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81. Industrialization Plan Threatens Central America's Indigenous | 1/5/2002 with leftist parties throughout central america, including Guatemalan Globalization in Latin america, he said labor, environmental and indigenous groups in http://www.nadir.org/nadir/initiativ/agp/free/colombia/puebla/0819Indistrializat | |
82. INDIGENOUS PEOPLES AND THE INFORMATION SOCIETY IN LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEA Latin america is home to four hundred indigenous the causes of the increase in indigenous exclusion and unequal relations generated between the center and the http://www.redistic.org/brecha/en/18_-_CEPAL_inglés.html | |
83. Columbus World Travel Guide - Central America - Guatemala - General Information GEOGRAPHY Guatemala is located in central america and shares the national territory, yet contains only 40,000 people. 23 indigenous languages are also spoken. http://www.worldtravelguide.net/data/gtm/gtm.asp | |
84. WCPA Regions - Central America which had over 700 representatives from central america and Mexico, including scientists, government officials, indigenous and rural people, NGOs and http://www.iucn.org/themes/wcpa/region/camerica/camerica.html | |
85. EPICA: Ecumenical Program In Central America And The Caribbean Executive Secretary of the central American coordination of with the struggle of indigenous communities to set afire leaving some 20,000 people homeless, and http://www.epica.org/Library/church/sanjur2.htm | |
86. Literacy And Indigenous Language Links in general Alaska Native Language Center American Indian Languages American Indians Studies Native Americans and indigenous peoples Native American http://dolphin.upenn.edu/~scoronel/links.html | |
87. People In Nature; Wildlife Conservation In South And Central America; Edited By Management in South and central america Multiple Pressures strategies with the Embera people in the scientific and traditional indigenous wildlife management http://www.columbia.edu/cu/cup/catalog/data/023112/0231127820.HTM | |
88. Unasylva - No. 186 - Forest - Dependent People - FAO And In preparing for the central American Forestry Congress the domestic activities and general workload of and women farmers (primarily indigenous people) have a http://www.fao.org/docrep/w1033E/w1033e07.htm |
89. "the People's Paths!" 'North American Indian & Indigenous People's Medical-Healt publication of the Native american Health Center. the Healthy Tribes across america. Roxanne B The Centre for indigenous peoples Nutrition and Environment http://www.yvwiiusdinvnohii.net/medinfo.html | |
90. Cultural Survival All the central American republics are to some extent On both these central issues the AntiSlavery of the western model of development for indigenous peoples. http://www.culturalsurvival.org/publications/csq/csq_article.cfm?id=00000104-000 |
91. American Baptist Churches Resolution On Indigenous People And The 500th Annivers of how the peoples of central, South and to reeducate our American Baptist Churches about the historical perspectives of indigenous people, particularly the http://www.abc-usa.org/resources/resol/chriscol.htm | |
92. Native Americans - Internet Resources. the Internet School Library Media Center Native american stories; Famous Documents (North america); Great Chiefs Sioux, Lakota, etc); indigenous Nations Home http://falcon.jmu.edu/~ramseyil/native.htm | |
93. Native American - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Center for World indigenous Studies; Native Languages of the Americas; Native American, Gathering of A gathering place for the indigenous peoples of the world; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Native_American |
94. Native Peoples Law Development Project (FWDP); FWDP Center For World Law Clinic; IBA Committee on indigenous peoples and Development Law; Native American Free Exercise http://www.hg.org/native.html | |
95. American Indian Studies Indian Pueblo Cultural Center. American Indian Library Association Home Page. This site provides resources on the indigenous peoples of Alaska, Canada, Northwest http://www.csulb.edu/projects/ais/ | |
96. Mexico - LANIC america; Network Information Center NIC Mexico; Red de Informacion Rural; Red http://lanic.utexas.edu/la/mexico/ | |
97. Education World® - *Social Sciences : Cultural Studies : Indigenous Peoples : G database promoting human rights of indigenous cultures throughout Center The Alaska Native Heritage Center is a American Indian Movement AIM rose to prominence http://db.education-world.com/perl/browse?cat_id=1781 |
98. Resources In Ethnographic Studies (American Folklife Center, Library Of Congress Folklife and Fieldwork , by Peter Bartis. Full text guide published by the American Folklife Center, Library of Congress. indigenous People s Resources. http://www.loc.gov/folklife/other.html | |
99. Index Of Native American Language Resources On The Internet Natick Glossary (small) Native American Language Center Native American Studies Dept Prairie Potawatomi Language Study of indigenous Languages Program http://www.hanksville.org/NAresources/indices/NAlanguage.html | |
100. "People's Paths Site Index!" North American Indian & Indigenous People! North American Indian indigenous People s News ; NAIIP the People s Paths Message Center! Heritage, Genealogy, News Political North American Indian Forums http://www.yvwiiusdinvnohii.net/mainindex.html | |
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