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41. Prospective etc.). Currently our graduates are attending vet. med. Programs at OhioState, U of Illinois, U of Florida. others. Career Tracks http://muweb.millersville.edu/~biology/prospective.students.htm | |
42. Petco.com - Where The Pets Go Online Four Paws Nature Bark Natural Reptile Bedding Starting at $4.99, zoo med PremiumRepti Bark Starting at $5.99, ESU Reptile Lizard Liner Terrarium Carpet http://www.petco.com/stores/newpet_reptile.asp?webt=0&tab=5 |
43. HorseCity.com's Bulletin Board: I Really Want To Be An Equine Vet!! Harder to get into than med School my masters degree in nutrition, and then goingon to vet school out I like nutrition enough to make it my career instead, plus http://forums.horsecity.com/cgi-bin/bb/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=8;t=007297 |
44. Dogs, Cats, Pets, People - Dr. Roen S Weekly Veterinary Column March 4,2002 keeping Good Records Will Help Your vet 11,2001 Kids and Pets Get Nervousat the vet s. 8,2000 Women Can Handle A veterinary Career and Pregnancy http://www.roen.com/ |
45. Ok, Lets Make This A Pet Lovers Forum Again, Poll Inside - Pet I worked in the shop for about 10 years until I left to fallow my photography career10 years Who the heck knows why I am in med school and not vet school! http://www.petloversforum.net/archive/topic/835-1.html | |
46. KSUCVM - Alumni - News - Henrikson 9,500 during his career. of the zoo and http://www.vet.ksu.edu/depts/alumni/news/henrikson.htm | |
47. KSUCVM - Alumni - News - Gigstad after a career as a the Kansas City zoo. http://www.vet.ksu.edu/depts/alumni/news/gigstad.htm | |
48. Laboratory Primate Newsletter Contents, 1995-97 for Treatment of HIV Infection; NIH Career Development Grants Expeditions Program;vet/vet nurse/vet technician, Thailand Pan Africa News; Grateful med on the http://www.brown.edu/Research/Primate/tofc97.html | |
49. Laboratory Primate Newsletter, Volume 38, Number 4 Consortium and Dept of Clinical Sciences, College of vet. med., North Carolina StateUniv., Box 8401, 4700 We also welcome inquiries from twocareer couples. http://www.brown.edu/Research/Primate/lpn38-4.html | |
50. Torpedo Records contribute to the The Rolling Stones neverending career to make fl låter hopplöstuttjatade idag (jag vet att jag haft den goda smaken att ta med alla Jams http://ufo.gronaverket.se/~web0247/reviewsj.htm | |
51. AVJ 75,2,Feb '97 Pp 144- med. The forward planning and recruitment and career development of academic, researchand clinical staff in veterinary science is an Aust vet J 1997; 755960 http://www.ava.com.au/content/avj/feb97/144.htm | |
52. Canterbury College - Learning Resources Centre. Small Animal Veterinary Association British Veterinary Nursing Association MerckVet Manual Pet RVC Animal Care Trust World Fish Link Bio med Net (free careers. http://www.cant-col.ac.uk/course_extras/lrc/links.htm | |
53. VetZoo Minutes Premed Society - PMS contacted Hannah earlier and informed us that we are not justfor Pre-vet students, we students who aspire to have a career dealing with http://www.yorku.ca/vetzoo/minutes.html | |
54. From IN% Pfcarell@gw.dec.state.ny.us Paul Carella 15-DEC-1999 His address is Robin E. Walker, B. vet. med., MRCVS 78 Bromyard Rd Worcester WR25DA, UK He s Duration and career possibilities 2 years, 3 times renewable. http://www.usask.ca/wcvm/ae/archives/dec16-31.99 | |
55. From IN% Frank.Odberg@rug.ac.be Frank Odberg 30-JUN-1997 1145 Dept of Herd medicine O \ / ) and Theriogenology bser Statistical ( WesternCollege of vet. med. Or maybe a career as a small animal behaviourist http://www.usask.ca/wcvm/ae/archives/jul01-15.97 | |
56. Lady Midath's Fan Fiction night with Krycek, she had threatened to destroy his career. biologist s Byers wasthere as well, a med kit in ever you do be careful Frohike. The vet did not http://www.geocities.com/ribrice/krycek | |
57. Bitten By The Big One II here that most doctors will go their whole career and never during law school, I workedon a med mal case and was traveling with a fully trained vet and herper http://www.venomousreptiles.org/articles/95 | |
58. MedicalSpouse.com part of my highly unconventional career I definitely go _ ButtercupGirdleBrain - vet student and wife of a 2nd year med student - mom to http://www.medicalspouse.com/iMSN/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&t=3794& |
59. GEM-SET Oklahoma State University also has an excellant vet school, and also offers manyother career choices. IN TULSA, OK After under grad (4 yrs) and med. http://www.uic.edu/orgs/gem-set/november.htm | |
60. UK TV Guide delights reveal the true and exotic flavours of the med. When Ashley s music careertakes off, Will is in over his And vet Sue Thornton has to treat a spider http://uktv.tv/2003/02/02/ | |
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