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61. Cal State Northridge - Career Center Business Career Foundation Program, Intern and Coop Examiner Positions, Accounting, Business, Finance, economics. Associates, EE, ME, math, Computer Science http://www.csun.edu/career/employerlist/fallfair103000.html | |
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67. Alumni Survey: Chosen Fields Of Employment $38,900. Research Analyst, economics, $28,000. Accountant, math/Econ, $33,000. Business Career Foundation Program, Management Science, $43,000. http://career.ucsd.edu/sa/survey/ActualJobsByFields.shtml | |
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80. Department Of Economics, University Of Otago If you are interested in a career as a professional math 160, or both math 102 and math 103 These papers provide the required background in economics, maths and http://www.business.otago.ac.nz/econ/courses/hons.html | |
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