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1. High School Guidance: Colleges & Careers careers College Majors careers Occupational Outlook Biology Chemistry English Games guidance Languages Math Wojcik High school Hub Quiz Hub http://highschoolhub.org/hub/guidance.cfm | |
2. K-12: High School Guidance And Counseling : HIGHER EDUCATION REFERENCES High school guidance and Counseling. HIGHER EDUCATION REFERENCES separating myth from fact, strategies for choosing a major, and evaluating the majors/ careers you are considering http://www.ceismc.gatech.edu/busyt/guco.html | |
3. Careers In Theoretical Biology guidance brochure for high school and undergraduate students. Defines theoretical biology, gives examples of its application, and provides advice on preparing for a career in the field. http://life.biology.mcmaster.ca/~brian/biomath/careers.theo.biol.html | |
4. School Guidance Counselors Overall, the job market for school guidance counselors is Almost all school districts provide medical insurance and salaries in this other careers on this http://www3.ccps.virginia.edu/career_prospects/briefs/P-S/SchoolCounselors.html | |
5. Cortland High School Guidance Office Careers Page Career Path Offers information on Career guidance, Career Resources, Job Listings Also includes Guuide to Graduate Schools, Career Forums, Resumes, Job http://www.cortlandschools.org/buildings/jshs/guid/careers.html | |
6. The Bill Starz Guidance Help Center Help and links for high school students to learn about colleges, careers, test preparation, and financial aid. http://www.bsguidancestuff.com | |
7. Guidance Links What Can I Do With a Major in ? http//www.rice.edu/projects/careers/ students/gettinghelp/whatcanido.shtml guidance Web Pages. Elementary school guidance Counseling Sites http://www.techinstitute.50megs.com/guidlinks.htm | |
8. Careers In Science And Engineering careers IN SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING. A STUDENT PLANNING GUIDE TO GRAD school AND BEYOND ORGANIZING COMMITTEE, PROJECT guidance GROUP, PRINCIPAL PROJECT STAFF http://www.nap.edu/readingroom/books/careers | |
9. E. B. Middle School Guidance Career guidance Activities/6th 7th Grades Note to Parents to see the connections of school subjects and important skills and traits to different careers. http://ebsms.wcs.k12.va.us/guidance.htm | |
10. Arrowhead Elementary School Guidance Arrowhead Elementary school guidance. Sandra KnechtGoldfarb, Counselor careers On - Wheels Day People who use vehicles in their jobs are invited to Arrowhead to talk about http://www.methacton.org/arrowhead/guidance/home.htm | |
11. Rosemount High School Guidance The guidance Department provides upto-date information about careers, colleges, technical and vocational schools, referrals to outside agencies, financial aid http://www.isd196.k12.mn.us/rhs/guidance/index.cfm | |
12. ED279991 1986-00-00 Career Guidance, Families And School Counselors. Highlights: The need for a collaborative effort between school and family in the area of career guidance is considered in this digest. Issues relevant to this effort are discussed, including family prejudices about the appropriateness of certain careers may need to be challenged throughout this http://www.ed.gov/databases/ERIC_Digests/ed279991.html | |
13. Guidance Services Home Page - Mohonasen Central Schools District just how much valuable information is packed into Mohonasen s guidance Web site. WE HELP STUDENTS PREPARE FOR COLLEGE careers AND LIFE AFTER HIGH school! http://www.mohonasen.org/03guidance/guidance.htm | |
14. New Bedford High School Guidance Homepage New Bedford High school Phone Number 508.997.4511. Please contact your guidance counselor for the Registration A government report on careers and their http://www.newbedford.k12.ma.us/srhigh/guidance/homepage.htm | |
15. Northside High School - Guidance of the process, you must notify the guidance department and or four year degree right after high school or if you want to check out careers that interest http://www.rcs.k12.va.us/nshs/02/guidance/default.shtml | |
16. Careers World Recruitment and careers advice offering advice for job seekers, professionals, college/university graduates, third level and second level school students. http://www.careersworld.com |
17. Watertown High School - Guidance Department for the transition to college and careers, and meet are the competencies which the guidance Staff works to apply them; Understand the school environment and http://whs.watertown.k12.ma.us/guidance/statementactivities.html | |
18. Watertown High School - Guidance Department WATERTOWN HIGH school guidance Department. 50 Columbia Street, Watertown, Ma. Career Search. Career Search is a way to find out about jobs and careers. http://whs.watertown.k12.ma.us/guidance/careers.html | |
19. Welcome To BES Teachers Promotes good ecological education at all levels from the primary school to university. Includes newsletter, information and guidance, curriculum resources and careers information. http://www.hamar.fsnet.co.uk/ | |
20. FFMS - School-To-Careers Mississippi's initiative in the national schoolto-careers program, offering guidance to students as they prepare for careers through first-hand knowledge, on-site experience, and information databasing. http://www.fastforwardms.com/ |
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