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         Careers Marine Biology:     more detail
  1. Opportunities in Marine Science and Maritime Careers, revised edition (Opportunities in) by Wm. Ray Heitzmann, 2006-03-28
  2. Eugenie Clark: Marine Biologist (Ferguson Career Biographies) by Ronald A. Reis, 2005-04-30
  3. Marine Biologist (Career Exploration) by Jennifer Wendt, 2000-01
  4. Marine science career awareness: Grade four by James A Kolb, 1984
  5. Marine career series; marine related occupations: A primer for high school students (Marine memorandum) by Prentice K Stout, 1976
  6. Career education: The marine science occupations cluster (Ohio State University. Center for Vocational and Technical Education. Informaion series) by Maxwell Farming, 1973
  7. Strategies for pursuing a career in marine mammal science by Jeanette A Thomas, 1994
  8. A Century of Diatom Research in North America: A Tribute to the Distinguished Careers of Charles W. Reimer & Ruth Patrick by M. J. Sullivan, P. Kociolek, 1995-09
  9. You Can Be a Woman Marine Biologist by Florence McAlary, Judith Love Cohen, 1997-09
  10. Secrets of the Deep: Marine Biologists (Scientists at Work) by Mike Unwin, 2007-12
  11. Marine Biologists (Scientists at Work (Smart Apple Media).) by Julie Haydon, 2004-08
  12. I Can Be a Marine Biologist (Reach High and Find Out Why) by Stella Frederick, Nancy Brickner, et all 1986-06
  13. Risky Business - Marine Biologist (Risky Business) by Keith Elliot Greenberg, 1995-09-18
  14. Under the Ice: A Marine Biologist at Work (Canadian Museum of Nature & Kathy Conlan) by Canadian Museum of Nature, Kathy Conlan, 2004-08-01

21. Becoming A Marine Biologist
Many such colleges are not that great and most of the students in suchprograms don t really intend to have careers in marine biology.
Becoming a Marine Biologist What is marine biology and what is a marine biologist? I Want to Train Dolphins and Whales Here's my advice. Love dolphins and whales. Admire their beauty and their grace as they swim and move through their scores of exciting behavioral maneuvers. Worry about the whales, for many of them are in danger. Support organizations that try to conserve whales. Okay. Now please keep in mind that there are VERY FEW people in the world who study whales or other marine mammals! Same thing for dolphin trainers. Yes there are many public aquaria in the United States, but the number of people that work with dolphins as trainers are also very few. Most emails I get start with "I have always wanted to be a dolphin trainer." Fine, but you better keep your options open, just the way aspiring rock stars usually have a "day job." If every person who wanted to study dolphins went on to do so, then just about every dolphin would have its own personal observer! You are in a vast company because everyone loves dolphins. The important point is: MARINE BIOLOGY IS A LOT MORE THAN DOLPHINS. There are many important areas that you can study. Dolphins are an important part, but only a part, of the universe of marine biology. (Same goes for you shark fans.) If you truly wanted to do research on marine mammals you could enter this field through one of two routes. First, you could become a biology major in college, taking courses in vertebrate biology, physiology and evolution. Most marine mammalogists were biology majors in college. As an alternative, you could become a veterinarian, with the ultimate hope of understanding mammalian anatomy, physiology, and biochemistry, and understanding the biology of mammals and their ailments. This would be a very rare route, although an interesting one.

22. Career Browser: Marine Biology Major
Potential careers. marine biology graduates find jobs with government, state,and federal environmental programs, particularly those dealing with coastal,3480,15-097,00.html
Site Colleges College Search Where to Start Campus Life College Visits Tools College Search Compare Colleges LikeFinder Jump To College Applications Career Browser Email Newsletters Home ... Career Browser
Marine Biology General Information Typical Courses H.S. Preparation
Potential Careers
... Sources of Additional Information
General Information
In the marine biology major students learn about the diversity of life in the ocean, how ocean species relate to each other as food and prey, and how different species depend on and use the physical and chemical structures of the ocean. What the Major is Like The ocean has a special fascination. Covering two-thirds of the earth's surface, it contains a great abundance and wide diversity of life forms, ranging from the bizarre to the beautiful. How ocean species relate to each other, as food and prey, as sources of nutrients, or even as animal and chemical structures of the ocean are all topics of deep interest to marine biologists. Students majoring in marine biology will not only receive broad exposure to the extraordinary complexity of this major ecosystem, but also insight into some of the most important environmental problems facing our future. For example, they will explore the consequences of global climate changes, which threaten to produce a warming of the ocean and a rise in sea level, and the consequences of increasing ocean pollution. Marine biology majors study the ocean as a system and learn about the interaction and interdependency of the physics, chemistry, and biology of the ocean. They learn about the form, structure, development, evolution, physiology, biochemistry, and genetics of marine systems, including fisheries. Through such study they come to appreciate the many competing interests and concerns that center around people's use of the ocean.

23. Bridge - Ocean Science Careers
information pages. careers Jobs in marine biology Oceanography List of links to more career information pages. Tips Tools. Other

Marine Careers Net
- A new Sea Grant online resource that profiles 34 marine science professionals. This site shows the diversity of ages, genders, races, and even educational background of people working in marine science. Office of Naval Research: Careers in Oceanography - An online booklet by the Navy with an that tells you about careers in oceanography including educational requirements, job opportunities, market outlook, and special sections for women, minorities, and people with disabilities. Oceanography Careers-Women in Marine Sciences - "Women Oceanographers is a fantastic website with profiles on 12 remarkable women with careers in oceanography. Each profile includes a biography, a typical work week, background information, photos, links to learn more, a video interview and in-depth information about one topic in which they are involved. What a GREAT resource to provide AWESOME mentors and role models for young women enagaged at all levels of scientific learning." Chantelle, Science and Biology teacher, Grades 9-12 Careers in the Marine Science Field - A small list of jobs in the marine science field to give you an idea of the diversity of career opportunities in this area.

24. MBARI - Ocean Sciences Career Information
careers in marine biology Monterey Bay Aquarium; National Associationof marine Laboratories (NAML) - for links to marine lab web pages;
Education Press room



Ocean Sciences Career Information These web pages provide information for those interested in a career in the ocean sciences:

25. Careers In Marine Science
literally hundreds of different jobs in the field of marine Science encompassingalmost all other sciences physics, chemistry and biology. Career choices are
Careers ln Marine Science
So you want to be a Marine Scientist? You like to be outside, heard the oceans would feed the world, want to learn to SCUBA dive or communicate with dolphins. GREAT! You know what you like and have a direction in mind. But is Marine Science for you? What exactly does a marine scientist do and how do you enter the field. Many people are asking these same questions. Interest in the ocean and the environment has sparked an increase in questions from students about careers in marine science. This publication will attempt to answer some of the commonly asked questions and help you learn more about this challenging field.
What does a Marine Scientist do?
More often, the question "Will I get to work with dolphins or whales?" is asked. The answer is probably not! Most people come into contact with marine animals at aquaria and theme parks, where they see some of the large, more glamorous animals that the seas have to offer. Television portrays marine biologists as divers searching for the mysteries of the deep or in a cage surrounded by sharks. The truth is that these are images of a small percentage of marine scientists. South Carolina has many more people studying shrimp than dolphins or sharks. Some scientists venture out on large research vessels, sometimes for extended periods of time, while others study water samples in a laboratory. Many spend their day hip deep in marsh mud while still more perform research to help determine the laws and regulations necessary to protect the ocean's limited resources.

26. Marine Science
The advisors to the marine biology Program at Bloomsburg University maintain exhaustive contacts,to assist graduates in the initial stages of their careers.
Bloomsburg University
Department of Biological and Allied Health Sciences
B.S. and B.A. in Biology
Marine Biology Option
  • Why does Bloomsburg University offer a Bachelor's Degree in Biology with a Marine Biology Option and not simply a Marine Biology Degree?
    The Marine Biology Program at Bloomsburg University is designed to provide maximum career flexibility. The Program is built around a solid core of courses in the fundamentals of biology. Granting the degree in Biology communicates that the student has all the preparation that any generic biology program would provide. Granting a specialization in Marine Biology communicates that the student has additional focused preparation in the marine sciences. That students are broadly trained in fundamentals, as well as being specifically trained, is of crucial importance to potential employers, graduate schools, and professional schools.
  • How much time will I spend at the Marine Science Center in Virginia?
    Courses in Marine Science are offered during the summer, when students have the flexibility to devote their full attention to detailed studies of the oceans, and when it is more pleasant to be in the water. Students in the Marine Biology Option are required to spend the equivalent of one summer semester at the Marine Science Center. Most students spend more. The remainder of the time is spent at the main campus of Bloomsburg University taking supportive classes in the sciences, and general education classes.
  • What special opportunities are available to students in the Marine Biology Option at Bloomsburg University?

27. Marine Biology
Route to marine biology careers If you want a career in a marinerelated fieldyou will need a strong background in at least one science (biology/zoology

28. Chronicle Careers Search Reopened Assistant Professor Of Marine
of marine biology University of Maine at Machias 9 O Categories biology/life sciences,Geology/earth sciences, Other New on Chronicle careers First Person An

29. Careers In Oceanography
A comprehensive list of information about careers in oceanography, marine science,and marine biology is available through the Scripps Institution of
Careers in Oceanography Many people associate careers in oceanography as consisting of swimming with marine animals at a marine life park or snorkeling in crystal-clear tropical waters studying coral reefs. In reality, these kinds of jobs are extremely rare and there is intense competition for the few jobs that do exist. Most oceanographers work in fields that use science to solve a particular problem in the ocean. Some examples include:
  • What is the role of the ocean in limiting the greenhouse effect? What kinds of pharmaceuticals can be found naturally in marine organisms? How does sea-floor spreading relate to the movement of tectonic plates? What economic deposits are there on the sea floor? Can rogue waves be predicted? What is the role of longshore transport in the distribution of sand on the beach? How does a particular pollutant affect organisms in the marine environment?
Preparation for a Career in Oceanography
Preparing yourself for a career in oceanography is probably one of the most interesting and rewarding (yet difficult) paths to travel. The study of oceanography is typically divided into different academic disciplines (or sub-fields) of study. The four main disciplines of oceanography are:
  • Geological oceanography is the study of the structure of the sea floor and how the sea floor has changed through time; the creation of sea floor features; and the history of sediments deposited on it.

30. Encyclopedia Smithsonian: Sources For Information On Careers In Biology, Conserv
Career Kit. Information on marine biology careers; includes suggestedcollege courses and schools can be found at
Smithsonian Institution
Sources for Information on Careers in Biology, Conservation, and Oceanography
The National Museum of Natural History receives numerous requests for information on careers in the biological sciences. This pamphlet provides a listing of the career guidance leaflets published by the professional scientific societies as well as United States Government publications on careers in biology, conservation, and oceanography. Other sources for career information are also included. Many of the publications listed contain bibliographies and suggest additional sources for career guidance. Information on career fields not listed can be obtained by writing to the pertinent professional scientific society. For the names and addresses of such societies consult the Encyclopedia of Associations, National Organizations of the U.S., 28th edition, l994. This encyclopedia is available at most large public libraries. BIOLOGY General information
  • A Greatly Improved Outlook for College Graduates: An Update to the Year 2000. 1989. 8 pp. leaflet, No. 165V. $1.25. Describes employment opportunities for college graduates in the coming decade. Department of Labor. Available from R. Woods, Consumer Information Center-L, P.O. Box 100, Pueblo, CO 81002

31. Careers At The Marine Institute
Staff Profile Sara Jane Moore. marine Biologist / Fisheries Scientist. What is yourjob title. I have also spent time in the Institute of marine biology, Crete. opportunities/careers at the marine institute/marine bi

32. Internet Public Library: Marine Biology
many marine science topics, including marine biology, Oceanography, marine of its Ask a marine Scientist questions and links to sites about careers in marine
dqmcodebase = "/javascript/"
Subject Collections



... Marine Biology This collection All of the IPL Advanced The study of organisms in marine and fresh-water environments.
Resources in this category:
You can also view Magazines Associations on the Net under this heading.
Aquatic Network
Aquatic Network calls itself the "Information Service for the Aquatic World. Subject areas covered include aquaculture, conservation, fisheries, limnology, marine science and oceanography, maritime heritage, ocean engineering, and seafood."
The Cephalopod Page
"The goal of TCP is to provide an accurate, interesting and educational content oriented page devoted to the most active, intelligent and interesting invertebrates known - the Cephalopods. ... TCP is aimed at the general public; from kindergarten to PhD and all levels in between. However, CephBase is aimed specifically at scientists although all are welcome to visit. ... The purpose of CephBase is to provide life history, distribution, catch and taxonomic data on all living species of cephalopods. Cephbase currently includes a dynamic list of all species of cephalopods, a self updating international list of cephalopod workers and location data for a variety of species of Cephalopods." This page includes a variety of infromation, images, and links.
Fish FAQ

33. UHS: Career Library
careers in Oceanography, marine Science marine biology Scripps Institute of OceanographyLibrary. careers in marine biology Oceanography Stanford University.

34. Marine Biology
Information on marine animal species, aquatic communities,marine biology careers and more.
zJs=10 zJs=11 zJs=12 zJs=13 zc(5,'jsc',zJs,9999999,'') About Homework Help Biology Zoology Marine Biology Home Essentials Science Fair Projects Top Biology Programs ... Brain Basics zau(256,152,145,'gob',''+gs,''); AP Biology Biology Dictionary Biology Science Fair Biotechnology / Cloning ... Help zau(256,138,125,'el','','');w(xb+xb);
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Marine Biology
Information on marine animal species, aquatic communities, marine biology careers and more.
Recent Up a category Aquatic Communities Do you know which type of aquatic community is characterized by water moving continuously in one direction? Find out here. All About Lobsters Learn about lobster history, anatomy, and life cycles. 101 Dolphin Questions Want to know how many species of dolphin there are? Here you will find answers to commonly asked questions about dolphins, as well as some nice pictures. The Cephalopod Page Contains everything you want to know about octopi, squid, cuttlefish, and other cephalopods. Fisheye View Cam View time-lapse movies of sea life including corals, clams, and crabs.

35. Careers:  Kathleen Dudzinski, Marine Biologist And Cetacean Behaviorist
looking for a school with strong marine biology and general biology departments.I believe that you can get a good education and begin your career in just


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Girl Scouts USA
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Photo by John Anderson Kathleen M. Dudzinski,
marine biologist and
cetacean behaviorist
Meet Kathleen M. Dudzinski, marine biologist and cetacean behaviorist, who studies dolphin communication and social behavior in the field. She was doing field work and research on free-range dolphins on a fellowship program sponsored by the Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science at a nature center in Japan at the time of this interview. Flash! Kathleen is a star in an IMAX show on dolphins. Kathleen's Story Related Web Sites and Professional Organizations Kathleen Answers Your Questions while growing on the East Coast. They encouraged her to ask questions and challenged her to understand and learn about the things around her. "My dad shared his love of the woods and outdoors with my sisters and me, while Mom shared her love of the sea and the coast. They both instilled in us a strong independent streak." She was a Girl Scout during elementary school, and was exposed to a variety of activities. Kathleen admitted that her role models included the Bionic Woman, Jamie Summers from television, and girl detective Nancy Drew. Both of these characters were strong, independent women. She also read books by Joy Adamson about life with wild animals in Africa.

36. Marine Biology Major At U Maine Machias
careers in marine biology. As demand. UMM’s marine biology programcan prepare you for careers in such areas as marine Education
Academics About UMM Academics Admissions Athletics ... Campus Life Academics Academic Affairs Office

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Marine Biology Major at U Maine Machias
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1-888-468-6866 (toll-free)
or From the small to the large, from algae to marine mammals, UMM’s program in Marine Biology offers you a hands-on approach to the fascinating field of marine science. You will learn about the biology and ecology of marine plants and animals inhabiting oceans, rocky shores, tidal pools, marshes, mudflats, and other marine environments. UMM is uniquely located at the headwaters of the Machias River estuary on the Down East coast of Maine. Far from the bright lights of the city, Machias is an ideal location for the naturalist. Surrounded by spruce-fir forests, lakes, rivers, the spectacular Gulf of Maine, and nearby Bay of Fundy, our faculty specialize in teaching outdoors to enhance hands-on learning. The ocean will be your classroom. We are minutes away from sand beaches, rocky shores, mudflats, salt marshes, and other natural habitats. In addition to our own aquaculture laboratory, we are a short drive from state-of-the-art mariculture facilities for finfish and shellfish.

37. AIBS: Careers In Biology
Life Science careers For The Future. marine biologists may discover ways to getmore food from the Researchers who study human biology might slow the aging
Announcements AIBS News BioScience ... Classifieds Organization About AIBS Society Membership Corporate Membership Individual Membership ... Site Map Education Office
Careers in Biology
What Jobs Do Biologists Have?
Many researchers work at colleges and universities, where they also teach. Industry employs research biologists in fields such as biotechnology, drug development, and food processing. Some research biologists work for the government, where they aim to protect and restore the environment, breed better crops, fight human and animal diseases, evaluate food and drug safety, or work on space missions. Researchers attend seminars, read scientific journals, and write articles to tell others about their results. Some travel to exotic places to do their work. Researchers often need help from skilled people trained in biology. Laboratory technicians help carry out experiments; they often become experts at taking field measurements, manipulating cells, handling animals and chemicals, or using sophisticated instruments.
Health Care
Health care workers apply biological knowledge to keep people healthy or return sick people to health. Physicians, dentists, nurses, medical technicians, and physician's assistants all must have a solid biology background. Some health care professionals work directly with patients; others may devise public health campaigns to defeat illnesses such as tuberculosis, AIDS, cancer, and heart disease. Some work to prevent the spread of rare, deadly diseases like that caused by the now infamous Ebola virus.

38. Careers In Biological Sciences
in Oceanography, marine Science marine biology University of California, San Diegoand careers Jobs in marine biology Oceanography Standford University
Department of Biological Sciences
Kent State University Careers in the Biological and Biomedical Sciences Explore Academic Majors at Kent Peterson's Guide to Graduate Study Kent State University Career Services Center Still uncertain about a career? Registered KSU students, explore options at the Career Services Center Collage
InternNET: The Internship Network
InternNET is an online searchable database for students, faculty/staff, and employers.
Graduate Record Exam
BS/MD degree program at Kent State and NEOUCOM (application early in senior year of high school) Information about medical, osteopathic, dental and veterinary schools.
The American Institute of Biological Sciences - Careers in Biology.
See also their page of Education and Outreach Links. This is a good first place to look for career information.
U.S. Department of Labor
Bureau of Labor Statistics
Occupational Outlook Handbook
search for information on any job A-Z , U.S. Department of Labor
Bureau of Labor Statistics
Conservation Scientists and Foresters

Biological and Medical Scientists
Animal Care and Service Workers Not ready to start the career path yet? Consider volunteer programs that might use some of your skills and talents to help people throughout the world. The Global Volunteer Network offers volunteer opportunities in community projects throughout the world..

39. OceanPortal : Careers In Oceanography, Marine Science, And Marine Biology
careers in Oceanography, marine Science, and marine biology. Link ID, 2241.Title, careers in Oceanography, marine Science, and marine biology.

40. OceanPortal : Careers & Jobs In Marine Biology & Oceanography
careers Jobs in marine biology Oceanography. Link ID, 5211. Title,careers Jobs in marine biology Oceanography. Url, http

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