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101. Ukhospitals.co.uk Recruitment service with search facility by region and by service. Includes details of courses, conferences and general careers guidance. http://www.ukhospitals.co.uk/ |
102. Piedmont High School Guidance Department January 4 Second Semester Begins; guidance ReOpens. 20-Feb. 20, Monday-Thursdays, Union County Career Center. 9- March 4, weekdays, all high schools. http://pmhs.ucps.k12.nc.us/guidance/announcements.htm | |
103. SWE Baltimore-Washington Section Encourages women to achieve full potential in careers as engineers and leaders, expands the image of the engineering profession as a positive force in the quality of life, and demonstrates the value of diversity. Features a newsletter, career guidance, continuing development, events, scholarship application, membership information and FAQ. http://www.swe-bws.org | |
104. Executive And Professional Career Consulting And Counseling At Life Transitions A professionally staffed service to provide guidance and consultation for persons either selecting their first career or seasoned professionals seeking to fill a still existing void despite having successful careers. http://www.life-career.com/consulting.html | |
105. AHS Guidance Test Prep. CollegeEdge boasts the 1 website for going to college or grad school. The Career and College guidance System meets the needs of a varied student http://net.archbold.k12.oh.us/ahs/guidance/ | |
106. Capital Careers Home Page Central located career service offering advice, information and guidance. http://www.capitalcareers.ltd.uk | |
107. :: South Cobb High School :: Guidance - The Career Center can register for the SAT, set up a personal organizer and planner, customize a school search list The Career Center is located in the guidance suite and is http://www.cobbk12.org/~southcobb/guidance/careercenter.htm | |
108. Leeds Network - Home Page Information on training, childcare, and the Leeds Labour market in two zones one for general enquirers, the second for careers guidance professionals. http://www.leedsnetwork.org.uk/ | |
109. Herts Careers Services For careers advice, counselling, information, training and guidance including online job vacancies database. http://www.herts-careers.co.uk/ | |
110. East London Centre Information on jobs and training, careers advice and guidance, help with starting up or improving your business. http://www.eastlondoncentre.co.uk/ |
111. High School Guidance Services - Bowling Green Area Schools Bowling Green High school offers a professionally trained guidance staff to assist students with their personal, social, academic and career development. http://www.bgcs.k12.oh.us/schools/bghs/guidance.html | |
112. IDC Home Page Provides information technology industry analysis, market data and insight, and strategic and tactical guidance to builders, providers and users of information technology. Contains profile, services rendered, careers and an events update. http://www.idcindia.com/ | |
113. University Of Strathclyde Careers Service guidance on Job Seeking, lists of current vacancies and links to external careers resources. http://www.strath.ac.uk/Departments/Careers/ | |
114. NEW College, Pontefract 6th Form College. Information about the college, courses available, with a downloadable application form. Includes information for students about careers and guidance, and term dates. http://www.newcollpont.ac.uk/ | |
115. Art Schools - ArtSchools.com ! - Art Careers And Jobs. Education and Career guidance. on art careers, education more A riveting interview with Fred Ellie BrownWhen checking out schools, take a look at what the http://www.artschools.com/careers-jobs/ | |
116. :: Doing It In T.O. :: The Ultimate Girls Guide To Toronto Take a look into the lives of two sisters in Toronto..read our journals, check our our list of bars and events listed by location, read our list of careers your guidance counselor never told you about. http://www.doingitinto.com | |
117. Spirit Lake Community School - High School Guidance Resources http//www.sirius.com/~kimba/career.html Career guidance Foundation http//www cost information and the unique programs and features of each school. http://www.spirit-lake.k12.ia.us/~egreer/Index.html |
118. Bruckman Info Web Page Goals and Objectives of the Saline Middle school guidance and Counseling Department. maximize development in the following areas academic, career, and personal http://www.salineschools.com/users/bruckmab/ | |
119. Stone Bridge High School Guidance Loudoun Valley High school is the test center for the collegeboard.com or stop by the Career Center for Check with your guidance counselor for more information http://www.loudoun.k12.va.us/schools/sbhs/guidance/guidance.html | |
120. High School Guidance - Home Wellsville High school guidance Department Phone 585596-2160 Fax 585-596-2180. 2002 - 2004 High school High school guidance . All Rights Reserved. http://wellsville.ny.schoolwebpages.com/education/dept/dept.php?sectionid=12674 |
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