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41. MNPS-Guidance, Careers, & School To College guidance Resources Homepage; Internet College Exchange; Information about standardized test Advice on colleges, careers and graduate school, with a yearly http://www.mnps.org/instruction/SchoolCareer.html | |
42. King Edward's School - Prospectus - Careers Guidance careers guidance. To this end, the school has a Head of careers and a specialist careers adviser who maintain an upto-date resource centre. http://www.kes.bham.sch.uk/prospectus/careers.html | |
43. College And Career Guidance And Counseling For High School Students Decisions Without Direction Career guidance and DecisionMaking determine how they choose careers and courses school Counselors Emerging Vanguards of Student http://www.ed.gov/policy/sectech/guid/cte/guidance.html | |
44. Guidance Counseling his or her experience at the Kennedy school. guidance counselors and coordinators of the Abitur program university education and/or their careers after high http://www.jfks.de/schoollife/guidancecounceling/main.html | |
45. Souderton Area School District - Indian Valley Middle School Guidance guidance counselors help match students to their instructional of work to make intelligent decisions about careers. Peer Mediation for school Age Young People http://www.soudertonsd.org/schools/valley/guidance.cfm | |
46. MWCSD - Middle School Guidance guidance counselors use three helping processes counseling as well as for the individual careers themselves, and and resource on student and school issues for http://mw.k12.ny.us/schools/middle/msguide.html | |
47. Colton-Pierrepont Central School - Guidance News Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) in the guidance office. students with deciding and investigating their future careers. be used by students in middle school as well http://www.cpcs.k12.ny.us/Guidance/guidance.htm | |
48. Eastbrook High School Guidance, Eastbrook Community Schools, Marion, Indiana, Gr to Eastbrook guidance Your Future Depends on Your Choices. school to Work Great careers don t always require four years of college. Check here. http://www.comteck.com/~carolynb/guidance.html | |
49. Laurel High School - Guidance guidance Counselors Can Provide Information and General Educational Development); Evening/Saturday/Sunday school; Job Corps. careers (awareness/exploration/options http://www.pgcps.pg.k12.md.us/~laurel/guidance.html | |
50. Milwaukee Area Technical College - Adult High School Guidance Adult High school guidance Counseling. Health Health Concepts/careers, Nursing Assistant; Metal Trades The following High school Contract Courses are offered http://www.milwaukee.tec.wi.us/featur/adult/ |
51. Careers Education & Guidance - Chenderit School Please feel free to contact Gail Capps (careers Coordinator) on 01295 711567 to discuss any aspect of careers Education guidance at Chenderit school. http://www.chenderit.northants.sch.uk/about/department/careers.html | |
52. Scholarships, Colleges, And Financial Aid Information From Careers And Colleges For more than 20 years, careers COLLEGES magazine has you need to know to survive life after high school. Be sure to check out our Virtual guidance Counselor http://careersandcolleges.com/ | |
53. Naples High School Guidance Department TeacherWeb Careers careers. SAT/College Board http//www.collegeboard.com, ACT http//www.act.org, Career Net http//www.careers.org, Choices career http://teacherweb.com/FL/NaplesHighSchool/Bailey,Lauren/links2.stm | |
54. Quintessential Careers Site Award: Cyber Guidance A review of Cyber guidance, a great site for high school students and families, in recognition of it winning the Quintessential careers Site Award. http://www.quintcareers.com/Quintessential_Sites/Cyber_Guidance.html | |
55. Evans Middle School Guidance Department schedule change can check with the guidance secretary or eighth graders, tour of the high school, parent night focus on skills needed to enter specific careers. http://www.ottumwa.k12.ia.us/evans/guidance.htm | |
56. West Frederick Middle School - Guidance Dept. lessons focusing on prevalent issues during middle school. interested students should stop by guidance to pick an opportunity to research careers through the http://schools.fcps.org/wfms/guide.html | |
57. Msgr. McClancy High School Guidance Department Career Links Msgr. McClancy High school guidance Department An Internet Resource - careers. Begin Here Planning a Career. guidance Homepage. guidance Homepage. http://www.mindspring.com/~mcguidance/Career Links.htm | |
58. 2003-2004 Guidance Department it is important that collegebound students become thoroughly familiar with the programs early in their high school careers. The guidance counselors will http://www.elanco.k12.pa.us/schools/gshs/guidance/guidance_intro.html | |
59. CollegeInformation to top of page back to guidance Resources Homepage they match your interests and high school experience to explore majors, find a college and research careers. http://www.wisemantech.com/guidance/college.htm | |
60. PLC Armidale, NSW, Australia - Careers Guidance careers guidance. Career visits and regular guest speakers are arranged As a small school, we have the distinct advantage of being able to know all students well http://www.plcarmidale.nsw.edu.au/careers.htm | |
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