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61. Western Illinois University - College Of Arts & Sciences - Career Paths Career Planning Placement Director, Psychology. Career Planning Placement Director, Sociology Anthropology. clergy, social work. Climatologist, Geography. http://www.wiu.edu/CAS/careerpaths/ | |
62. Neve Shalom: An Egalitarian Conservative Synagogue In Metuchen, New Jersey, Rabb definition of employment has led clergy beyond the organizations, religious education, counseling, social work and even coming off a first career, more ripened http://www.uscj.org/njersey/metuchen/122001us.htm | |
63. Types agent child care provider social worker fundraiser athletic HR development trainer ombudsman clergy journalist newscaster career counselor housing http://www.doi.gov/octc/typescar.html | |
64. Career Resource Library Stop Career System Multimedia Career Video Library Child, Family, and School social Workers; Chiropractors; Civil clergy; Clerical Supervisors and Managers; College http://www.acinet.org/acinet/library.asp?category=1.2 |
65. Biola > Career Services : Psychology Biologist (Toxicology) Career Services Director Child Development Specialist Child Welfare Worker clergy Clinical Manager Clinical social Worker/Therapist http://www.biola.edu/admin/career/psych.cfm | |
66. Majors\sociology JOBS REQUIRING ADDITIONAL EDUCATION OR EXPERIENCE. *Career Services Counselor, *City Planner, *clergy. School Counselor, *social Worker, *Urban Planner. http://www.uncwil.edu/stuaff/career/Majors/sociology.htm | |
67. Career Presentations - Category 2 Myers Medical Research Investigator Zoological Park Career Information from Donna Osayimwese - Counselor, social Worker Eula Tolliver - social Worker. clergy. http://www.reachoutmichigan.org/exploringsci/category2.html | |
68. Careers In Sociology Counselor *Data Analyst *Medical social Worker *Adoption Agent Editor *Parole Officer *Career Services Counselor Planner *Foster Care Worker *Political Systems http://www.cla.auburn.edu/clastudents/majorsandminors/careers/sociology.htm | |
70. University Career And Employment Services At The University Of Kansas nurse Vocational rehabilitation specialist *Gerontological social worker *clergy Job counselor Many career areas, from academic research and teaching to http://www.ku.edu/~uces/major/religiousstudies.shtml | |
71. CSC - Major Resource Kit - Psychology clergy person, *occupational therapist. *probation officer, *rehabilitation counselor. *child care worker, *career counselor. *activities coordinator, *social worker. http://www.udel.edu/CSC/psych.html | |
72. A&S Careers, ModLangs Start networking and career research endeavors social service agencies social worker, case management services workers, shelter workers, immigration worker. http://www.uakron.edu/ascareer/ModLangs.html | |
73. Major In Social Work - The Advising Center - CCSU social Worker, Marketing Research analyst. Community Worker (195.367.018), Rehabilitation Counselor*. Counselor, Career, Police Officer. http://www.ccsu.edu/advising/majors/socwk.htm | |
74. Career Services Center - New York State Career Majors with the New York State Career Majors Health and Public Service Teacher, social worker, lawyer, police, music therapist, clergy, economist, counselor http://www.molloy.edu/counseling_career/careercounseling.htm | |
75. Career Options In Psychology Career Options For Psychology Majors This is a brief sampling of skills, occupational titles and employment Knowledge of social behavior. Child care worker. http://www.spu.edu/depts/pfc/careers.html | |
76. Other Human Services Careers Below is a list of careers in the human services field. Police officer; Recreation worker; Rehabilitation counselor; Special agent; social scientist; http://www.collegeview.com/career/careersearch/job_profiles/human/otherhs.html | |
77. British Association Of Social Workers :: Http://www.basw.co.uk work is to remain a career option of parliamentary debate on recruitment and retention in social work. Survivor of clerical CSA on working Group  excellent http://www.basw.co.uk/articles.php?articleId=151 |
78. Sociology BA/BS - Career Development Center Therapist Admissions Counselor Medical social Worker Adoption Agent Analyst Parole Officer Career Services Counselor Worker Case Aid Worker Penologist Child http://careers.appstate.edu/index.php?module=pagemaster&PAGE_user_op=view_page&P |
79. Philosophy Page Career Prospects Ph.D. can be very useful when it comes to a career. 1.5% were librarians or archivists, 1.2% were social scientists, and 10.4% were in other lines of work. http://forbin.qc.edu/Philo/cp.htm | |
80. Westmont College - Current Student - Career & Life Planning may run career information centers and career education programs School social Workers may do some of the tasks protective services, doctors, and clergy members http://www.westmont.edu/_current_students/pages/career_planning/career_plan/scho | |
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