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1. Social Work Graduate Programs In Northeastern U.S.A. social work to prepare for careers in the church and in social service. Union and the School of social work of Columbia program and an interdenominational clergy program. The DSW http://www.gradschools.com/listings/northeast/social_work_ne.html | |
2. MU-Social Work Home Page Millersville University's social work Home Page There are many careers in social work available to graduates with a BA attorneys, judges, physicians, psychologists, teachers, clergy, police http://muweb.millersv.edu/~sowk/opportunities.html | |
3. Psychologists of work include clergy, counselors, physicians and surgeons, social workers, sociologists, and For information on careers, educational requirements http://www.bls.gov/oco/ocos056.htm | |
4. UHS: Career Library Religious work. clergy. Occupational Outlook Handbook (U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics Division. careers in social work. Barry University School of social work http://www.uhs.berkeley.edu/Students/CareerLibrary/links/header.cfm?FIELD=7& |
5. Career Information - Social Workers with similar duties include the clergy, counselors, psychologists, and For information about career opportunities in social work and voluntary http://www.collegegrad.com/careers/proft41.shtml | |
6. Career Browser: Religious Workers clergy generally advise and counsel individuals and groups regarding in this type of work include social workers, clinical and Related careers in this database http://www.collegeboard.com/apps/careers/0,3477,26-062,00.html | |
7. MACES - Social Work ECU Career Services. MACES (Major and Career Exploration System) social work. What can you do with a major in social work? section 110 for additional related careers. This publication Code 037) Counselors -clergy -Vocational Rehabilitation Counselors *Check http://www.ecu.edu/career/maces/socwrk.htm |
8. Career Browser: Social Workers with similar duties include the clergy, counselors, counseling For information about career opportunities in social work, contact National http://www.collegeboard.com/apps/careers/0,3477,27-060,00.html | |
9. Hope College Admissions: Sociology And Social Work and an accredited social work program, students find preparation for a wide range of careers. Each year the attitudinal surveys of Reformed Church seminarians, clergy, and laity http://www.hope.edu/admissions/academic/sociology.html | |
10. Careers For ISFJ Personality Types Possible Career Paths for the ISFJ Interior Care / Early Childhood Development; social work / Counselors; Paralegals; clergy / Religious workers; Office Managers; http://www.personalitypage.com/ISFJ_car.html | |
11. Work At Home : Job Report Social Workers fewer people prepare for social work careers while demand continues to grow with similar duties include the clergy, counselors, counseling psychologists, and vocation rehabilitation http://www.work-at-home.org/sreport/career/94.htm | |
12. Investigate Careers - Minnesota Careers 2004 The outlook for law and social services careers is good. clergy. 4Year Bachelor s Degree Most have a 4-year degree in social work or counseling. http://www.mncareers.org/investigate_careers.asp?pageid=lw01 |
13. For Students concerns for women as clergy are also discussed. An appendix lists accredited theological schools in the US and Canada. Opportunities in social work careers. http://www.wellesley.edu/CWS/students/bibliosocialservices.html | |
14. SU [Career Services: Students] Job counselor *Healthservice administrator Drug/alcohol abuse counselor Crisis center director clergy *Rehabilitation specialist careers in social work. http://www.salisbury.edu/careerservices/Students/Choosing Majors Page/SocialWork | |
15. Xap.com :: Career Details :: Clergy Conducts wedding and funeral services. Related careers Frequent work Context Objective or Subjective Information; JobRequired social Interaction; http://www.xap.com/career/careerdetail/career21-2011.00.html | |
16. University Career And Employment Services At The University Of Kansas careers for majors in social work, selected from for use at University Career Employment counselor Crisis center director clergy *Rehabilitation specialist http://www.ku.edu/~uces/major/socialwork.shtml | |
17. Major: clergy, FEMA Applicant Assistance Officer, Rehabilitation Counselor. careers in social work http//www.siu.edu/~socwork/careers.htm. http://web.jmu.edu/career/web/Careerguide/sowk5.html | |
18. Juniata College Career Services is especially appropriate for those considering careers in conflict resolution occupations (eg social work, community development mediator, * clergy. http://services.juniata.edu/career/pcs.html | |
19. Job Outlook Caseworker; Child Abuse Counselor; Claims Examiner; clergy Member; Corrections Students considering careers in sociology and social work should obtain http://www.siskiyous.edu/counseling/career/careerhndts/SOCIALcg.htm | |
20. Careers - Washington County Health Sytstems - Health Career Connections with other professionals such as clergy, police and are requiring credentialing for reimbursement of social work services. students interested in a career as a http://careers.wchsys.org/bachelor/social_worker.asp | |
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