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81. UNC-CH - UCS: Career Resource Library TECHNICALMATH/computer SCIENCE (CT); TRAVEL/RECREATION/SPORTS (CV); OTHER areas (CY); GENERAL (CZ); careers MAJORS (CM) - Information on career choices most http://careers.unc.edu/resroom.html | |
82. Jobs At Tata McGraw-Hill, India. Professional, Computer, Management Books And Te I am in India I am outside India. Jobs and careers Functional areas Tata McGrawHill offers a friendly and challenging working atmosphere. http://www.tatamcgrawhill.com/siteasp/jobs.asp | |
83. Careers Typical areas of Employment. A solid computer background will generally improve a mathematics major s industry; this link on various aspects of careers in math http://www.math.oakland.edu/Undergraduate/careers.html | |
84. Careers In Computing in the computer field. It then focuses on key areas such as programming and systems. A number of potential softwarerelated careers are identified along with http://www.holtsoft.com/books/careers.html | |
85. WICSE The workshop, modeled on the CRAW s successful Academic careers Workshop, will research and published in a number of high-end computer science areas. http://www-inst.eecs.berkeley.edu/~wicse/ | |
86. Engineering Careers Engineering careers. A field in engineering that I find interesting that is not my expected discipline is Aerospace engineering. space exploration, often specializing in areas such as structural http://www.pitt.edu/~ljd5/Sites/engineeringcareers.html | |
87. Computer Programming Schools & Training FAQ - Computer Training Schools in many careers (from networking to graphic design, architecture to computer game programming). So the first question you must answer is what area would like http://www.computertrainingschools.com/faqs/beginner/ | |
88. Careers | Areas | Exploring | Chemeketa to work with computers of various sizes as professional business application programmers in careers involving microcomputer applications and local area networks http://www.chemeketa.edu/exploring/areas/careers/advanced.html | |
89. ICT Careers Portal - ICT Career Descriptions The third main area of interest is in the computer systems engineer to apply computer technology more management positions at later stages in their careers. http://www.itcareers.acs.org.au/careers/ | |
90. Our Research - Applied Computer Science & Math For example, in the area of genomics, ACSM expertise in mathematics and/or computer sciences who be considered for the exciting career opportunities available http://www.merck.com/mrl/research/areas/amcs.html | |
91. Hispanic Employment Service For Jobs, Workforce Diversity, Free Resume Postings A career in computers or engineering could be the key In many ways, a computer science or engineering degree in We have concentrated on the areas with the best http://www.saludos.com/fields/compeng.html | |
92. Students - Career Information - Mathematics And Computer Science, Stetson Univer out of the Central Florida area, as well as those that operate nationally. Discovery is a computer program which provides both information about careers and a http://www.stetson.edu/departments/mathcs/students/career/overview.shtml | |
93. PlanIT 2003 :: Careers In Scotland These jobs are also therefore included in the Engineering Career Area for example computer Hardware Engineer and computer Support Services Engineer. http://www.ceg.org.uk/careers/default.aspx?pid=sl&Top_L=8 |
94. Interests Areas And Careers | College Of Natural Resources, University Of Minnes Interest areas and careers. Interest Area, Majors, Sample Job Titles. Computers, FR, NRES, Geographic information systems specialist (GIS), remote sensing specialist http://www.cnr.umn.edu/careers/careerchart.php | |
95. Harvey Software Employment Opportunities If you re interested in a career involving the software applications Knowledge of computer connectivity Microsoft certification in related areas Experience in http://www.harveysoft.com/employ.htm | |
96. Careers In Mathematics And Statistics about what life as a career mathematician or in conjunction with another discipline (biology, computer science etc a minor/major in another area (say computer http://www.ucfv.bc.ca/math/jobs.htm | |
97. GC&SU:Math/CS:Career Information usually find themselves in careers directly related to computer science,technology and applications. The expansion of computer use in every area of society has http://www.gcsu.edu/acad_affairs/coll_artsci/mathcomp_sci/career.html | |
98. Non-Academic Careers and measurement are central to careers in epidemiology. Statistical, demographic and computer skills are also is also becoming an increasingly important area. http://weber.ucsd.edu/~jmoore/bioanthro/brochure2.html | |
99. Career Ideas and abilities with a whole world of career opportunities. questions about how to use the computer 77 Repeat this process for the next two highest scoring areas. http://www.canadianparents.com/articles/feature57d.htm | |
100. Computer Science/Computer Engineering Undergraduate Major - University Of North CAREER POTENTIAL. Very few areas in modern society are untouched by computer science. The computer science graduate has many career choices. http://www.unt.edu/pais/insert/ucsci.htm | |
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