://cnn.com/2001/HEALTH/cancer/01/02/chlamydia.cancer.ap/index.html |
55. What Is Cervical Cancer: Diagnosis And Treatment What is cervical cancer diagnosis and treatment. What is cervical cancer, the causes, how is it diagnosed, and treated. Cervical http://tn.essortment.com/whatiscervical_rirt.htm | |
56. Lakewood Pathology Associates Providing global pathology services to hospitals, physicians and patients as well as consumer education on cervical cancer, Pap tests and other issues. Lakewood, New Jersey. http://www.lakewoodpath.com/ | |
57. Cervical Cancer Prevention: Links Links. Updated February 18, 2004. Listed below are useful web resources and organizations experienced in cervical cancer control in lowresource settings. http://www.rho.org/html/cxca_links.html | |
58. HPV And Cervical Cancer - Questions & Answers Information from Planned Parenthood about prevention, risks for cancer, screening, and treatment. http://www.plannedparenthood.org/sti/hpvfacts1.html | |
59. InteliHealth: Cervical Cancer Health News, cervical cancer Headlines. May 24, 2004. When University. Doctors Use New cervical cancer Technique May 13, 2004. EASTPOINTE, Mich. http://www.intelihealth.com/IH/ihtIH/WSIHW000/333/20778.html | |
60. Smoking, Sex And Reproduction: Fact Sheet No.7 - ASH ASHUK Factsheet covers smoking and cervical cancer, fertility, pregnancy, menopause, oral contraceptives, fetal growth and birth weight, spontaneous abortion, complications of pregnancy, perinatal mortality, secondhand smoke and pregnancy, children's health and long-term growth. http://www.ash.org.uk/html/factsheets/html/fact07.html | |
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