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         Celtic Mythology:     more books (100)
  1. Celtic Myths and Legends by Peter Berresford Ellis, 2002-12-23
  2. Celtic Mythology (Dover Celtic and Irish Books) by John Arnott MacCulloch, 2004-11-16
  3. Celtic Gods and Heroes by Marie-Louise Sjoestedt, 2000-09-18
  4. Dictionary of Celtic Mythology (Oxford Paperback Reference) by Peter Berresford Ellis, 1994-06-23
  5. A Dictionary of Celtic Mythology (Oxford Paperback Reference) by James MacKillop, 2004-08-20
  6. The Encyclopedia of Celtic Mythology and Folklore (Concise Encyclopedia) by Patricia Monaghan, 2008-02-28
  7. The Encyclopedia of Mythology: Classical, Celtic, Norse by Arthur Cotterell, 2000-01
  8. Women in Celtic Myth: Tales of Extraordinary Women from the Ancient Celtic Tradition by Moyra Caldecott, 1992-03-01
  9. Celtic Myths and Legends by T. W. Rolleston, 1990-11-01
  10. Kindling the Celtic Spirit: Ancient Traditions to Illumine Your Life Through the Seasons by Mara Freeman, 2001-01-01
  11. The Irish Mythological Cycle And Celtic Mythology by H. D'Arbois De Jubainville, 2007-07-25
  12. Celtic Mythology by Catherine Bernard, 2003-08
  13. The Encyclopedia of Classic Mythology: THe Ancient Greek, Roman, Celetic and Norse Legends (Practical Handbook) by Arthur Cotterell, 2003-09-25
  14. The Epics of Celtic Ireland: Ancient Tales of Mystery and Magic by Jean Markale, 2000-06-01

1. Mythography | Exploring Greek, Roman, And Celtic Mythology And Art
also presents resources and reference materials about mythology including recommendedbooks, and lexicons that explain Greek, Roman, and Celtic terms and
E xplore mythology and art with information about the classic stories of heroes and gods...from the myths of ancient Greece and Rome, to the legends of the Celts. Mythography also presents resources and reference materials about mythology - including recommended books, and lexicons that explain Greek, Roman, and Celtic terms and words. Share your views about mythology on the message forum!
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2. The Sacred Fire - Celtic Mythology
Short overview of four twelfth century cycles of traditional myths and legends, with a list of chief and minor tales.
Celtic Mythology
The Mythological Cycles
Ancient Irish history and legends have come down to us through history thanks to the diligent chronicling of the early Christian monks. The best record of the rich Celtic mythological tradition is contained in the four cycles drawn up by twelfth century Christian scribes: the Mythological Cycle , the Ulster Cycle (also known as the Red Branch Cycle) and the Fenian or Fianna Cycle , and the Kings, or Historical Cycle. Irish myths were probably recorded in the eighth century or earlier, possibly written by the Druids in Ogham . There are few surviving examples of Ogham because this writing was primarily done on bark, or or wands of hazel and aspen. However the legends of the early Celtic people were also passed down through the tradition of storytelling, and it was from this source that the Monks gathered their colorful tales. The early medieval monks rewrote the oral stories in a style that was designed to be read aloud to noble or royal households. When they set themselves the task of constructing a pseudo-history of Ireland, they also recast the ancient myths and legends into a Christian mold. In doing so, they demoted the old gods to mortals, and rewrote the sagas into an almost indecipherable maze of conflicting events.

3. Celtic Mythology
celtic mythology. Introduction. What we know about celtic mythology is largely gleaned from the books and manuscripts of medieval Ireland and Wales.
Celtic Mythology
Introduction What we know about Celtic Mythology is largely gleaned from the books and manuscripts of medieval Ireland and Wales. These literary sources can be supplemented by the iconographic and archeological record from the pre-Christian Iron Age Celtic world itself, alongside external observations about the Celtic peoples and their druidic religion by contemporary witnesses such as Posidonious, Plutarch and Julius Caesar. From these diverse sources we can develop a fascinating picture of a magico-religious system which in some ways parallels practices and beliefs evident from elsewhere in the Indo-European world in the last millenium before Christ. In other respects however, it is also possible to discern within this tradition an unusually sophisticated aesthetic and metaphysical conception which possibly owes something to the more indigenous elements of the prehistoric West - including the megalithic cultures of the Late Stone Age and Early Bronze Age background (3500 -1500 BC). The Celtic mythological universe is essentially animistic , in which the tutelary goddess , representing the life and fertility of the kingdom occupied a significant position. The

MYTHOLOGY. celtic mythology. Encyclopedia Mythica celtic mythology. The Encyclopaedia of the Celts. An Overview of celtic mythology. Lugodoc's Guide to celtic mythology
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For best results, use lower case queries in Altavista's syntax... search help! Do you have a specific question about Celtic mythology? Then try the Mythography forum Dictionary of Celtic Mythology This book is a great source for information about Celtic mythology! Described as both a "who's who" and a "what's what", this reference book features entries on the important gods, heroes, and other characters from Celtic myth and legend. Bulfinch's Mythology Dictionary of Celtic Myth and Legend Home About Mythography ... Contact Us! No part of this website, including text and images, may be reproduced or copied in any form or by any means without the express prior written permission of

6. Encyclopedia Mythica: Celtic Mythology.
The available articles in the celtic mythology area.
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7. Transformations Of Celtic Mythology In Arthurian Legend
Ancient Echoes Transformations of celtic mythology in Arthurian Legend. Arthurian legend is the mixture of countless individuals over some 1500 years. And again, this aspect of celtic mythology
Ancient Echoes:
Transformations of Celtic Mythology in Arthurian Legend
Arthurian legend is the mixture of countless individuals over some 1500 years. The myth may have a basis in fact; it is certainly possible that an historical King Arthur did indeed exist in the sixth century A.D., a war leader defending post-Roman Britain from the invading Saxons. It is also possible such a figure did not. The question is almost irrelevant, however; whatever the legend's origins, the tale of King Arthur has been used for centuries as a symbol and a vehicle for numerous cultures. Any existing historicity has been obscured through accretion of other mythic material and by authors using the popular and powerful story for their own rhetorical purposes. Thus, the Arthurian legend is an amalgamation of many different creative impulses. One of the richest and most significant of these influences, constituting much of the original source material for the "modern" Arthurian legend, comes from the half-remembered tales of an enigmatic people called the Celts.
The Grail Quest
The early Christian Church had a penchant for taking the established folklore of a society and assimilating it into a new Christian dogma, painting over the old pagan character in broad strokes. If one looks for it, however, the origins of Medieval Christian stories can by located fairly easily. The 13th-century French writer Chretien de Troyes first introduced the Grail Quest in the form in which we know it today: the story of how virtuous Christian knights such as Percival and Galahad set forth to find the Holy Grail, the chalice used by Jesus Christ at the Last Supper. It was further hallowed by catching a few drops of the Son of Man's blood during his crucifixion, and later brought to England (as luck would have it) by Joseph of Arimathea. In the medieval romance, only Galahad, the purest and best of the knights, possessed the grace to actually achieve the Grail. However, this sublime Christian myth has much older roots amid the ancient Celtic tradition.

8. Macleod 's Celtic Mythology Page
MACLEOD S celtic mythology PAGE. CONCHOBAR In celtic mythology, Conchobar wasthe King of Ulster whose intended bride, Deidre, eloped with Noisi.
CELTIC Mythological Characters
In Gaelic folklore, a banshee is a female spirit whose wailing outside a house foretells the death of one of its inhabitants.
BEL Bel (Belenos) was the Celtic god of light.
God of light, The Shining One, associated with Apollo. married to Belisama. Belenus was the most widely worshipped Celtic God. Belenus is in charge of welfare of sheep and cattle. Corresponds with Irish God Bile. The Feast of Beltane means 'Fire of Bel'.
(corresponds to classical Minerva) Goddess of light and fire, forging and craft.
In Gaelic mythology, Brighid was the goddess of metalwork, poetic inspiration and therapy. BROWNIE The brownie is a spirit popular in Scottish folk-lore. Brownies haunt houses, and if treated well will help with the drudgery of the housework while the occupants sleep. CERNUNNOS "The Horned One" is a Celtic god of fertility, life, animals, wealth, and the underworld. He was worshipped all over Gaul, and his cult spread into Britain as well. Cernunnos is depicted with the antlers of a stag, sometimes carries a purse filled with coin. The Horned God is born at the winter solstice, marries the Goddess at Beltane, and dies at the summer solstice. He alternates with the Goddess of the moon in ruling over life and death, continuing the cycle of death, rebirth and reincarnation. Paleolithic cave paintings found in France that depict a stag standing upright or a man dressed in stag costume seem to indicate that Cernunnos' origins date to those times. Romans sometimes portrayed him with three cranes flying above his head.

9. Celtic Mythology
This website is dedicated to Greek, Roman, Celtic, Egyptian, Native American, Japanese, Chinese, and Babylonian Mythology. Sitemap of celtic mythology. Get more information by using the links. Mythology Encyclopedia This is an external link to an outside website called "Probert's Encyclopedia
Arthurian Babylonian Celtic Egyptian ... Resources Celtic: Home Mythical Creatures Mythical Places Heroes Irish Gods ... Welsh Gods Sitemap of Celtic Mythology
Get more information by using the links. Mythical Creatures:
This section features: Banshee Mythical Places:
This section features: Annwn, Avalon Heroes:
This section features: Aoifa, Bran, Cuchulainn, Finn MacCool Irish Gods:
This section features: Aine, Airmid, Anu, Aoifa, Aonghus, Balor, Boann, and Midir Welsh Gods:
This section features: Amaethon, Arawn, Arianhod, Bran
Page Content Last Updated: 03-01-2004
Bibliography and Website Information

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10. Animal Symbolism In Celtic Mythology
Animal Symbolism in celtic mythology. Thus, animals symbolize the essenceof fertility and vitality in Welsh and celtic mythology. Bibliography.
Animal Symbolism in Celtic Mythology
A paper for Religion 375 at the University of Michigan
by Lars Noodén, 22 November 1992 Animals in Celtic and Welsh mythology are tied in with fertility and vitality, because they are living, moving, and growing. They also provide vitality and continued life for the tribes through their meat, skins, and bones. In addition, they are a connection to the realm of spirits and the gods. This connection is seen through their use in the hunt, search for secrets and wisdom. Specific animals have specific associations depending on the characteristics of the type of animal. Birds, fish, serpents, deer, cattle, swine, and so on all tend to be used as symbols. Boars fishes serpents birds , and herd animals are the most frequently described. In addition to representing fertility and wealth, boars symbolize courage and strong warriors MacCulloch , 356) for they are strong, dangerous, and very hard to kill. Their appearance in dreams and visions also indicates warriors. Isolt's forewarning of the death of Tristan, a great warrior, came in a dream about the death of a great boar

11. Timeless Myths: Celtic Mythology
Here we turn our page to celtic mythology. If you like it, place your Bookmark here(Ctrl+D). celtic mythology is a division of Timeless Myths. Timeless Myths.
"O Lady of the Fair Hair,
Sing to me of the fair ancient land.
Yours divine voice
Whispers the poetry of magic
that flow through the wind,
Like sweet-tasting water of the Boyne. "Girls, forever young and beautiful,
Dancing around the broken dun,
Where long forgotten heroes
sang of victory
And drank ales
to old memories. "Sing to me one last time, Goddess of the Fair Hair, Before my old ear fail me. Let me see you dance, Before your beauty fade away from my failing sight." Song to the Lady of the Fair Hair from the Book of Heroes We now leave the mild climate of the ancient Aegean, and the cold, forbidding regions of the North. Here, we enter the lush, green land, shrouded in mists of magic and wonders. The land is young yet ancient; beautiful yet intriguing; and something quite magical. We meet people who are fair and noble. Yet when aroused into battle, these people can easily become savage. One can lose their heads, quite literally, at the end of the swords. Here we turn our page to Celtic Mythology Though Celtic myths was not written until eleventh century AD, after the Vikings was driven out of Ireland, their sources, mostly oral traditions, were quite old. Even ancient.

12. Celtic Mythology
them all. Finn was a true leader of his people, a poet and magician,the pinnacle of achievement for a Celtic warrior. Finn s father

Cuchulainn was an ancient Gaelic hero who was endowed with superhuman qualities. His name means 'The Hound of Culainn', but he was first called Setanta. His parents were Dechtire and Lugh Lamhfhada (Lugh of the Long Hand / Pronounce "Loo Lawvodda"). At the age of five he left home to join the Red Branch Knights, the Ulster army of the king Conor Mac Nessa. With him he took his hurley, his silver ball, his javelin and his spear. He would hit the silver ball with the hurley, leap forward and hit it a second time before it touched the ground, toss the javelin ahead and then the spear, run after them all, catch the ball and javelin with one hand and the spear with the other. When he reached the palace at Emain Macha (Armagh), he beat 150 boys at hurling and other games. Cuchulainn achieved his name at the age of seven when he killed the watch dog of Ulster belonging to Culainn', the smith and in return undertook to protect the kingdom of Ulster and its people himself. The Queen learnt of a great Brown Bull in Cooley, County Louth. The chieftan of Louth refused to let Maeve have his bull, so she resolved to get it by force. Secretly she promised her beautiful daughter in marriage to every leader in her army and so secured the help of every warrior outside Ulster. The army marched to Kells, on the Ulster border and pitched camp. Maeve sought an interview with the Ulsterman and, amazed to find him a mere boy, offered him gold and great rewards if he would desist. Cuchulainn refused, but Maeve secured his agreement to fight one of her heroes each day at the ford that lay between, reckoning that this was better than losing one hundred every night to Cuchulainn's sling. Day after day Cuchulainn fought Maeve's warriors,overcoming Morrigu, the water goddess, during his fight with the hero Loich who he still managed to wound mortally.

13. CelticGrounds Welcome To Celtic Mythology
Introduction with illustrated primers on specific topics.

14. Celtic Mythology - Myths Of The Celts - Ancient World
celtic mythology. Known as the Keltoi to the Greeks, and the Galli tothe Romans, the peoples north of the Alps were of little initial
celtic mythology
Known as the Keltoi to the Greeks, and the Galli to the Romans, the peoples north of the Alps were of little initial interest in the ancient world. Then in the fourth century BC the great Celtic migrations from Central Europe pushed out in earnest, and overran the illustrious ancient civilisations on the mediterranean. In 390 BC the Celts became the only ancient civiliation to ever capture Rome; a century later they sacked prestigious Delphi of the Greeks. The Celts had arrived in the history books. Unfortunately, there is little we can guage of their history from their own perspective, but we have many clues, through the historical sources and especially archaeological excavations. For a start, the Celts were a mixture of over 40 tribes who generally shared customs and beliefs, who pushed from central Europe and north into Britain, west into Spain, south into Turkey, but came up against the ever more closely migrating Germanic peoples in the West. Eventually Celtica became trapped in the vice of Roman imperialism and Germanic expansion, and gave way to one and then the other over time. The Celtic peoples became absorbed, first by Rome, then by the Germans. But it was the literate Christian monks who followed again from Rome, after the Germanic conquests, who eventually began to take enough of an interest in recording local ideas. And so in the last quarters of the remaining Celtic languages, and over the following centuries, some small part of their rich tradition was finally put into writing.

15. Deanna's World: Celtic Whispers
Offers a guide to pronouncing Celtic words, as well as a brief description of the main characters in celtic mythology.
The history of the Celts began before information or written records were kept. In what is now Eastern Europe, the Celts seem to have moved west into Austria, Switzerland, France, and modern Germany. During the beginning of the Classical period, which took place about 500 BC, many groups spread over a wide area of Europe, from Scotland to Ireland, and to the southern Mediterranean. They were equipped with both iron weapons and a variety of ornamental arts, which were important to their culture and legacy.
By the time that their existence was recorded, the Celts were so numerous that writers named them as one of the four great barbarian peoples in the world. Their union was not that of a nation, but it was more cultural in nature. While they did have kingslike chiefs, or druids, they still had no apparent authority. And although each tribe had its own identity, they were still similar in language, religion, and lifestyle. Celtic language, as defined by the dictionary, is a group of Indo-European languages usually subdivided into Brythonic and Goidelic and now largely confined to Brittany, Wales, western Ireland, and the Scottish Highlands. Deanna's World: About Deanna Advice Staff Celtic Whispers Chat Parlor Dramatique Faerie Circle Good Deeds Guestbook Internet Treasurebox Introduction Interviews Martial Arts A Pink Floyd Tribute Poetry Gallery Radical Change Realm of the Unicorns Reflections of the Renaissance Victorian Treasures
Contents Celtic Pronunciation Key
A key to pronouncing Celtic words.

16. Ancient Spirits: Celtic Jewellery Shop (Celtic Jewelry, Celtic Jewellery, Celtic
Porcelain jewelry from Nova Scotia. Fifty designs in celtic mythology motifs. Pendants are round, oval or octagonal. Brooches and earrings available by request.
Ancient Spirits tm sells hand-made porcelain pendant jewellery decorated in astrological themes and Celtic motifs. The workshop for our Celtic jewellery is in Nova Scotia in Canada. From the formation of the porcelain paste, through to moulding, painting, firing and the final sealing, each piece is made by hand and on site in the workshop studio. Each pendant necklace includes a black silk cord for immediate use in wearing and is suspended on the cord in such a way that the pendant is unlikely to twist around with use. Orders may be placed online through our secure server. Or you can send us a cheque or money order. Orders received online will be shipped within two days. Anything received through regular postal mail will be shipped a week after receipt. Jewellery Designs are exclusive property of Touchstone Pottery Ltd.
Another quality New Age boutique from AquarianAge tm A Q U A R I A N A G E

17. Changeling The Celtic Cycle
Rules and background for a game emphasizing celtic mythology over Glamour and Banality.

18. Encyclopedia Mythica: Celtic Mythology
celtic mythology. Browse articles Contact the editor. The religiousbeliefs to Asia Minor. celtic mythology consists of three groups


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Celtic mythology Browse articles Contact the editor The religious beliefs and practices of the ancient Celts, an ancient Indo-European people. In the 4th century BCE their influence and territories covered the length of Europe, stretching from Britain to Asia Minor. Celtic mythology consists of three groups:
  • The Goidelic, including Ireland, the Isle of Man, and the western highlands of Scotland. In language, race, and tradition these form a homogenous block; The Insular Brythonic, including Wales and Cornwall, also inhabited by kindred people with a somewhat similar history; The Continental Brythonic, that is, Brittany. Though racially akin to the Welsh and Cornish, the Bretons have had a very differently history and enjoy a distinct culture.

  • available articles
    in this area.
    Editor: M.F. Lindemans
    There are currently articles in this area.
    This section was last updated on March 15, 2004.
    Selected links Encyclopaedia of the Celts This encyclopedia contains entries from myth, legend, literature and history. The Cattle-Raid of Cooley, the central epic of the Ulster cycle.

    19. Celtic Heart - Gods & Myths
    The bulk of what is known of celtic mythology comes to us primarily from fragmentarytexts transcribed, for the most part, between the twelfth and fifteenth
    "Only...with the closing of the lips of the last mortal who preserved his tradition can the life of a god be truly said to end."
    Charles Squire - Celtic Myths and Legends

    Celtic Heart Menu
    Bibliography The bulk of what is known of Celtic mythology comes to us primarily from fragmentary texts transcribed, for the most part, between the twelfth and fifteenth centuries. These volumes, having been set to parchment and vellum after the advent of Christianity, contain transcriptions of much older legends and heroic tales, albeit subject to the influence of the times. The most auspicious of these is the "Book of the Dun Cow", which, tradition has it, was copied from a seventh century manuscript written upon the hide of Saint Ciaran's favorite pet. Some folk tales survive to this day in rural Celtic towns and villages being kept alive by storytellers and singers who carry on the ancient oral tradition. ONSITE
    The Voyage of Bran

    20. Celtic Mythology
    celtic mythology. http// celticmyth/celtic.htm and your Celtic tribe has been pushed into Ireland by invading Roman forces
    Celtic Mythology by Tim Lecrone Stacy Thibert Sean P. Galipeau Rebekkah Raider Click here for the Teacher Page Task Resources Process ... Conclusion Introduction The year is 57 A.D. and your Celtic tribe has been pushed into Ireland by invading Roman forces! You fear that your people will be annihilated by the powerful enemy army. In order to save your culture, you are placing oral history and religion into written form. Luckily, your tribe is a well-educated lot: your group is comprised by a scholar, artisan, cleric, and sociologist. Together you must formulate a traditional tale based on a Celtic hero-story of your own design that is characteristic of your culture and art, before the Roman forces invade your tribe! Immortality is within your grasp . . . if only your tale can be transcribed into written text!!! Back to Top The Task Your first task is to become familiar with some traditional Celtic myths! As a group you should read the two Celtic myths which are linked in the resource section. Each group member must then choose two additional myths to read on their own. Eventually your group will be creating their own Celtic myth. Each group member will research one of the various positions and come up with the following crucial information for the completion of the project: The Scholar
    • Construct a historical timeline showing ten major occurrences of that century Map the tribal regions of your Celtic Kingdom
      • Pay special attention to your own area

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