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21. Consultant http//medconsultant.com/ - 25% - DM. http//zoo.vet.cornell.edu/consultant/consult.asp- 12 offering OD, communication, coaching and career management service http://www.careerkangaroo.com/job/consultant.html |
22. NYSVMS - Classified Ads - Veterinarian Wanted Fax resume to (781) 7402109, careers@vetcor.com or (800 Resume to Dr. Susan Metzger,Orchard Park vet med Ctr, 3507 Orchard SA medicine + Surgery Relief vet . http://www.nysvms.org/inside/public/classifieds/categories/vet_wanted.html | |
23. Guide To Health healthy and contains advice on vet selection, pet OncoLink http//cancer.med.upenn.edu/Comprehensive health care workers; information on careers, jobs, case http://www.sheltonstate.edu/library/respiratorycare.htm | |
24. Selected Web Sites For Biomedical, Pharmaceutical, Veterinary, And Animal Scienc http//prex.las.vet.uu.nl/nca/ The NCA stimulates Animal photos, careers, links toother groups, bowling for http//www.med.harvard.edu/AANLIB/home.html The http://www.nal.usda.gov/awic/pubs/awic9802.htm | |
25. Venomous Snakebites In The United States: Management Review And Update - April 1 vet Hum Toxicol 1991;335846. Kerrigan KR, Mertz BL Ann Emerg med 2001;37181-8.Jurkovich GJ ed. American zoo and Aquarium Association and American Association http://www.aafp.org/afp/20020401/1367.html | |
26. Bellwether--Miscellaneous Articles vet. med. In the 30 years of its existence the Thouron Award has playedan influential role in shaping the lives and careers of alumni. http://www.vet.upenn.edu/schoolresources/communications/publications/bellwether/ | |
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34. ISSN 1052-5378 United States Department Of Agriculture National Example 1 NAL Call No. DNAL RM218.K36 1987 Exploring careers in dietetics and TheBird keeper s library). EMMEL, MW J AM vet med ASSOC v. 76 p. 452453; 1930 http://netvet.wustl.edu/species/birds/qb9426.txt | |
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37. I Want To Go Into Zoology But I Struggle In Chemistry/physic animal behavior program that may suit your career goals school biology is fine asa pre-vet major but to be quite difficult lots of pre-med students very http://www.collegeconfidential.com/discus/messages/4/48605.html | |
38. Private Practice, Vet Med, Oregon State http://www.vet.orst.edu/career/carprivp.htm | |
39. No Title International zoo News Vol. 48/4 (No. 309) June 2001 . CONTENTS. North American River Otters in European zoos . a Husbandry SurveyJohn Partridge and Sheila SykesGatz of species even the keeping http://www.zoonews.ws/IZN/309/IZN-309.htm | |
40. BIOJOBS med. information and application details at our web site http//www.vet.unimelb.edu asummary of the information that I have gathered regarding a career in zoos http://campus.queens.edu/depts/biology/biojobs.htm | |
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