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1. National Cervical Cancer Coalition Welcome to the. National cervical cancer Coalition Website. Copyright © 19972001 National cervical cancer Coalition Last modified June 04, 2001. http://www.nccc-online.org/ | |
2. Cervical Cancer - Oncologychannel cervical cancer develops in the lining of the cervix, the lower part of the uterus that enters the vagina. Normal cervical cells change to precancerous then cancerous. Cervical intraepithelial CONDITIONS. Adrenal Cancer. AIDSRelated Brain Cancer. Breast Cancer. Carcinoid Malignancy. cervical cancer. Chemotherapy. Classification. of Cancer. Colorectal Cancer http://www.oncologychannel.com/cervicalcancer | |
3. MedlinePlus: Cervical Cancer Prevention/Screening. cervical cancer (PDQ) Prevention ( National Cancer Institute) cervical cancer (PDQ) Screening http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/cervicalcancer.html | |
4. CDC | National Breast And Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program in the National Breast and cervical cancer Early Detection Program (NBCCEDP), ongoing efforts The National Breast and cervical cancer Early Detection Program (NBCCEDP) builds the http://www.cdc.gov/cancer/nbccedp | |
5. National Cervical Cancer Public Education Campaign Testing for cervical cancer. Frequently Asked Questions. About the Campaign. Campaign Partner Profiles. Resource List. Brochure. Educational Presentation. Press Releases. What is cervical cancer? http://www.cervicalcancercampaign.org/ | |
6. ASHA | HPVCC Resource Center Provides information about HPV as it relates to cervical dysplasia and abnormal pap smears, including information about treatment options. Also lists support groups and a hotline. http://www.ashastd.org/hpvccrc/ | |
7. Fact Sheet 3.20 HPVs are the major cause of cervical cancer. HPVs may also play a role in cancers of the recognized as the major cause of cervical cancer. Studies also suggest that http://cis.nci.nih.gov/fact/3_20.htm | |
8. Cervical Cancer Prevention Unlike many cancers, cervical cancer can be prevented. This section of RHO provides information on cervical cancer, with a focus on women http://www.rho.org/html/cxca.htm | |
9. Cancer Of Uterine Cervix, The Cancer Information Network A physician guided site for cancer patients, their families, and caregivers. pap smears, plus an overview of cervical cancer. The Biopsy Test Report A information for healthcare professionals. eMedicine cervical cancer Details information on the diagnosis http://www.cancerlinksusa.com/cervix/index.asp | |
10. Texas Department Of Health, Breast And Cervical Cancer Control Program Provides free mammograms and pap tests to eligible Texas women. http://www.tdh.state.tx.us/bcccp | |
11. Cervical Cancer - The 3 Counties Coloposcopy Service cervical cancer (cancer of the cervix), cervical smears and colposcopy described by UK experts. cervical cancer cancer http://www.cervicalcancer.uk.com/ | |
12. The Minnesota Breast And Cervical Cancer Control Program, Content A program to provide quality breast and cervical cancer screening free of charge to low and moderate income Minnesota women age 40 and over who are uninsured or underinsured. http://www.health.state.mn.us/divs/dpc/cc/mbcccp.htm | |
13. Alliance For Cervical Cancer Prevention Alliance for cervical cancer Prevention. Improving women s health and saving lives through cervical cancer prevention programs in developing countries. http://www.alliance-cxca.org/ | |
14. Cervical Cancer Survivors My name is Cristina about three years ago I was told I had cervical cancer. I had all the sur. I was staged with cervical cancer stage 1B1 in January 2004. http://www.nccc-online.org/survivors.asp | |
15. RHO Home Summaries and links on topics including family planning, AIDS, reproductive tract infections, infertility, harmful traditional practices, safe motherhood, cervical cancer, and refugee reproductive health. http://www.rho.org/ | |
16. Should I Have A Pap Smear? - Pap Smear - Public Resources - General Information Information from the American Society for Clinical Pathology about the test's relation to cervical cancer and results of the test. http://www.ascp.org/general/pub_resources/pap/ | |
17. MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia: Cervical Cancer cervical cancer. The development of cervical cancer is gradual and begins as a precancerous condition called dysplasia. In this http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/000893.htm | |
18. National Cervical Cancer Public Education Campaign Educates women about the link between the HPV and this disease. Includes FAQs, campaign information and press releases. http://cervicalcancercampaign.org/ | |
19. National Cancer Institute - Cervical Cancer Home Page cervical cancer Home Page. cervical cancer Treatment patients health professionals . Angiogenesis Inhibitors in the Treatment of Cancer. http://www.cancer.gov/cancer_information/cancer_type/cervical/ | |
20. Latest Cervical Cancer Treatments What is cervical cancer? cervical cancer kills by anemia, infection, blockage of kidney drainage ( uremia ) and general disability. http://www.cancergroup.com/em14.html | |
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