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41. Cats Uk Dogs Pet Vet Advice Online Shop View our cats breeds Profiles! Find the cat that best suits you in our extensiveand informative pets breed profiles everything you want to know about cats http://www.petz.co.uk/ | |
42. Pets City A new page has been added with photos of my pets. Kit has add an articles aboutthe Sphynx blue cat breeds. Just click on the text link to enter pets City. http://www.petscity.net/ | |
43. Talk Pets! Forums - Cat Breeds Talk pets! Forums cats General cat breeds. View Full Version cat breeds.What breed might they be? Ragdoll anyone have one; my baby bengal! http://www.talkpets.com/forums/archive/index.php/f-47.html | |
44. Talk Pets! Forums - Cat Breeds This is a pets discussion forum powered by vBulletin. To find out about vBulletin, go to http//www.vbulletin.com/ . http://www.talkpets.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=47 |
45. Flying Panda Gifts breeds Browser. Dog cat Note Cards, Karen Olsen Dog cat Tees Sweatshirts, notecards and calendars to apparel and decorative ceramics for people and pets. http://www.flyingpanda.com/ |
46. NAIA: Dog And Cat Breeds Are In Peril In Europe tail docking of all but five breeds of hunting identification data base for dogs andcats, training programs the trade of wild animals as pets, and regulations http://www.naiaonline.org/body/articles/archives/dogand.htm | |
47. Cat Facts: Cat History, Cat Breeds, Wild Cats, Cat News Grieving Egyptian cat lovers mummified and buried their dead petswith care. 25% of the British population now own cats as pets. http://www.catclub.net/cat_facts/cathistory.cfm | |
48. Tomfolio.com: Pets And Domestic Animals: Cat Breeds 3. Cutts, Paddy cat breeds Of The World Publisher Smithmark NewYork 1995. Parts of the cat are labeled in the breed pictures. http://www.tomfolio.com/bookssub.asp?catid=33&subid=1136 |
49. Submarino New Guide to cat breeds Alan Edwards LORENZ BOOKS Clique Persian cats Ulrike Muller U. Muller Barron´s disease and parasites, and caring for pets of every i http://www.submarino.com.br/imports.asp?Query=&ProdTypeId=9&CatId=7698&PrevCatId |
50. Breeds Doglike and easily trained, Abys make excellent pets for families that have dogs,children, and If you either of these breeds you ll have a cat who stays a http://www.cffinc.org/breeds.html | |
51. Pets www.planetpets.com/ppchannels.htm On this web page  Look for pets by species org/ At our site, you ll find information on cat shows, cat breeds and cat http://ndsl.lib.state.nd.us/Subject/Pets.html | |
52. WebSurfUK - Pets & Animals pets Play Time, Everything for your dogs, cats, birds, fish our search engine if yourdog or cat prefers organic If you are looking for particular breeds, we have http://www.websurfuk.co.uk/animals.htm | |
53. Powell's Books - Used, New, And Out Of Print Identifying cat breeds by Paddy Cutts The group explores topics that range fromhorticulture and natural history to collectibles and pets. Written by http://www.powells.com/subsection/PetsCatsbyBreed.6.html | |
54. Animals s....... NetVet cats. Rec.pets.cats FAQ Homepage. cat Glossary. cat Fanciers Glossary.cat breeds. Allcats Parade of breeds (click on cats). cat Breed http://www.jewell.edu/curry/library/reference/animals.htm | |
55. Animals And Pets cats, breeds and cat care, breeds and colors, and cat shows. Chrystal s Rabbits.Chrystal s Rabbits Web site informs kids how to care for rabbits as pets. http://www.csun.edu/~vceed009/ap.html | |
56. Cats - Breeds cats A Comprehensive Guide to the World s breeds Paddy Cutts cat breeds Pictorial works Animals / pets pets cats breeds SALE BOOKS . http://topics.practical.org/browse/Cats_-_Breeds | |
57. Internet Public Library: Pets ownership (as related to greyhounds as dogs, as pets, as friends meeting place foronline discussions; and information about various cat breeds, breeders, and http://www.ipl.org/div/serials/browse/ent73.00.00/ | |
58. Linkopedia.: Lifestyle/Pets And Animals/Cats caricatures of owners with their cats and pets, capturing their out all there isto know about specific breeds, kittens, and choosing a cat that s right http://www.linkopedia.com/Lifestyle/Pets_and_Animals/Cats/ | |
59. Welcome To The Pets Channel Cats. Dogs. Living with animals. Other animals. Veterinary issues. pets AZ. FEATURESCat breeds. Dog breeds. Chats. Pet Experts. pets Message Boards. Quizzes. Tools. http://www.ivillage.com/pets/tools/breedselector/ | |
60. Rec.pets.cats: Maine Coon Cats Breed-FAQ net Subject rec.pets.cats Maine Coon Cats BreedFAQ Date 30 Apr 2004 112122GMT Archive-name cats-faq/breeds/coons Posting-frequency 30 days URL http http://www.faqs.org/faqs/cats-faq/breeds/coons/ | |
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