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1. Chronicle Careers Life Sciences/Chemistry Librarian (4/27/2004) institution Categories Biology/life sciences, Chemistry, Librarians library administration, Library/information sciences. New on Chronicle Careers First Person http://chronicle.com/jobs/id.php?id=288705 |
2. Chronicle Careers Life Sciences Editor (4/23/2004) Categories Biology/life sciences, Communications/journalism. Copyright © 2004 by The Chronicle of Higher Education, Articles New on Chronicle Careers First http://chronicle.com/jobs/id.php?id=287778 |
3. ASU Libraries - Resources For Learning Communities Use the Quick Search tab to search for news items from a variety of sources, and enter a search such as careers life sciences . http://www.asu.edu/lib/noble/biology/careerls.htm | |
4. SciDocs :: Where Opportunities Meet - Connecting Job Seekers And Employers In A resource for job seekers and employers in life sciences. Job and resumes databases, resources for job seekers such as fellowships, online periodicals, and job search tips. http://www.scidocs.com/ | |
5. AIBS: Careers In Biology But most life sciences careers require at least an undergraduate degree (Bachelor of Science, B.S some specialized degrees in the life sciences, the most prominent being the Doctor http://www.aibs.org/careers | |
6. Physiology Links to sites offering information about various science careers, mostly in the life sciences, but also including astronomy. http://www.the-aps.org/education/k-12misc/careers.htm | |
7. CAREERS IN THE LIFE SCIENCES careers IN THE life sciences. Information on careers in life sciences is available from many sources, including the WU Career Center in Umrath Hall. http://www.nslc.wustl.edu/handbook/careers.html | |
8. Careers In The Microbiological Sciences Resources for Scientists. Resources for Students. Education Contacts. We've Moved! careers in the Microbiological sciences careers in the Microbiological sciences. We offer a career brochure titled, "A Million and includes courses in biology, life sciences, chemistry, physics, mathematics and computer http://www.asmusa.org/edusrc/edu21.htm | |
9. Bioresearch Online: Digital Marketplace For The Bioresearch And Life Sciences In Virtual community for the bioresearch and life sciences industry featuring daily news, product updates, discussion forums, and online chat with information on manufacturing, technology, equipment, supplies, software, and careers. http://www.bioresearchonline.com/ | |
10. Welcome To Science Careers Science Jobs, careers, Positions, Employment, Opportunities in life, Biological, Physical and Biomedical sciences. http://recruit.sciencemag.org/ | |
11. Bio Online Career Center Listings, discussion forums, and services related to jobs and careers in the life sciences, including biotechnology. http://www.bio.com/hr/ |
12. Nat'l Academies Press: Trends In The Early Careers Of Life Scientists Commission on life sciences (CLS) More Titles from CLS Trends in the Early careers of life Scientists will serve as an information resource for young scientists deciding on http://www.nap.edu/readingroom/enter2.cgi?0309061806.html |
13. Advanced Life Sciences Research development in drug therapies for cancer, infectious diseases and inflammation. Products, services, careers and contacts are provided. http://www.advancedlifesciences.com/ | |
14. FACSE.ORG - Family And Consumer Science Education FASCE's mission is to prepare students for family life, work life, and careers in family and consumer sciences. http://www.facse.org/ | |
15. The Scientist - Hot Careers Hot careers. A look at what's in demand within life sciences demand for researchers in certain key areas of the life sciences. With Rockville, Md.based Celera Genomics Group's http://www.the-scientist.com/yr2000/may/prof_000501.html | |
16. Careers careers in life Science. There is a wide variety of different specialized fields in the biological sciences, and the list is growing rapidly. http://www.accessexcellence.org/AB/WYW/wkbooks/OBAS/careers.html | |
17. College Of Liberal Arts, Washington State University Prepares students for public life and professional careers through programs in the arts, communication, humanities, and social sciences. http://libarts.wsu.edu/ | |
18. : University Of Vermont The HELiX Program supports students in the sciences, in hopes of reducing the attrition of students and encourage them to go on to advanced degrees or technical careers in the sciences. http://www.uvm.edu/~helix/ | |
19. UMass Dartmouth - College Of Arts And Sciences - Home The programs offer students the theoretical and practical foundations for careers in the sciences, humanities, and social sciences, and develop the understanding that enables an informed and independent life. http://www.umassd.edu/cas/ | |
20. Career Center - Career Field - Life Science Science s NextWave American Association for the Advancement of Science provides a rich resource for careers in the life sciences. http://career.berkeley.edu/LifeSci/LifeSci.stm | |
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