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21. Indigenous Peoples Asia and the Middle East, North, Circumpolar, central and South america, Europe, Pacific Settlers in Support of indigenous Sovereignty (SISIS) general and | |
22. Anthropology @ UC Davis - General Information 145. Colonialism and Ethnicity in the Caribbean. 146. indigenous peoples of Mexico and central america. 147. peoples of the Pacific. 148A. http://www.anthro.ucdavis.edu/antnew/general/courses-pre.aspx | |
23. CAEE > People > Indigenous People indigenous peoples in Latin america LANIC; Native american Native Planet indigenous Cultures Documentaries and Preservation Non central america (general). http://www.garrobo.org/eng/people/indigenous/ | |
24. European Union @ United Nations Union s cooperation strategy in central america is centered on and Rights of the indigenous peoples, the introduction of of the Presidential general Staff, the http://europa-eu-un.org/article.asp?id=2804 |
25. Oxfam Horizons: Oxfam Community Aid Abroad's Quarterly Journal central america Program Officer Jo Sanson reports on economic, political and cultural rights for indigenous peoples. general elections are due in November, and http://www.oxfam.org.au/oxfamnews/september_2003/guatemala.html | |
26. A/RES/50/132. The Situation In Central America: Procedures For The Establishment carried out fully their mandate in central america pursuant to process set up by the Secretarygeneral on 1 on Identity and Rights of indigenous peoples on 31 http://www.un.org/documents/ga/res/50/a50r132.htm | |
27. Publications In English NGOs by way of general support or in a rapidly changing situation in central america. support for national reconciliation processes and indigenous peoples. http://www.um.dk/publikationer/fremmedsprog/English/Strategy/CentralAmerica/cent |
28. Cyndi's List - Hispanic, Central & South America, & The West Indies More than 209 300 links! 206 850 links, categorized crossreferenced, in over 160 categories. Another 2 450+ uncategorized new links in the works. African, Caucasian, indigenous natives) including American slaves transported cultural interest in the native peoples of Mexico http://www.cyndislist.com/hispanic.htm | |
29. Indigenous Peoples Of Latin America Particularly useful is the site Abya Yala Net, which presents information on indigenous peoples in Mexico, central, and South america. http://www.skidmore.edu/library/courses/Indigenous/ | |
30. South America's Indigenous Peoples -- Encyclopædia Britannica central america southernmost region Family from Latin america, history of were to have profound effects on relations between Iberians and indigenous people in http://www.britannica.com/eb/article?eu=367173 |
31. Bibliography, UNFIP Project - The Indigenous And Tribal Peoples Project Translate this page Proceedings of the Second indigenous Conference (central america). Pueblos IndÃgenas en América central, and the indigenous peoples of Colombia and the Law http://www.ilo.org/public/english/indigenous/biblio/index2.htm | |
32. Bank Information Center USA: Amazon Alliance Proposal For A Consultation Process selected by region (eg central america, Andes, Amazon Society for Threatened peoples International in for the IDB indigenous peoples Policy Consultation. http://www.bicusa.org/bicusa/issues/misc_resources/1409.php | |
33. Hands Around The World, Indian Cultures From Around The World, Hands Around The Meso and Latin american Indians. Abya Yala Net presents information on indigenous peoples in Mexico, central, and South america. http://indian-cultures.com/Cultures/Links.html | |
34. Resolution On The Specific Fund To Support The Elaboration Of The American Decla one from South america, one from central america or the Caribbean, and one from North america. by the representatives of the indigenous peoples present at http://www.state.gov/p/wha/rt/oas/20822.htm | |
35. Indigenous Peoples And Poverty: The Cases Of Bolivia, Guatemala, Honduras And Ni The climate of war in central america in the to peace and social stability in Latin america. indigenous peoples customary laws and judicial systems are not http://www.minorityrights.org/Dev/mrg_dev_title12_LatinAmerica/mrg_dev_title12_L | |
36. Traditional Plant Medicine/Planeta.com from the ethnobotanical riches of central america, that await though, that with the general desecration of tobacco today, many indigenous people are not too http://www.planeta.com/planeta/98/0598central.html | |
37. INDIGENOUS PEOPLES OF CHIAPAS, The Comprehensive Resource For Traveling Chiapas still significant to the contemporary indigenous groups and Middle america is the geographical term used the region that includes Mexico and central america. http://www.travelchiapas.com/about/about-1.php | |
38. Resolution The Caucus also agreed that central/South america and Caribbean will all indigenous peoples organisation who wish to nominate indigenous candidates for http://www.nciv.net/Millennium/Resolution/resolution_english.htm | |
39. CASKE 2000: Central American Sea Kayak (and Jungle) Expedition (Main/no Frame) central American Sea Kayak Expedition 2000. Survival Shelter, indigenous peoples have an understanding of general information about each country (history, society http://www.caske2000.org/stories/main.htm | |
40. La Moskitia, Indigenous People, Culture And Lifestyle, Wildlife And Plants The largest rainforest in central america is inhabited by four indigenous groups, the indigenous People. general Information about indigenous People (Worldwide). http://www.caske2000.org/countries/honduras/moskitia/moskitia.htm | |
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