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41. Indigenous Peoples Gain Historic Access To The OAS In addition, indigenous representatives from central and South america sat at the table as representatives of AntiguaBarbuda and made http://www.indianlaw.org/body_oas_participation.htm | |
42. The WWW VL Public Health: Selected Topics - Indigenous Peoples International Indian Treaty Council an organization of indigenous peoples from North, central, South america and the Pacific working for the http://www.ldb.org/vl/top/top-indi.htm | |
43. Galaxy Directory : Law < Indigenous Peoples < Subcultures < Community provides legal assistance to indigenous peoples in the American Indian Legal Resources general American Indian Resources structured into a central council, and http://www.galaxy.com/b/d?n=59898 |
44. Native American Home Pages - General Added 7/28/99; updated 7/5/00. INDIANnet Census Information Center Added 12/15/95; Updated 7/15/98. indigenous peoples of Latin america (from LANIC the http://www.nativeculture.com/lisamitten/general.html | |
45. ELandnet Latin america (153) Links to resources about national minorities, indigenous peoples and unrepresented nations in central and South america. http://www.elandnet.org/links/en/ | |
46. The Indigenous People Of The Caribbean - A Book From The University Press Of Flo Writing for both general and academic audiences, contributors The Garifuna of central america, Nancie L. Gonzalez. The Legacy of the indigenous People of the http://www.upf.com/Fall1997/wilson.html | |
47. Community Healing Studies Includes general indigenous Studies Resources and indigenous Resources for Africa, Asia and the Middle East, central South america, Europe, and http://www.tapestryweb.org/links/communityhealing.html | |
48. Latin American History Sources indigenous peoples. Abya Yala Net Resources on the indigenous peoples of Mexico, central and South america, a project of the South and Meso american http://www.lib.washington.edu/subject/History/tm/latin.html | |
49. Comisión Interamericana De Derechos Humanos CIDH-OEA throughout the continent and in particular in central america. in preparing a future american Declaration on the Rights of indigenous peoples, which the OAS http://wbln0018.worldbank.org/ESSD/indigenous.nsf/0/0f5f87fdbb59a53585256792006c |
50. World Area Studies Internet Resources Virtual Tourist central america; South america HWP World History Gateway central america; Mexico; South america; indigenous peoples of the http://vax.wcsu.edu/socialsci/area.html | |
51. Asian American Net: Asia In General Regional reports and newsletters on Pan america, AsiaPacific regions. Center for World indigenous Studies indigenous peoples, extensive archives on http://www.asianamerican.net/gen_main.html | |
52. Voice Of Indigenous Peoples - A Book Review By Scott London nineteen leaders of native cultures from North, central, and South america to the launched the International Year of the World s indigenous People (1993 http://www.scottlondon.com/reviews/ewen.html | |
53. Native American - Encyclopedia Article About Native American. Free Access, No Re . Click the link for more information. for the original inhabitants of the central and South america is indigenous peoples. http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Native American | |
54. INDIGENOUS PEOPLES PUT THEMSELVES ON THE MAP is the property of the Embera, Wounaan, and Kuna peoples. data will be crucial as indigenous leaders engage two countries as well as South and central america. http://www.velvetillusion.com/sailpanama/pages/indigenous_people_of_the_darien.h | |
55. Ibero-American Center: Internet Services For Latin America The World Travel Guide Online central america South america; Planeta Eco Travels in Latin america; americas Cybercafes; Human rights and indigenous peoples. http://www.helsinki.fi/hum/ibero/mundo.html | |
56. PC(USA) - Washington Office The central america Update Report to the 199th general Assembly (1987 the social and economic needs of the indigenous people of Mexico in general and the http://www.pcusa.org/washington/issuenet/latin-010612.htm | |
57. General Assessment central america is torn by regional fractures in its human who are leaders in Latin america, and four between men and women, between indigenous, AfroCaribbean http://www.estadonacion.or.cr/InfoRegion/english1/ing-01a.html | |
58. Central America, South America, And Mexico Resources news bulletins about Mexico, central america and the research articles on Latin american children and Amazon through the eyes of its indigenous peoples. http://www.unc.edu/world/latin_am_resources.shtml | |
59. Language Centre - Language Learning Links Indian Rights Center (SAIIC) in collaboration with NativeWeb, presenting information on indigenous peoples in Mexico, central, and South america. http://www.lang.ox.ac.uk/langlinks/indivlangs/indigenous.html | |
60. WRM Bulletin: 1997 Issues Indonesia Megaproject in central Kalimantan. SOUTH america, Amazon Destruction by logging and fires continues; Ecuador Mapuche indigenous peoples new web page. http://www.wrm.org.uy/bulletin/previous97.html | |
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